Gekara and Anna rushed out directly, no one noticed them, as long as they didn't stop, no one would find them.They are very fast. When they reach this speed, other people can't even see their afterimages, let alone those who see them.

Two people quickly came to the front door of the house from the corner. There was no one in the house. They quickly went in, and then proceeded along the passage along the way.On the way, I saw some people who were busy, and it was time for dinner. Now they are all busy for dinner.

Two people passed by these people without saying a word, and went through the passage to the inside of the house.The place they were going to was on the second floor, and the stairs were not at the entrance of the house, but farther inside.

All the way to the deepest part of the passage, they did not see the upward staircase at the corner, but after turning the corner, they looked into the depth of the passage and they saw the staircase.Up the stairs is the second floor, and that is where they are going.

"Let's go."

Whispering in a low voice, the two accelerated their pace, but fortunately they didn't run into anyone on the road, so they could move forward relaxed without worrying about anything.But this situation didn't last long. They went upstairs, and soon they ran into the person who was going downstairs. It should be the master here, and there was a maid leading the way in front of him.

She wore luxurious clothes, which was much more luxurious than what Anna usually wore.

They didn't walk fast, but they didn't have much distance. They reached the top of the stairs and stepped down the stairs.

Gekara and Anna walked past them, neither the nobleman nor the maid noticed their existence.Two people watched them go downstairs, and halfway through, they retracted their sights on them and walked inside.

"Look if the door here is locked."

Two people came inside. There were also several rooms on the second floor, but the one they were going to was the biggest here.The room on the second floor has a room where the nobleman himself lives, and there should be a room for his children, and the other seems to be a study room.

"The door is locked."

"Fortunately, I stole the key. Use this to open it."

They were lucky, they ran into the nobleman when they came, and Anna took the opportunity to steal the key from him.


The door was opened, and the two people walked in and closed the door again.If you steal it, you have to find a way to return it, but you can think of a way later, there is no need to think about it now.

Two people entered the room and immediately searched inside, but they did not find anything useful after searching around.

"Sure enough, no, let's go back."

After the two returned to the door, Gekara said.

"Isn't there another room."

"You mean that study room?"

"It should be that place. Go there and check it out. Maybe you can find something there."

"Do you know this nobleman here?" After going out, the door was locked again, and during this period of time, Gokara asked Anna.

"Almost understand. But the understanding is not too deep, just generally know some of his things."

"Then he..."

"I think he might have a map here. This person is very strange and his usual activities are a little abnormal. It's just that he hides it well. As for his specific identity, I don't know this too well."

"That's it."

The two came to the study room. It was obvious that the study room was also locked. Fortunately, the keys they got also had the study room, which could be opened directly.

After I went in, I searched a bit, and there were quite a few books in it, but this also increased the difficulty of searching.In the end they still didn't find anything. There was no way. It was too early to look outside the window, it was time to go back.

"What should I do with the key? Return it like this?"

"This is easy to handle, let's see the situation later."

Anna didn't rush to answer, the two went downstairs after leaving the study and relocking the door.There was no one on the road. They heard the conversation coming from inside a room. They stopped and went to the door to secretly observe inside. This is the place to eat. There are a lot of people inside, which is quite lively.

It seems that these people should have just eaten their food soon. It is estimated that they will have to wait a little longer before they finish eating, but they don't want to stay here anymore, it's a waste of time.

Listening to the nobles inside chatting with his wife and children, they are talking about something that is not worthwhile.Anna and the others are not interested in it, and don't want to listen.

"I will go in and give him the key in a while, and then I will leave."

"Let me go."

"It doesn't matter, leave it to me." Anna said confidently.

"... Anna, leave this to me to do, so don’t come forward. Although it’s not that dangerous, it’s better to be careful. After all, you live here, and you will continue to stay after the action. I am different."

Gokala took Anna's hand and whispered in her ear.Anna was taken aback for a moment. Unexpectedly, Gekara thought so much. After what she said, she seemed to be better off leaving the matter to her, but...

"Since you have said so, I will leave it to you."


In fact, it doesn't matter whether the two of them do it, it's just for safety's sake.With their strength, there is not much possibility of being discovered even if they turn around in the restaurant.Let alone just send the key back.

"You go first, I'll catch up in a while."


Nodded at her, then Anna walked directly outside and left here.Gokala also acted immediately afterwards, and the figure flashed inside and returned the key to the pocket of the nobleman's clothes without anyone noticing. Then her figure flashed again and disappeared.

It was only a blink of an eye between coming and going, no one noticed that she had been there at all, and no one knew that someone appeared by their side while they were eating.

After evacuating quickly, it didn't take long to catch up with Anna who was outside the yard. After the two met, they walked back.There was no gain this time, and there was no need to do anything next. I had to go back. After I went back, I had to prepare and prepare. It was time to act.

"Let's go."

They disappeared into the alley, and no one saw them.

One night passed, but nothing was gained. I can only say that this trip was in vain.

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