"Boom boom!"

There was a knock on Anna's door early in the afternoon, and the maid hurried to the door.A man was standing at the door, waiting for someone to come out, said a few words quickly, and then turned and left.

The maid took note of what the man said, and after closing the door, she went to Anna's place. Without knocking, she heard Anna's voice inside.Anna naturally heard the knock on the door, and almost knew what the person was doing without guessing.

Ask the maid to come in and let her tell the purpose of the person.

"What you need has been collected, please go there later, as soon as possible."

"That's it, is there anything else?"

"Other...no, just these."

"Okay, you can go down. After that, no matter who knocks on the door, don't open it. I will go out for a while, and wait until I come back."


Anna put the packed things into a big bag, and after the bag was packed by her, she put it into the storage bag she carried with her.There are some useful things in it.

The storage bag is not big regardless of its size, but there are many things that can be put in it.

After finishing everything, Anna walked out of the room, and then she went to find Gokara and went with her.Aroline and Rianne still stayed. They haven't woken up yet, they are still sleeping.

"I just fell asleep so fast."

"It's about the same, it's not too early. Going to that place later would be suspicious."

"Isn't it possible to connect elsewhere?" Gokara asked.

"Other places are not impossible, but they are crowded and crowded. Also, the nearest place nearby has to take some time to pass, not to mention that place is less safe."

Anna shook her head, and when she was talking, Gokara was also cleaned up, and the two of them went out of the house together and walked to the destination along the road they had walked not long ago.

Most of the time was spent on the road, but the place to go is different this time.I went to the place they visited once in the morning, but still couldn't find the person they were looking for. But this time, the place they went was not without people. Someone was waiting there, but it was not the person they were looking for.

Anna asked the man where the person they were looking for was, the man raised his head and took a look at them, then lowered his head, as if he didn't care about them.

Gokala stared at the man with his head down for a while, then turned to look at Anna beside him.

"Leave it to me."

Anna motioned with her eyes to Gekara not to act rashly, and just leave the rest to herself.Then a handful of banknotes appeared in her hand, the exact amount is not clear, but it must be quite a lot.

Anna shook her hand, and the sound of the banknotes shook the person's attention, and she raised her head and looked over.His eyes were attracted by what Anna was holding in his hands, and the red light of desire radiated in his eyes, unable to move away.It's as if something was stuck on it.

"He is waiting for you in the new warehouse."

The money was thrown out directly, and Anna ignored the man and walked away with Gokara.The man quickly got up before they left, quickly picked up the money on the ground, picked up a lot of them, and held them in his hands as if they had found a baby. in.

"that's it?"

"That's it, that kind of people are no big deal, they can be bought with money."

Anna naturally has other ways, but this is the easiest way.And there is no need for her to do other things because of this, it is naturally useful to threaten the other party, but it is better not to do so or not to do so.

The two people came to a nearby warehouse, the so-called new warehouse, as the man said.Gekara doesn't understand what this means, but Anna is very clear.

"You came."

Two people found the man in the warehouse. He was sitting on top of a pile of boxes and seemed to be thinking about something.No one else is in the warehouse.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the man raised his head, turned his head and saw Anna approaching, jumped off the box, and walked a few steps to their front.But when his gaze swept across Gokala's body, he frowned concealedly, not knowing why.

Gokala noticed his concealed action, but didn't know what it meant, but she also wrote it down.

She actually knew this person, and had dealt with it, but that was a long, long time ago.And to be honest, she didn't like the person in front of her, and she could even use disgust to describe how she felt about him.

It's just that she didn't say anything or express her emotions deliberately in this situation where she needed help from the other party. There was no need for it, anyway, there were opportunities in the future.

Whether public is public or private, Gekara is naturally clear about this.

Anna was already talking to the other party at this time, and she said straightforwardly, and started talking directly.The information he asked him to collect seemed to be progressing quite well, and a lot of useful information was obtained.

"What's the news, this is the price we agreed."

The prepared money was taken out and placed on the ground, Anna looked at each other and said.

"Well, Miss Anna is really a refreshing person. I will tell you all the news I have collected."

Having said that, he glanced at Gokara next to Anna, just glanced at it, and then withdrew his gaze again.

Gekara didn't think that the other party recognized him. To be honest, even if he is familiar with him, he can't recognize him if he doesn't speak.

Then why does he still do this?Gekara is not sure, but I think it has something to do with their actions.

The next thing was naturally simple. After listening to the news that the other party had probed, Anna and Gokara left.The harvest is pretty good, at least better than expected.

"The thing you're looking for is in that kind of place. It seems that you have to think of a way to get it."

The materials are kept in one place, and that place is not only guarded, but more importantly, there are even many institutions and traps in that place, which is also a trouble for them.Fortunately, they knew this in advance, which also made their actions safer.

"But it's not easy to find that place."

The news they received did not have a corresponding map, which made their actions more difficult. Although they knew where the materials were, how to go was another problem.

The specific path is not even clear to the people who helped them detect the news, and they have to figure out their own way.

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