Lying on her bed to rest, Hua Yueling hasn't slept in her bed for a long time, and it feels really good to try again, much better than resting outside.

Hua Yueling closed her eyes and turned sideways, already falling asleep.After lying in bed, he fell asleep without knowing it, even he himself didn't know how he fell asleep so fast.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been outside for too long, or it’s a long time since I haven’t been back home, and I haven’t rested at home. Although it’s not a long time in terms of time on earth, only a few days have passed.

On the other side, the little girl and Aroline slept in Huayueling’s parents’ room. The two girls slept together. The little girl put her small body in Aroline’s arms and closed her eyes. Sleep peacefully.

She had never been able to rest at ease while sleeping, and she had never rested in such a comfortable bed.What I want to say, although she slept on a bed in the village, she felt more comfortable than the bed she was lying on now.

One night passed in a blink of an eye, and just for this one night, it is estimated that another world would have passed by one or two days.Hua Yueling didn't think about it. He just wanted to take a good rest at home. It's better to put other things in the future.

Hua Yueling got up late the next morning, which is really rare.He sat up and looked at the side. His sister had gotten up a long time ago. She should have gotten up to do a rebellion.Looking at the time, it was past seven o'clock, and my sister was about to go to work.

"Well, tomorrow is a day off, Sister Yun can also rest."

Hua Yueling picked up her clothes and put them on, yawned, and after folding the quilt, she opened the door and walked out.

Aroline and the little girl got up later than him, but Huayueling and Huayun didn’t bother them. If only Aroline was alone, it’s okay, but even if there is a little girl Up.If you want more rest, let them rest for a while, there is no need to disturb them.

Both Hua Yueling and Hua Yueling thought so.After breakfast, Hua Yun had to go to work. After bidding farewell to her younger brother, she went downstairs and left, leaving Hua Yueling alone at home.

"Um...what are you doing...a bit boring!"

Hua Yueling lay on the sofa, playing with her mobile phone boringly, and some did not know what to do.It’s good to play the game for a while, but it seems a bit depraved to be immersed in the game so early.

"Ningshuang and Yuetong estimate that they won't be here today."

Hua Yueling sighed and thought, I used to play with them every day, but now I am left alone and it is really uncomfortable.But he also has to adapt, after all, it is impossible for others to stay with him in the future.

"Ah, it feels quite uncomfortable if this is the case."

Hua Yueling didn't want the situation to change like that, but all this was beyond his control.This makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

Putting down his hand, looking at the blue sky outside the window, nothing has changed. What I want to say is even bluer than before.There are no clouds. Although the area seen here is not large, Hua Yueling is still sure that there are no clouds in the sky today. This kind of guess is still based. He has experience in this area, although he can see it no matter how you look at it. It doesn't matter what effect this experience has.

I stared at the sky outside idly for a while, Hua Yueling closed her eyes, if nothing happened for the time being, she could learn from Aroline to pick them up and sleep for a while.

It's just that Hua Yueling didn't want to sleep that much. Not long after closing her eyes, she opened her eyes again, got up and looked at her parents' bedroom, the door had not been opened yet.

"I guess I won't be able to get up for a while."

Hua Yueling thought so, it didn't make sense to stay in the living room, he thought about it, and then turned back to his room.Turn on the computer to browse.

It wasn't until about 8:30 that she heard the door opening and footsteps outside, and Hua Yueling immediately put down the handle in her hand and opened the door.The breakfast on the table is already cold, and there is no way for this kind of stuff to be hot. It is definitely not tasty to eat cold.

"Sister Aroline, you guys are finally awake."

"Well, I finally got a chance to rest, so what to do when I get up so early."

Aroline said with a yawn.When she arrived at the dinner table and looked at the breakfast on the table, she frowned.

"Xiaoyueling, are there others?"

"Should you stop buying some. Don't eat these."

Hua Yueling glanced at the time, it was almost 8:40, and it was still early to say, it was not too late to buy breakfast at this time.

"Well, then I will trouble Xiao Yueling. Two copies."

"I know this."

Hua Yueling said, then turned and left.Aroline looked at his back until he went out, then turned around and walked back to the room to see that the little girl was still asleep and hadn't woke up.

But it's almost time to get up. In fact, they didn't sleep very late last night, and they should have slept for more than ten hours in the morning.

"Little guy, get up quickly, it's time for breakfast in a while."

Arolin went to pat the little girl's cheek, and called her softly.

After a short while, the little girl woke up, still a little confused at first, but she soon became sober.

"big sister!"

"Well, get up soon when you wake up. It's time to eat early after washing and washing."

Aroline took all her clothes and said.

"By the way, do you want to go out with your big sister early after eating? Let's go to some fun places, places you have never seen before."

"Well, going to go!"

The little girl sat up happily, put her clothes on with Aroline's help, looked down at the new clothes she was wearing, and turned around.

"So cute."

All these clothes were brought by Aroline, otherwise the little girl would not change her clothes when she came over.

"Is it really beautiful?"

"Well, very, very beautiful."

Arolin crouched over, put her hands on her shoulders, and said with a smile.

The little girl also smiled.She folded the quilt by herself, and then she went out with Aroline. Hua Yueling had not come back when the two went out.

The place to buy breakfast is not particularly far away, but you also have to ride there, which takes some time.

Hua Yueling also bought a few more, each of which was bought earlier, so that the little girl can often have different tastes and see which one she likes.


But on the way back, Hua Yueling stopped, and her eyes moved to the right.

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