Nothing else, the streets are very calm.No one is here, the only thing you can see is the soldiers on patrol.

Walking along the road, they have been walking outside for a while, but there is no special progress in what to do.

"Would you like to check it out?"

There is still some time now, if you want to do something, it's okay. That's why Gekara asked Anna.It is naturally dangerous to collect information secretly, but for them, the degree of danger is not that high. Just be careful.

But the point is that it is difficult to achieve the goal.There are so many here, which one should we go to?


Anna thought for a while, looked up at the sky, the sky became darker, and there was no light in an instant.It should be completely dark soon, and then it will be late at night.

The cold wind blew, brushed the hair and cheeks, very comfortable.

As she walked forward, she hadn't answered Gokara's question, she was still thinking about what to do.

"It's not very likely."

"You can try it if it's not too big." Gokala continued. "At least go and see. Maybe you can find something useful."

"The odds are very low."

Anna shook her head.

"Even nobles... Ordinary nobles don't have that kind of stuff in their homes, unless..."

"Unless he has other ideas. At least it can't be the kind of ordinary noble who follows the current'king'."

"Yeah, are there really such people? Among these nobles." Anna is not only suspicious, but even so sure.

"It can't be said that there is no, but no one will show it at this time." Gokala had another idea. Those nobles are like this. Although he can't say how much he understands the ideas of the nobles, but In fact, she still has some say in this regard. "Because of this, we may have a chance."

"Then go check it out, it would be nice if you can find something,"

Anna said so, she has taken Gekara to a relatively remote place.

"You can go here and see, his status is not low, and see if you can find anything here."

The two people scanned the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no one, they jumped into the courtyard.Their strength is beyond doubt, and few people can find them in hiding.

Hidden behind a house, they listened to the noise in the yard.I can hear walking and talking. It seems that there are still people in the yard, and there are also a lot of people.But in the yard it was not the nobleman, but the waiter.

"Don't go over there, go inside the house."

There is no need to go to the yard, after all, I can't find anything anywhere.They still have to look inside the house, but they don't know if they can find something in it.Moreover, the two people must be more careful. Now they are not in a state of invisibility, and they will be easily spotted if they are careless.

He didn't go directly into the house. It would be more dangerous.And they are based on the premise of concealment and cannot do such dangerous things.

Gekara and Anna were moving outside, and they were observing the interior of the room through the windows. The windows here were not blocked, mainly because the house was safer in the yard and it was not time to sleep.

There are no people in many rooms, so let them take a closer look, but there is nothing to discover.

"Nor, it doesn't work just to look outside, you have to find a way to get in."

There is no way to open the windows from the outside, so if you want to get in, you have to go through the main entrance, but that way is more dangerous.

Even they can't guarantee that they won't be discovered, after all, it's not late at night, and the people here are not resting.

"From this point of view, there is still no way to easily find what you are looking for. Also, even if it is there, it will be hidden. It is impossible to put it outside like this."

Although it is safe to be here, it is actually not that safe, otherwise Gekara and Anna would not have entered here so easily.

This noble family still has defensive power, but this power is nothing in their eyes.They can easily avoid them if they think about it, so that the other party can't find their existence.

"This room seems to be where the nobles lived."

Two people jumped to the second floor. They stepped on the top edge of the first floor and looked inside through the window.The decoration in the interior room looks very luxurious, and this is the largest and most luxurious one they have observed in so many rooms.

"Can you go in?"

"Not from here, but maybe you can go in over there."

Where there is a terrace facing the front, that place seems to be able to enter the room.The terrace was empty, not as expected, and no guards were seen there.

"There is no guard, I thought there would be a few people guarding in such a place."

"Perhaps it's not time yet?" Gokala thought so too. After scanning all the places on the terrace and the rooms inside, he and Anna quickly walked to the door leading to the room.

Try to open the door, but the door is locked from the inside, there is no way to open it from the outside.It seems that the people here are also very cautious, usually this kind of door is not opened, but locked like this.

"Can not be done."

"Can't open it?"

"There is no way, unless it is destroyed directly."

"Then there is no way." Anna said with a sigh, "or go up from below."

"But even if you walk from below, the door may be locked, you still have to get the key. But this kind of place is usually locked, and it's really careful."

"Perhaps because there is something important in it."

The two people walked on the terrace and walked along for a while, but in the end they couldn't find a way to get in.There is no way to open the door from the outside. Even if you can see the inside, there is no way to get in, or it is troublesome to get in.

"Go down and have a look. If it doesn't work, then forget it."


Since there is no solution above, I can only go down and take a look.They came down and walked along the front of the building. When they reached the corner, they looked out to observe the situation of the yard in front of the gate. They found that there were still some people in the yard. There were two guards guarding it, but they didn't see it. Lay down.

"There are two people, there should be no problem rushing over."

"Then go straight."

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