The air current that was pressing Hua Yueling's inability to move gradually dissipated, and Hua Yueling was finally able to reactivate when she was a little tired after holding on for a period of time.He stood up tightly against the wall and walked to the big sword.

Aroline had already returned to the big sword at this time, and she was not in a hurry to do anything, she just stood by and looked up and observed.

After going through the initial series of changes, this great sword hasn't moved. Originally, Hua Yueling thought there would be a battle, but now it doesn't seem to be necessary.It's just that he doesn't know exactly how, at least he hasn't seen anything yet.

"Is that all right?"

Although she hadn't really returned to the place where she came, Hua Yueling felt that they had found a clue. After all, the long sword had changed after it was inserted back into the ground.This shows that there is no problem with their ideas. The next biggest question is what they need to do.

"It should be fine. The power in this world is gradually weakening. Then there are obvious changes in the above. Let's go and see."

Aroline pointed to the place where she could stand on both sides of the hilt, like a platform, and said.The two jumped up without saying a word, and stood aside.However, there was no change after going up, and there was no special feeling. It seemed quite normal.

This time Aroline did not speak in a hurry, but stood there quietly, seemingly waiting for something to happen.Hua Yueling wasn't particularly clear, but he was the same, studying with Sister Aroline and waiting together.

After a short while, the scene in front of him changed, and it gradually became distorted, as if he was being grabbed by a hand.Everything is no longer normal. If they were still below, they wouldn't dare to think about what it would be like now.

I don't know if this place can go down, but Hua Yueling doesn't want to try.

"Can you just wait like this?"

"Almost. This space is about to be destroyed, and after the destruction here, all the power will return to this sword, and we should be able to go back then."

The specific reason is actually not clear to Hua Yueling, but since Sister Aroline said it, he basically trusts it unconditionally.

The surrounding environment has changed more and more, from the initial distortion to breaking into pieces of irregular fragments, these fragments are also changing, turning into a strange power fragment, and then turning into a translucent gas floating there. The body of the sword wrapped the whole body of the sword.

Hua Yueling can feel the power gradually blending into the long sword, but this speed is very slow, and as the power blends in, this space is gradually disappearing, and gradually they find that they are in a place. Inside a dark space with nothing.

All the scenery really disappeared like this, there is nothing left.In this way, everything was over, the long sword absorbed all the power fragments, and nothing else changed.

There was a change before her eyes, even the black color was distorted, and then she didn't know what was wrong, Hua Yueling just lost consciousness like this, suddenly.


Her head hurts a little, Hua Yueling held her head and shook her head vigorously, opened her eyes and opened her mouth wide in astonishment.

"This is at……"

"Xiao Yueling, you finally woke up."

Sister Alorin’s voice rang in his ears, and then he heard the relieved soft voices of Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.

It seems that she should be back, Hua Yueling breathed a sigh of relief, thinking so.Turning his head and taking a look, Sister Alorin was beside her, as were Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang, but they did not see Gekara and others.

Looking around, he found that he was not finding the place where the sword was, but he seemed to be back in his room at Anna's house.

"Are we... back?"

"Well, I'm back. It's been a long time since you've been back. Xiaoyueling, you've been in a coma for a long time. Sister, I'm particularly worried about you. Fortunately, you have nothing to do."

"Um... It feels okay... I just don't know what's wrong, are you unconscious again? I was unconscious when I got there."

"It's okay, just rest and rest. How about, are you hungry, do you want to eat something?"

"When is it now?"

Hua Yueling turned her head and looked out the window, the morning light was faint and the darkness was gradually dissipating.It seems to be about early morning.

"It's almost morning. Last night, you and Sister Aroline were really anxious. We waited there for a long time. Fortunately, Sister Aroline and you are out, otherwise we don't know what to do. "

Lu Yuetong and the others also approached at this time and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Blame my sister, if it weren't for me to find this thing, it wouldn't happen. But fortunately, nothing happened. Here, Xiaoyueling, do you want?"

"this is……"

Hua Yueling stared at the thing that Sister Alorin handed over. It was the long sword they found, but she didn't expect to bring this back.

"This sword should be pretty good for you to use. Take it. There is still a lot of power stored in it, and you should be able to absorb all of it after spending some time."

Hua Yueling hesitated for a moment, but still took the sword.Holding it in her hand, feeling the familiar power in it, Hua Yueling recalled the things of the world in the sword again.

Can still feel the power from the black dragon and the flower demon, in fact, Hua Yueling also has some doubts, whether the black dragon and the flower demon killed by them in that space really exist.If not, where do these forces come from?

It is still said that this kind of power itself exists in the long sword, but it can't be used because of a certain relationship before.

Hua Yueling was very puzzled, but at the moment I thought these were of no use. Anyway, this sword was still very useful.

"Let's put it away first."

The long sword was put away by Hua Yueling. He tried to sit up, but was held down by Lu Yuetong and Alorin, causing him to lie down again.

"Don't get up, lie down for a while, it's quite early now, take more rest."

Although Mu Ningshuang didn't do anything, it seemed to mean the same.

"Are we leaving today?"

Hua Yueling thought that since all the necessary materials were found, they should also leave this place, at least there was no need to stay here anymore.

"It's not clear, but it's almost the same."

Lu Yuetong gently shook his head and said.

"But even if I leave, it is noon or even afternoon, and I will stay here for a while in the morning."

"is it."

Hua Yueling is not sure why, can Gekara and the others wait here patiently with such eagerness?

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