The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1255 The Final Problem

They searched all three places, and finally they returned to the place where they first arrived, which is where they were when they woke up.

Standing in the center of the open space, Hua Yueling looked at the long sword in her hand, but she couldn't do anything about it.How to get out, there is still no answer.

"Sister Aroline, haven't you noticed anything?"

"There is nothing worth noting. And there is no hidden passage found. It is strange. I always thought that as long as I kill the black dragon and the flower monster, I can leave, but until now..."

Aroline shook her head, obviously also wondering what was going on.This makes her feel very strange, but she still can't figure out where she is wrong.


Aloline thought about it, walked over and grabbed Hua Yueling's sword holding hand.

"Wait, let me see."

Hua Yueling raised her hand in cooperation with her, and the long sword was also raised high, with the tip of the sword pointing upwards, allowing them to observe carefully.

"This sword...this sword is the source of our coming here, so we should find a way from here when we go back."

"Still have to rely on this sword?"

"That's for sure. The key is what to do."

Aroline hasn't figured out a way yet, this sword looks unusual, and it's really not an ordinary sword.But how to use it to leave this place? There is no answer yet to this question.

"Let me think about it."

Aroline grabbed his hand and hadn't put it down. Seeing her thinking, Hua Yueling was worried that she would be disturbed, so she didn't say a word and waited quietly.During this time, he was also observing the long sword in his hand and trying to use its power.

This sword not only has the power drawn from the black dragon and the flower monster, in fact, it also has power itself, but this power is definitely not as huge as the power absorbed.But leaving here doesn't require much strength, otherwise Aroline doesn't need to observe this sword at all, can't she just go back? Where does she need to think about here and there?

The situation is very delicate, so far Hua Yueling and the others have not made any progress.But a lot of time has been spent, and I don't know how Mu Ningshuang and the others are now, whether they are still waiting there.

"This sword, I can feel the special power from this sword. I still have to rely on it."

Arolin stared at the sword in his hand for a while and then suddenly said, then she put down her hand and wandered around here again.

"What should I do?"

"I haven't figured this out yet. But I can feel that the power in this sword is faintly connected to this place... If my guess is not wrong, there should be a key point, as long as I break there. This space will disappear before we can go back."

"Then which key point..."

"Not sure, but I think it should be right here."

Aroline stopped after speaking, looked around, looking for something.

"Is it here?"

But Sister Aroline was right. If you think about it carefully, both the left and right places have been explored. The Black Dragon and the Flower Fairy are also two key points, and they have solved them.This is not the only place left, but the strange thing is that since he came here, he didn't notice any strange place. If it is really here, the hidden is really deep.

After all, they counted that they had passed through this place at least three times, but they didn't find anything after so many times.And now after careful searching, there is still no noteworthy place, which is very strange.

"Xiao Yueling, where did you get this sword?"

Aroline turned around, but she probably didn't notice anything. You can probably tell from the expression on her face. Aroline is the kind of girl with a very rich expression. It's not that she can't see anything with her face. Types of.Hua Yueling could easily see some of her thoughts from her face.

"It's probably near here, let me see..."

Hua Yueling recalled it for a while, then moved to the central location according to the memory in her mind, looked for it in the grass, and quickly found the place where the sword in her hand was originally located.

"It's here.

Hua Yueling pointed to the remaining void on the ground and said, that place was used to insert swords at first glance.

"Well, now that you have found it, then you can insert this sword back in and have a look."

Hua Yueling didn't hesitate, and directly inserted the sword back in, and it was deeper than before.

After the long sword was inserted, Hua Yueling stood still and did not move, as did Aroline.Both people's eyes fell on the long sword, and neither of them spoke.

But what was embarrassing was that I didn't see any response after waiting for a while. It seemed that Aroline's idea was not correct, no matter what, it was caused by some mistakes anyway.

"It doesn't seem to be the case."

"hold on."

Arolin raised her hand to signal Hua Yueling not to worry, Hua Yueling could only calm herself down.


Just when Hua Yueling didn't know what else to wait, Aroline's anxious voice suddenly sounded. Hua Yueling didn't care to ask why, she didn't even care to think about anything, so she jumped back quickly.He believes that Sister Aroline must have discovered something, and it is impossible to deceive himself.

The fact is as he expected, just when he retreated, he noticed that the long sword on the ground had changed at some point, and it was slowly getting bigger.

That area was obviously not enough for it. After Hua Yueling and Alorin jumped away, the long sword quickly grew into a big sword.This great sword contained terrifying power, and it burst out all at once, and the whole valley was shaking, and the green grass on the ground was also suppressed to lift its head.

Not to mention Hua Yueling and Aroline, Hua Yueling put one hand in front of her eyes, blocking the wind formed by the breath that swept over.

Stepping back involuntarily, Hua Yueling found that she couldn't even control her to stop, and could only retreat without stopping to resist the continuous tornado-like airflow.

The pressure kept growing, Hua Yueling felt something hurt in her back.However, he couldn't turn his head back, and then realized that he couldn't continue to retreat, only then knew that he had hit the top of the comparison, and he was unable to retreat.

"No, go on like this..."

Hua Yueling wanted to move forward, but being suppressed made him unable to get up at all. This was very difficult and it made him uncomfortable. There was no good way.

Reluctantly glanced at Sister Aroline's side and found that although she was also suppressed by the airflow, her condition was still much better than her own.

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