After a rest for one night, the next day did not wake up early, but when they got up for breakfast, they found that Anna was still there, and they had not eaten breakfast yet.

This surprised both Gokala and Rianne, they thought Anna would act early.

The group of people gathered again to have breakfast together, but they were still the only people and no one else was seen.At this time, Agkara asked about the conditions of those people, but Anna answered but didn't say much.

"Those people live in the back house, but they don't usually get out. They just go out sometimes."

"That's it. They still have trouble living here, right?"

"That's for sure. It's a little troublesome to live with so many people here, but it's fine."

Anna said so.

"Are you going out in a while?"

"I want to go out and ask someone to ask."

"Should we..."

"Forget it. Even if we go with so many people, your identities will not work. Even if you put your original reputation to the present, it is still remembered by many people. If you go together, you may be recognized. That's great."

"Yes." Gokala thinks this is indeed the truth. They are very famous, especially in Wangcheng. Although it is not clear how many people are still theirs, it is impossible for those who want to do news business. Don't know them.

"If they can't go together, let me follow."

Aroline hadn't spoken before, but now she was interrupting.

"It just so happens that I want to go out and have a look. Let's be together, and they won't know me. I am not a celebrity in this world.

"Also, then Miss Aroline will go with me."

Anna nodded after thinking for a while, but did not refuse this time.As Aroline said, some people may recognize them in Gekara and Rianne, but Aroline doesn’t have to worry about it. It’s impossible for anyone to recognize her here. After all, she’s only here. The world is soon.

She said that because she thought of it, and she wouldn't stand up if it weren't for Gokara and the others.There may not necessarily be anything interesting, and there is nothing to lose if you don't go over and take a look.

After breakfast, Anna called Aroline and left with no preparations, just leave like this.Their figure disappeared from the residence soon.

Quickly walked out of the door, the maid closed the door behind, and Anna walked forward without looking back.Aroline followed her, and walked forward with her quickly.

"Where are the people you are looking for? Do they live here?"

"Almost, but in another area, near here."

Anna replied in a low voice.

"It's better to talk less in such a place, especially on sensitive topics."

"Don't worry about this, I will pay attention."

Aroline understood this naturally, she knew it without reminding her.Seeing her promised, Anna stopped saying anything.

The two of them were walking in the streets and alleys at a slow speed, and the road they traversed was not followed by Aroline. They were walking in the direction of the palace, but the direction was actually deviated.It was walking diagonally, in fact, the target was not there, but another area on the right side of the noble area.

I don't know what this area is for, but listening to Anna's statement seems to be a residential area, but I don't know if it is.

Aroline didn't ask her again, anyway, just follow it and see.After leaving the noble area and crossing a wide road, they entered another area.After coming here, Hua Yueling realized that there didn't seem to be anyone in this place, and it was all quiet and quiet, not like anyone at all.

Through investigation, it was possible to find some people wandering in this area, but Aroline did not know which of them they were looking for.

"Are we going here to find someone?"

"Well, those people are responsible for managing this place. They can be found here, and this place is very safe, don't worry about being discovered. It's a good place to trade."

"It turned out to be like this," Aroline looked around. There was no one nearby. If the palace in the distance is removed, it should be said to be quite safe here. "Then just meet here directly?"

"It's almost like that. I checked it yesterday and I should be able to find him today."

The two people walked along the big warehouse-like house to the depths of the area, and they went all the way, not knowing how many warehouses they had bypassed before they found one person.This person was walking around in the warehouse alone. When his eyes touched Anna and Aroline, his eyes lit up.

Some thieves looked around and noticed that there were no other people, and then quickly stepped up to them, and bowed to them, pretending to be gentlemen.

"I didn't expect to see you again here, beautiful Ms. Anna."

"Don't talk about these nonsense." Anna said coldly, "I have some information I want to ask you, I don't know if you know it."

"..." It's not the first time Anna has been reprimanded in such a cold tone. It's just that he can't stand being treated like this all the time. "Well, don't talk nonsense. I just don't know what it is, as long as it is here. I know more or less about the city."

"That's good." Anna said in a cold tone. This is the way to communicate with the other party. Otherwise, the other party will have to take an inch. It's not daring to make small movements, but his verbosity is really annoying. "I want to ask. It is also very simple. Can you get the news from the palace?"

"The Palace..."

Chewing her words, the man opened his mouth wide and looked at her in surprise.

"Miss Anna, you don't want to tell me where you want to target, do you? I have to remind you that there are many dangers in the palace. Although I know Miss Anna you are very strong, you are the only one..."

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me if I can get the news from there."

Anna didn't let him finish speaking, and said forcefully.


There was a moment of silence, and the man shook his head with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, who made you a customer? Just ask if you have anything to ask. If you know, I will never hide it. Although I don’t know what you are going to do, Miss Anna, I hope you will be careful. I I don’t want to lose a big wallet like you."


With a cold snort, Anna didn't have the leisurely feelings of his languid words.

"What I need is the location of this material. It is said that this material is in the palace. Do you have any news about this?"

Anna took out the note she had prepared long ago, gave it to the other party, and asked.

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