The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1248 The World in the Sword


Hua Yueling held her head, groaned and stood up.A breeze blew, blowing his short hair, listening to the wind, it was quite cool.

"here is……"

He looked around with some doubts before opening his eyes. What he saw in front of him made his eyes widen.

"How can I be in a place like this?"

Standing in a deep valley, surrounded by towering mountains, I can't see the end when I look up.There are white clouds floating in the blue sky, and some creatures that have never been seen flying in the sky, seem to be playing games.

"That sword... also came here, but where am I?"

Hua Yueling thought very strangely, didn't know what happened, and was taken to this place for no reason.But Sister Aroline should be here if she wants to come, but she doesn't know where she is now.

"Um... you have to find Sister Aroline first, and then find a way to get out."

Bend down slightly, grasped the hilt of the sword stuck on the ground with both hands, and pulled it out forcefully.The sword was deeply inserted into the clusters of flowers and green grass on the ground, but it didn't take much effort to pull it out. Hua Yueling pulled it out with just a little effort.

After returning to the house for a few times, this sword is quite easy to use, but I don't know what this sword really does.It is impossible to appear here for no reason, and the reason why I appear here is also because of this sword.

"Regardless of this, go to Sister Aroline, I don't know where she is now."

Looking around, there are two places to walk, leading to opposite sides.Hua Yueling looked at the front, then turned her head to look behind her, and she was a little uncertain for a while that it would be better to go there.

Looking down at the sword in his hand, it was still a pretty sword, but the shape of the sword was still somewhat weird.

One end of the sword body is an ordinary blade, and to the top, it is curved to the other side with an arc similar to a large sword.On the other end of the sword body is covered with sharp thorns, these thorns are also red, and the color is more dazzling than the sword body, blood red.

"This may be the key to going out."

After all, I relied on this sword to enter this place, and it is still possible to rely on this sword to get out.

Holding the hilt of the sword tightly, Hua Yueling walked forward on the grass covered with flowers. Not far in front was a road that looked like he could go out.

"Xiaoxue, can you find out where Sister Aroline is?"

"No, this place is quite special, isolated from exploration. Master, you should be able to detect it, right?"

"That's right. No matter how I probe, I can't probe farther. You said that I thought it was a problem of my own strength before, but now it doesn't seem to be the case at all."

"Ah, there are some factors in this aspect."

Xiaoxue said another sentence after he had said this, as if suddenly awakened.Hua Yueling could only show a speechless expression.

"Hehe, I'm joking with the master. But what people say is not entirely false. If the master is strong enough, you should be able to check it a little bit, but based on the current strength of the master, there is definitely no way to do it. ."

Xiaoxue also said in a rather helpless tone.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, okay."

"It has nothing to do with the master's mistake."

After Xiaoxue finished speaking, there was nothing to say. Hua Yueling originally wanted to talk to her again, but it seemed that there was no way to talk anymore.Shrugging his shoulders, he continued to walk forward.

Try to use the probing skills to explore the surroundings, but still nothing is found. Everything looks normal here, but in fact, you will know that it is not normal at all.

The entrance of the cave was illuminated by the spilt sunlight. Standing at the entrance of the cave, pressing one hand on the mountain wall, leaning forward and looking inside, you can also see some inside, all of which are illuminated by the light coming in, but look It's not too clear.

"There is nothing, and I can't see if someone has walked by... or I have to go in and see."

The passage in the cave is winding and winding, and I don't know where it will lead at a glance.However, it was the first time he came here after all, so he didn't understand the situation at all, and even knowing where to lead was actually useless.

Walking inward along the road, it was very quiet along the way, except for the sound of my own footsteps and the occasional sound of falling rocks from nowhere. There was no other sound.

As she walked, Hua Yueling's mood changed a bit, and her pace accelerated, as if she was about to race against someone, for fear of falling behind.

It is naturally impossible to find Aroline. At least until now, Huayueling didn't even find a clue.

Fast forward along the passage, the passage is empty, and I haven't seen other figures after walking for so long. To be honest, Hua Yueling is really strange.How can there be nothing here, even if you can't see people, but are there not even some other creatures?

"Sister Aroline."

Hua Yueling whispered to Sister Aroline, but no one responded to him.He also didn't know if he was coming in the wrong direction, it felt uncomfortable.

Along the way, he was actually a little hesitant about whether he wanted to continue forward or turn over and go back, but after thinking about it, he decided to go down like this and see what he could find at the end.

"You can only go on like this, don't worry."

Patted her cheek, Hua Yueling thought so.The footsteps sounded louder, and the sound of rubble falling beside my ears sounded exceptionally clear, as if it was sounding beside my ears.

"'s quite long," Hua Yueling took a long breath, looked ahead, the curving road could not see the end, not far away was the road winding to the right, I don't know how long it will be. "I hope it won't be too long."


The roar sounded, and suddenly the whole mountain range and the big earthquake trembled, as if something directly bombarded the whole mountain range.Hua Yueling looked back quickly, did not see anything, and immediately looked ahead.


The roar seemed to rise in the ears, and it came down extremely suddenly, shocking Hua Yueling, he hadn't even sorted out what was going on.

"Is something there?"

It sounds like a very powerful creature, and I don't know what it is.Since I can hear the sound, it means that it shouldn't be far away. I guess I can get out of this passage after walking.

"Could it be that Sister Aroline is fighting it?"

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