Hua Yueling and the others returned to the earth. When they came back, they realized that the sky was already dark, but it was not long after dusk and it did not reach late night.

After they came back, Hua Yueling and the others discussed the issue of where the little girl would live next. It was not very good to live in Aroline's house.No one has lived there recently, only the little girl alone.

"How about living in my house?"

Hua Yueling also has a place to live at home. Recently, his parents are very busy and sometimes go on business trips, so it is not impossible to let the little girl live.

"It would be nice to take her to live with Xiaojie Lucy in a while. There are also many children there. You can be friends with her, and you can also learn from her."

Aroline said that, she also thought about it, and there is no doubt about the strength of Jie Lucy, Mu Ningshuang was the magic that she learned from her, and her strength was quite good.

"But I'll talk about it later, let her live here for now. Is there still a place? Sister, I will also live."

"No problem, Sister Aroline, you can live with her."

"Well, I'll go back and have a look first, and then come back."

Aroline nodded and decided to stay here.She was the only one at home, and it was meaningless to stay. There were a lot of people in Hua Yueling's house, so naturally it was lively and interesting.

After speaking, Aroline left, and Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were also going to go home.After all, I went out for several days. Although I talked to my family before I went out, they still worry about not having any news for so many days.

"How about I send you back."

Hua Yueling followed up and said.

"No need, we can go back by ourselves. Yueling, you can stay and rest, don't worry about us."

Lu Yuetong waved his hand and refused him to send them home.

"We will come back tomorrow morning."

"Is it really unnecessary?"

"No, you don't understand our strength yet, it's okay."

When Lu Yuetong said this, Hua Yueling hesitated a little, and no longer had to say to send them back.After saying goodbye to them, Hua Yueling turned around and went home.

Sister Huayun has just left work, and she is cooking dinner in the kitchen.Originally, she did it by herself. After all, she was the only one in the family. It was unexpected that Hua Yueling and the others would come back suddenly. The result was that the food was definitely not enough.

At this time, it was troublesome to do more, and it took a lot of time, so she simply gave up this idea and went directly to order takeaway.

"What do you want to eat?"

Hua Yun asked Hua Yueling, and then asked the little girl.But after all, the little girl had just arrived, so it was not very clear, so she shook her head and said that she could eat anything.

"Wait, big sister will buy you some delicious food."

The little girl is so cute, she naturally wants to be spoiled, Hua Yun said so and looked at her younger brother, but Hua Yueling also said that she could eat anything, she had nothing to eat.

"All right, then my sister will choose for you."

"Well, I will trouble you."

There were more people eating at night, so Hua Yun called out more. After all, Aroline would eat here at night.Although she is going back now, she will come over later, she must be here for dinner.

There were a lot of miscellaneous calls, including rice and snacks for little girls.The little girl also thanked them, very cute.

It didn't take long for Aroline to return. Although the food was ready, it hadn't been cooked yet.The food is really small, enough for Huayun to eat by herself. Since the takeaway order hasn't come, she just served the dishes instead of eating first.

"Are you hungry? If you are hungry, eat something first."

Hua Yun didn't eat it herself, but worried that the little girl was hungry, so she asked her, but the little girl shook her head and said that she was not hungry.

"Are you really hungry? Don't be polite with your sister, eat if you are hungry."

The little girl had her own persistence. She shook her head firmly and said that she was not hungry. If that was the case, Hua Yun wouldn't say anything.

Now that the little girl has said so, wait.

"Hey, why didn't you eat, are you waiting for me?"

After Aroline came back, seeing that they hadn't eaten yet, although there were not many dishes on the table, she asked strangely.

"Or is it all finished?"

It doesn't look like it's been a meal.

"I ordered some takeaways. This is waiting for takeaways. You didn't say anything before you came back. I didn't make much. It's definitely not enough. If you're hungry, eat first."

"No need, let's eat together later, I can still wait for a while."

Arolin said that and found a place to sit down.

"When will the takeaway arrive?"

"Who knows, but it shouldn't be long, it's just called from nearby, but there are more things called, maybe you can wait longer."

"That's it," Aroline sat up, "Then let's play for a while, we will eat when we come, what's the point of just sitting here."

They played the game again under Aroline's suggestion, but the first thing was to teach the little girl how to play games, and also to allow her to play more games.

In fact, when she was in the village, the little girl spent a lot of time playing games, mainly because she had nothing to do, so she could concentrate on staying in her room and play casually until she had fun.

Naturally, Rafia would not stop her, but she would take her out for a long time, so she couldn't keep her in the room all the time.The little girl is also quite obedient. Rafia said that she would go out with her when she took her out, and she never complained, so Rafia liked her very much.

No one would dislike such a child, and Rafia is no exception.

Now that I am back, I can play more, a variety of different games.The little girl looked a little dazzled, she didn't expect to be able to live such a life, it was almost like a dream.

After almost half an hour passed, the doorbell rang, Huayun opened the door and held the takeaway.

"Okay, come over for dinner, let's go out for a walk after dinner."

Seeing other people still gathered in front of the game console, Hua Yun and Hua Yueling two sisters and brothers put the takeaway on the table, and said to Aroline and the little girl after they had packed up.

The little girl actually wanted to come and help, but was dragged by Aroline and didn't let her go.And Hua Yun and Hua Yueling also said they don't need her to help, just wait for the meal.

"Go wash your hands, come and eat after washing your hands. They are all delicious, you can eat whatever you want."

Hua Yun doesn't have much contact with the little girl, but she really likes her.

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