The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1292 The Disappearing Monster

"If you knew this would be so easy, it would be better to fight directly from the beginning. Why waste that time."

Hua Yueling also regretted a bit, but he just thought about it in his heart, after all, no one knew what was going on before trying it.What's more, in the face of the terrifying impact of those monsters, I believe that no matter who it is will choose to avoid at the beginning, instead of directly rushing to the other party, it would be too stupid.

As she rushed forward, Hua Yueling found that as she killed more and more monsters, the number of surrounding monsters was gradually decreasing, and there was a trend of fewer and fewer monsters. Looking at this, I don’t even know when it will happen. The monster will just disappear.

The monsters may all disappear, which actually makes Hua Yueling at a loss.The monster would disappear. This was the most incredible thing in the past, but now it is happening.

The monsters surrounding him were already pitiful, and the same was true in the distance. Gradually, he was the only one left on this plain.

"No, what about that special monster?"

Hua Yueling looked for it, but no matter where it was, the monster could not be found. The monster also disappeared with the other monsters, it was incredible.

"It's weird? Is it powerless?"

This is the reason Hua Yueling can think of, and there seems to be no other reason to explain this situation. After all, this trend has existed before.

"But this also shows that the monster is very likely not the key point of this illusion world at all, I am mistaken."

Standing in place and looking around, Hua Yueling lowered his head in thought, he still felt something was wrong.

"But the previous feeling about power should be right. That monster is a bit special in every way. Why did it even disappear?"

After another period of contemplation, Hua Yueling raised her head and looked at the sky.

"Or it was originally very important, but because I discovered it, I changed the way of action, concealed it, and used another method to protect the key points. That means it has only been a while. Everything it does is just to delay time."

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling felt that this possibility was very high. Although she didn't dare to say 100%, it was 70 to 80%.

"The monster is gone, the key point is only possible in the environment, where will it be?"

Now the action should be changed. You can't wait in place, you have to look around.Huayue Lingdong stood up, but did not have an accurate goal.

The main thing is that there is no way to completely determine the course of action. It would be much easier if there was an accurate course.

The plain is empty, but if you think it’s safe here, you’re wrong.Hua Yueling thought so at the beginning, until he accidentally stepped on a trap and almost fell into the trap, which was regarded as realizing the mistake of his previous thinking.

This is not the kind of place where you can simply pass. The more this seemingly peaceful moment, the more you have to be careful, otherwise you don't know when you will fall into the trap.

"Some of it obstructs the line of sight, but it's okay, you can find it without looking carefully."

What Hua Yueling said were just some of the traps, while others were not.

"The road ahead seems a bit different?"

Gazing at the road under her feet, Hua Yueling found that a smooth and carefully trimmed dirt road appeared under her feet at some unknown time. This dirt road stretched forward, extending to the end of the world that did not know whether it existed.

"Weird, is this a new way of entertaining people?"

Hua Yueling doesn't feel scared, only feels interesting, and wants to explore the past.The situation encountered not long ago was an endless looping world, but at that time it was difficult to see because there were too many monsters. Now it is another situation, where the opponent actively guides the opponent to a place.

There must be a trap in that place. This is an indisputable fact, but does the other party really think he will enter the trap so stupidly?Treat him as a fool?

This is also very interesting, Hua Yueling naturally feels that she can go take a look and see where she will be led.But whether or not to step into the trap is the final decision.

"You have to pay attention to the road. Maybe there are some traps hidden on this road."

The surrounding environment is also changing as we move forward. Trees grow out of the empty plain, but at the same time the sky is quickly dimming, but in a blink of an eye, the originally bright space is shrouded in darkness, and there is almost no light. .

"Changed the time here. Any other means, just use it."

The special power fluctuation attracted Hua Yueling's attention and also attracted him to the place where the road extending under his feet led him.The method used by the other party to lure him is actually very simple, which is to ask him to go to important places and directly use the most important center of the illusion space.

Feeling this power, it made him know that after he got to the place, he would be able to leave here, but he had won the opponent.

As long as everything in the past can be understood clearly, and I have the opportunity to leave here.There is definitely no way to leave after waiting here. Naturally, there is no problem with the stalemate with the other party, and it can be stalemate, but Hua Yueling understands that there is no need to do that.

If the stalemate continues, there will be no other effect besides wasting time and making one's mind tense. There is no commendable effect, so it's better to act like that.


Something seemed to be stepped on under his feet, and when he looked down, it was the corpse of a monster.

"This is the previous monster?"

Hua Yueling squatted down, the monster didn't seem to be dead for long.

"Is this a trap too?"

Logically speaking, there should be no corpses here. This was the case before. All the monsters killed by him disappeared in the air, and he had never seen any corpses left.

If you think about it this way, the corpse is suspicious, and it was placed here deliberately.

Her ears moved, Hua Yueling's expression changed slightly and she rolled to the side.A dark shadow poked down from the sky, hitting the place where he was before, making a heavy sound, and what came with it was the spread of the air current, which hit him.

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