"Wait, I'll take a look first."

Anna's voice hadn't fallen yet. After the man took the note, he looked down seriously. The note was drawn with that kind of material. Although it is not particularly accurate, it should be easier to recognize, and the name is still written on it. of.

"This note will be destroyed in a while, and it cannot be kept."

"I know this, don't worry, I still have some professional ethics."

He shook his head with a wry smile. He and Anna have also been in contact with each other several times, but until now they still haven't fully gained the trust of others.But he didn't dare to say anything, after all, the money earned from Anna was the most, so he just pointed at this.

"This material..."

Frowning thinking for a while, he scratched his hair, shook his head, and replied with some headache.

"There has been some news about this material before, but it is just being transported to the palace. The specifics are still unclear."

"No news." Anna lowered her arm, as if she was about to turn around and leave.

"No, please wait. There is no news for the time being. I can't lie to you about this. But if you really need this kind of information, Miss Anna, I will find a way to collect the news and wait a few days. If I get it The news will inform you, how about we trade again at that time?"


Anna didn't rush to nod and promised or immediately refused, which made the man in front of him a little anxious, but he still remained calm and didn't say anything, but waited for Anna to give himself a result.

"Okay, then I'll give you two days. If you don't have any news, then this transaction will be over."

In the end, she agreed, and it was safer for the other party to act anyway than to go on her own. Besides, the other party itself does this kind of work, and naturally has more experience than her.

"This is an advance deposit, I hope you won't let me down."

Anna took out a small part of the money and handed it to the other party. The man hesitated a bit or took it and received it in his carry-on bag.

"In that case, I'll leave first. Sorry, I have to collect information next, so I can't entertain both of you..."

Anna didn't wait for him to finish speaking, waved her hand, turned and left here.

The man stopped, and what he wanted to say was swallowed into his stomach.Looking at Anna's back, she shook her head vigorously and turned and left here.

The time spent here is long enough, this kind of place is not a place to stay for a long time, and he really needs to act immediately for this large sum of money.

Every time Anna finds him, he will spend a lot of money. The money is much more valuable than other ordinary activities. Although it takes a lot of effort, it is still very worthwhile for the income.

"Is he the one you asked for to help collect information?"

"Almost, he did this himself. It's just that he didn't have that kind of news. It was a little accidental. It can't be regarded as an accident. After all, it's something in that kind of place."

"Then can he really collect useful information?"

Aroline didn't believe the man a little, so her words were full of questions.The strength of that man is a bit weak. Of course, this is also relative to Gokara and Anna, but it is still more difficult to get into the palace with this strength.

"This kind of person can't judge them by strength alone. His strength is weaker, but this kind of side-by-side approach always needs something else, and he doesn't necessarily have to do it himself, maybe there are other ways."

"Then what's next, just go back like this? Is there anyone else?"

"..." After standing still and being silent for a while, Anna looked around and turned to the right as she was going to move forward. "That said, I remember, there is still someone who can ask, maybe there is something to be gained. But. Don’t hope too much.”

Originally Anna was going to go back like this, but when she was asked by Aroline, she thought of another person. Although this person still can't compare with the other person in terms of news, there is still a gap between the two. , But there may be some news from him.

He also has some news that no one else has. This is also a way for people like them to survive.

It's just that the person is not in this area, but hiding in another area.This kind of people basically has a special place to meet people. Usually they will be in that kind of place. Only when they are special, they will just wander around.

After another journey, they came outside an ordinary house.

"Is it here?"

"No, it's here."

Anna pointed to the courtyard wall on the right, and Arolin found that there was a small door on the wall on the right, with a mark on the door.

Anna should have been here too, and seems to know everything here.She walked to the door, reached out and removed a small piece at the bottom right side of the door, and then the door opened automatically.

"Still like this, no changes at all."

"There is such an institution?" Aroline said silently, "I am not afraid of being accidentally touched."

"Who will come to this kind of place, although there are some people living nearby, but this road usually rarely passes by, otherwise he would not open a door here."

After entering, the door was closed again, and then the two of them walked inside.Going around the house and coming to the front, they didn't go far before they saw the person they were looking for.

Neither Aroline nor Anna could hide the sound of their footsteps, otherwise the other party would not have noticed their arrival.Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and looked over here, a smile appeared on his face when he saw the figure of the coming person.

"Unexpectedly, it was Miss Anna who came here, she would be welcome."

Anna ignored him, walked over to him, didn't say anything kind, just talked about her intentions.

"This kind of material... this... sorry, the palace is not where I can start. I'm really sorry, I may not be able to help much in this regard."

Simply and simply, she rejected Anna directly.He is a very courageous person. If this kind of thing is exposed at the time, it will be a very dangerous thing for him, so he is unwilling to mix it into it, even if there is a lot of money to make.

This kind of person's own life is much more important than money.The other person is different. In that person's heart, money is more important, and he feels that he has a way to avoid being caught and not to be caught so stupidly.That's why he dared to take up this task.

"No news?"

Anna asked again before leaving, the other party hesitated a little, and finally shook her head.

"Sorry, 1 can't help much this time."

Seeing that he still answered like this, Anna didn't ask any more.

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