The situation is very strange, Hua Yueling, the strongest Aroline in their team, was missing, and there was no reaction at all.Parting before this is just going left and right.

Nothing happened to Hua Yueling and the others, nor did they encounter any strange things, nor did they encounter any powerful enemies, but Aroline seemed to be different here.

After waiting for a while, she still didn't see anyone coming out, and Aroline seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.No one knows what happened, the most unlikely thing happened in front of their eyes.

No one would think that something happened to Aroline. It is impossible. With Aroline's strength, it can be said that she can walk sideways, and there is no one who can pose a threat to her.If they did, they wouldn't be allowed to act like this, and they haven't reacted at all. It's simply impossible.

Hua Yueling was still confused, his sight swept almost all the places in this passage, but there was no noticeable place there.Sister Aroline came here and then disappeared. It should be guessed that she disappeared on her own initiative, but if that's the case, it wouldn't be right for her to come back.

If Aroline really disappeared voluntarily, then it should be almost time to come back now. Time has passed so long, she should also estimate the time.

"Strange, really strange."

Walking back and forth in place, Hua Yueling thought, but couldn't think of anything useful.There is no clue. The one that can be used as a clue is that Aroline once said that there was something here that attracted her attention when they separated not long ago.

"Wait-if that's the case..."

Suddenly, Hua Yueling had a flash of inspiration and thought of a way to come out.

"I can't say if it's a good idea, but at least you can try it."

Thinking about this, he immediately activated his exploration skills, mainly exploring the nearby rooms to see if he could find anything.


No, nothing, maybe his strength is not enough, anyway, after walking to the entrance and exploring all the rooms in this passage, Hua Yueling found nothing.

There is nothing so noteworthy, at least not like what Sister Aroline showed.If you can't even attract yourself, how can you be attracted to Sister Aroline?

Hua Yueling felt this way, and he believed that his thoughts were not wrong and very correct.

"Since this method doesn't work, I can only ask Xiaoxue to see if she can do anything."

The reason why my own exploration is not effective is mainly due to my lack of strength, or lack of skill level.

"Xiaoxue, is there a way?"

"People naturally have a way. But if the master raises the level of the skill, he should be able to find it. There is no need for someone to help."

Xiaoxue didn't know if she was stunned with him, her tone was somewhat aggressive.Fortunately, she was just playing a little temper, and soon recovered. She also knew that there were more important things to do now, and she couldn't just delay here.

"Well, it seems that you want the master to upgrade the skill level now, so let's call it to others, but then the master will have to thank them well!"

"Of course."

Hua Yueling immediately nodded and said.With the help of Xiaoxue, Hua Yueling's eyes flashed, and then she realized that the scenery she saw in her eyes was not the same. He soon found the thing that attracted the attention of Sister Aroline, and even he saw Aroline. The figure of sister.

It seemed that Sister Aroline was standing in that room, lowering her head as if she was thinking about something, but her figure was a little dim, and she felt like she would disappear at any time.In other words, the figure he was seeing was not the real figure of Sister Aroline, but something similar to a projection.

"over there!"

After finding it, Hua Yueling returned to Gekara and the others, pointing to the room she found and whispered.Then no matter what they thought, whether they understood or not, they rushed over quickly.

Gokala and the others immediately understood what he was talking about, and hurriedly followed in his footsteps, and entered the room with his front and back feet.

After entering, Hua Yueling found that Sister Alorin's figure had disappeared in front of her eyes. She didn't know where she had gone, or the phantom had just disappeared.

But he could still see the thing that Sister Aroline was paying attention to.It was a weapon, a weird sword-like weapon. The body of the sword was almost as long as his arm. The whole body was red and the handle was a little short, so it would be able to be held.


"Master, hold your breath!"

Xiaoxue's reminder suddenly sounded in her ears, Hua Yueling didn't even have time to ask what happened, and quickly cleared the thoughts in her mind, without thinking about anything, standing there quietly.

After Gekara and the others came in, they found something wrong with Hua Yueling. They hurriedly moved forward. Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were both anxiously trying to do something. They stretched out their hands, but were stopped by her. Up.

"Don't touch him."

Gokara grabbed their outstretched hand and said in a rather serious tone.

"The situation is a little bit wrong, it seems that he should have found what Miss Aroline was looking for, don't be impulsive."

Shaking his head at them, Gekara stared at Hua Yueling's figure.Seeing a burst of light enveloped him, and then no other changes, Hua Yueling's whole body disappeared from their eyes abruptly.

"what happened!"


"Be quiet!"

Gokala quickly reminded them, and shook his head at them, asking them not to worry.

"It's okay, Miss Aroline should have gone to other places like this. Let's get to know the situation first, maybe we can find something."

With that said, their eyes focused on the place where Hua Yueling was standing, especially where he stretched out his hand to put it, but now there is nothing there.

"Sister Aroline said that there was something here that attracted her attention, but there was nothing here."

"Xiao Ling just reached out and grabbed something. It should be a weapon like a sword, but there is nothing here."

Gekara and the others couldn't see the sword Hua Yueling saw, so they didn't know what happened, and they didn't know what was here.That is something that can only be seen with special power, and it is a rare thing.

Lu Yuetong stepped forward to try and fumble, but he didn't find anything. There really was nothing there, which made them very strange.

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