I had a very happy dinner, and the happiest one was the little girl. Not only was she happy, but she ate so much that her stomach was full.

The girl couldn't even walk after eating.Can't get up, can only lay on a chair.

She has never had such a sumptuous dinner. Although there is no way to say what she has to say and what she cooks at home, it is already quite good, as for the little girl.

Under the love of Aroline and Huayun, she didn't know how much she had eaten.

"Are you still eating?"

The damn thing is that Aroline is still holding the food and asking her if she wants to eat. The little girl didn't want to move, but still shook her head, her little mouth spit out a few words with difficulty.

"It's uncomfortable to eat too much. Let's go for a walk in a while and digest and digest."

Aroline said with a smile.

The little girl really couldn't laugh. She had never eaten so much for a meal, and she had never eaten so much. I didn't expect it to be more uncomfortable than being hungry.

The little girl didn't want to talk, she wanted to stay quietly, she was almost uncomfortable.

Hua Yueling can understand how she feels. Sometimes he will eat and support, and still unknowingly. He doesn't feel much when eating, and even feels good, but after eating it, his stomach is really supportive. But that feels uncomfortable.

Putting her hands on her bulging belly, although it was uncomfortable, she was also very happy, really happy.Not only can I eat delicious meals, but also because I can be with everyone like this, watching Hua Yueling and the others, watching the table are basically eaten clean, only some empty bags and empty plastic are left. The lunch box is really happy.

After eating and drinking enough, Hua Yueling and the others picked up the table, bumped all the useless things into a big bag, and then threw them into the trash can.The little girl also wanted to help, but it was held down by Aroline, so she didn't have to move, and it didn't take much effort to pack these things anyway.

But the little guy got off the stool by himself, and some wobbly help came.

After the table was cleaned up, Hua Yueling and the others went for a walk outside as mentioned before.

The four people lined up, let alone, it was a bit imposing.

The little girl hadn't really seen what it was like on the earth, and how it was different from where she was before. When she really saw it, her face was particularly shocked.This is actually understandable. Hua Yueling believes that no matter who in the world comes here, there will be no difference between the expression on the little girl.

The difference between the two places is too obvious and obvious, and there is no such high building in that world, but you can't hear such noisy traffic.

Although there are horse-drawn carriages, there is a big gap between the sound of the two, not to mention that there are so many horse-drawn carriages there.

The little girl held hands with them, her face almost paralyzed, she didn't know what kind of expression to show.He looked at everything in front of him with disbelief.

The appearance of Hua Yueling and their home was enough to shock her, even more so outside.

I really can't imagine that there is such a world, completely different, and it can even be said that there is no similarity.


Only such words of admiration could be expressed in the little mouth, and there was no other words to express her feelings except these three words.

"After living here for a long time, I won't think about it again. After all, I just came here."

They are not fast, walking leisurely.There is no specific direction to walk along the road, anyway, it is just a walk, no matter where you go.

The little girl was in shock along the way, whether it was seeing those towering tall buildings or other things, this scene refreshed her worldview one by one, allowing her to see things she had never seen before. .

The little girl was extremely excited inside, and it would be a lie to say that she was not excited.She couldn't calm down her inner excitement, so she couldn't calm down along the way.

Hua Yueling and the others understood her feelings, so everyone looked at her with a smile, and believed that as long as she lived here for a while, she would gradually be able to adapt to life here and take everything for granted. And no longer feel so incredible.

I believe that the words that surfaced in the little girl's head should be all possible. It is hard to imagine how these high-rise buildings were built if she wants to break her head.

Not to mention her identity like that before, even if she really brought a noble from that world over, she would have to be frightened.

The cool wind drove away the hot air, and the group of them walked out of the community unknowingly, onto the road outside.Standing on the edge of the road, they watched the traffic on the road.

In an endless stream and dazzling, cars are speeding past your eyes like this, one after another comes in a blink of an eye, and disappears from the eye in a blink of an eye, coming and going hurriedly.


The little girl covered her mouth with her hands, her big eyes were so big that they were not much different from eggs, and the same was true for her small mouth. When she got close, she could still hear her surprised voice, but it was hard to be able to. Understand what the words are.

The little girl herself didn't know what she said. Although it sounds strange, it is actually quite normal, not as abnormal as she thought.

Looking at the traffic on the road, the surprised emotion in the little girl's heart can be imagined.Looking at these vehicles, she didn't know what they were used for, but when she saw people sitting in them, she didn't know how these things moved.

A pair of big eyes looked at Aroline with bewilderment. Aroline noticed her look and bent down and met her affectionately.In fact, Aroline is not particularly clear in this regard, but if she is really asked to explain, she can still explain it so that the little girl can understand.

After hearing this, the little girl nodded. She probably understood it. Although she didn't understand it very deeply, she only needed to know roughly what it was.

"There is such a thing!"

The little girl still couldn't believe it after hearing Aroline's explanation. There were really new and strange things everywhere in this world, so she didn't know what to say.

They didn't leave the community too far, and after turning around for a while, Hua Yueling and the others went back.Just move the body, there is no need to stay outside for too long, and the little girl is now much more relaxed, and the stomach is no longer unbearable.

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