"No news yet?"

"No, it might take some time, but it shouldn't be too long."

"Is there no problem? He can also go in that kind of place?"

"It's okay. Besides, he doesn't necessarily have to go in himself. He has a way to get in. After all, it's not airtight in that kind of place, but it's not easy to get in." Anna told them. Explained that, in fact, not only Arolin, but even the person she asked for Gekara and Rianne did not know much about it. "The information-gathering person does not need to act on his own, but find a way to get the news. This That’s what they need to do most."

"But that kind of place..."

"Don’t look too high. Although it’s not easy to say that you want to go in and check for news, especially when you have this idea, it’s okay if you just want to buy some news, as long as you can do enough Secret. In this respect, he is still connected, and if he really wants to go in that kind of place, he can do it. Even I can do it, but I'm not suitable for the past."

"Yes, it's better not to go to that kind of place. Especially when your identity is sensitive."

Anna's identity is very sensitive. Although it is estimated that no one here knows her true identity, this does not mean that she can be careless.The more you do this, the more you have to be careful, which is very important.

Anna naturally knew this too, otherwise he would have acted on his own, where he needed to buy information from others.You need to know that buying this kind of information costs a lot of money, not to mention it is free, you can get it casually.

Especially the kind of people who want more money.Anna had looked for him before, but it cost a lot of money. Fortunately, she was very rich, otherwise she couldn't find him.

Anyway, this time, the money must be prepared first, and then it will be fine to give it directly to the other party.The most important thing is whether the news is available.

According to the schedule today, it should be possible to sneak into the palace in the middle of the night, and even the main entrance is within the defense range of the enchantment, which is somewhat beyond her expectation.But anyway, she didn't think about going from there at first, no matter how to walk from the main entrance, it was very dangerous, and she looked down on the defense forces in the palace too much.

After lunch, Anna and the others did not continue discussing related matters, but went back to their respective rooms to rest.

Everyone knows very well that there will be a very difficult action at night, and this action must be fully prepared for their strength.Hua Yueling and the others are not in a hurry, eating food slowly, in fact, although their strength is weak among these people, they are actually the most relaxed.

But even if it's easy, it doesn't mean they don't need to do anything. They also have things to do, but it's not that troublesome.Just follow Aroline and the others. Basically, they don't need to do other things, they just need to follow.

This kind of thing is still very easy, not so much that they are going to help, it is better to just go hanging out or travel, basically that's it.

Anyway, there are so many people, even if they want to make a move, there is no chance.

The maid is still serving them, they haven't finished eating yet, so they are waiting for them.These maids didn't know whether they had eaten or not, but they probably hadn't eaten yet. After all, they were always by their side during the meal, and no one else came to change them.It is estimated that they should eat after they finish eating.

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling and the others felt that it would be better for them to finish their meal quickly, otherwise it would be bad if they delayed their meals.

"Are you finished?"

Hua Yueling put down her chopsticks, turned her head and looked at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong beside her. Seeing that they were almost too, she asked.


The two girls ate the last bit of rice left in the bowl, and then nodded, and the three of them and the maid beside them also nodded, as a matter of exchange, they left here.

After lunch, it’s time to go back and rest.But before that, they should go outside again, move their bodies, digest food, they don't eat less, and they can't do it if they are not active.

"Go for a walk outside, and then go to the room to sleep for a while. We should act at night."

"Shall we go with us tonight?"

"Of course. Yuetong, don't you want to go?" Hua Yueling looked at her strangely, and asked in a puzzled tone. There shouldn't be enough things to say. Going there is more interesting.

"It's not that I don't want to go, it's just that we can't help much if we go..."

"There is no need to worry about this. Sister Aroline and the others are there. We don't need to do anything. Just be careful. The rest is up to Sister Aroline and the others."

"That's why I thought about whether to go or not. After all, we can't help. Even if we go, isn't it just a mess?"

"Sister Aroline didn't say this either. Besides, it's considered a kind of exercise. But if you really don't want to go, you don't force you to go, just forget it."

Hua Yueling didn't mean to force you to go together. If you don't want to go, it's fine to stay.But then Lu Yuetong shook her head again. It was obvious that she still wanted to go, but she was a little worried. After Hua Yueling said that, she didn't fully relieve herself, but she didn't say anything.

"Don't think about it so much, just recharge your energy and prepare for the night's action. Besides, we don't mean that we can't do anything."


Lu Yuetong said so, and shook his head and said nothing.Hua Yueling looked at her, seeing her look better than before.

Several people went around in the yard at will, and after almost half an hour they went back to their rooms.There were no other people in the yard. The maids didn't know if they were resting or had other things to do, and they didn't see them.

As for Aroline and the others, they have never come out, and they want to come to rest in their room.

In that case, they all went back to their rooms to rest.They have been here for several days, and Hua Yueling and the others are gradually getting a little tired and want to go home.But it's not working for the time being, and I have to wait until the matter here is temporarily over before I can go back, and this paragraph is the two artifacts.

This action is not over yet. After this action is completed, there is another action. If they guess right, they should still be involved.

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