"Fortunately, I reacted in a timely manner, otherwise I have to be shot."

Hua Yueling thought fortunately.In fact, this sneak attack was quite silent, and he didn't notice it at first. The other party's hiding was quite good, but it still underestimated his strength and made him aware of something wrong, so that he could avoid it in time. .

Hua Yueling knew something was wrong when he noticed the corpse of the monster under her feet, but she didn't know exactly where the trap was. Now the situation became clear, and the other party really used this method to attract her attention.

"It's quite scary, if this is really hit..."

When that kind of image appeared in his mind, Hua Yueling immediately shook his head vigorously, and threw this kind of image out of her mind.It was a terrible scene, and he didn't want to try it.

Looking forward, Hua Yueling couldn't help but laugh.

"Seeing that I didn't hit the trap, so I went ahead, really..."

Shaking his head, Hua Yueling did not rush forward, but turned to look at the giant shot gun that was as tall as a mountain range beside him.Roughly speaking, it is about five or six meters in height, and the tip is extremely sharp, directly and deeply inserted into the ground.

The force of the giant throwing gun was so great that it was directly inserted into the ground for more than half of the time, and the body of the monster and the ground were hollowed out, and nothing was seen.

"The corpse probably disappeared together. Forget it, it's nothing important anyway."

I was thinking about looking at the monster corpse again, but now it seems there is no way.Hua Yueling gave up this idea, looked at the distance of the road, and walked along the extended road.

"There is a village there, is it to lead me there?"

What Hua Yueling thinks about the illusion part is still unclear, and there is nothing else that can be done at present, so she can only follow to that place.If possible, Huayueling naturally hopes not to act according to the other party's requirements.

Stepping on a fairly flat ground, the road ahead has less and less green grass, and the wind has gradually grown, blowing the grass and his clothes.Some winds are quite comfortable, and the cool feeling makes people feel wonderful and fresh.


Stopped, enjoying the breeze, closing his eyes.Standing motionless in place, Hua Yueling did nothing, did not move forward, did not think, just staying quietly like this, seemed to be enjoying the beauty here.

"Not bad..."

Looking at the village not far away, the village is peaceful and peaceful, but it is an ordinary village on the plain, but it is destined to be no ordinary when it appears here.

"What will be waiting for me?"

Hua Yueling couldn't think of it herself, there were all kinds of possibilities, countless possibilities, let alone whether he could think of all these possibilities, time would not allow him to do so.

"Hesitate for some reason, the soldiers will come to cover the water and earth, it would be ridiculous if you really lose here."

At the end of the road leading him, Hua Yueling came to the entrance of the village.One step forward will step on the entrance of the village, and two steps should enter the village.

"If you hesitate, you will lose."

Telling herself inwardly, Hua Yueling regained her confidence.Actually, it was not like this. The main reason was that there was too much pressure when facing the endless monsters, and this pressure was never released. This made his heart somewhat uncomfortable. , But it’s a lot more stable now.

"Besides observing, don't worry."

As he said so, he really stood still at the entrance of the village and didn't rush in.

There is nothing wrong with the layout of the village. It is ordinary, with a straight road leading to the entrance on the other side. The road has been repaired, and it seems to have a very warm feeling.

The not-so-flat stone paved a stone path, and it should feel good to step on it.There are residential buildings on both sides of the road. These houses are made of wood and have a sense of antique charm.

Some scratches can be seen on the wood, and there is a tendency to peel off the skin, which seems to exist for a long time.

"I really came to an old town. But is there no one here?"

Hua Yueling glanced at both sides strangely. The door of the house on the right was tightly closed. On the left side, because the front was facing the other side, Hua Yueling could not see it, but it should have been closed. .

There is no one in the village, and no footsteps and voices can be heard, just like a ghost village without people.

"There are a total of twenty houses, which is quite a small village, but it feels a little weird to be so quiet."

Unless it's an abandoned place, it shouldn't be like this, Hua Yueling thinks so.But it doesn't look like it was abandoned. After all, it seems that the ground and the house are actually quite clean, without the feeling of being in disrepair.

"But it's an illusion world after all, so don't expect so much. The source of power should be underground, how can it go down?"

Hua Yueling shook her head, no longer thinking about this, but continued to focus on the power that attracted her.The place where the power can be easily sensed is just underground in this village, and below the central location.

"Go in, it doesn't matter what you have."

There should be traps in the village, but if he doesn't enter, the trap will not be activated. It is impossible to activate the trap just like this, so you still have to enter.In this case, you seem to have the right to choose, but in fact there is no right at all.

Unless you can bear to wait here all the time, or you just have to go in, there is no other choice.

Hua Yueling took a step, walked through the entrance in front of him, and entered the village, stepping on the road paved with stones, and feeling a different kind of road from the dirt road.

With a sound, Hua Yueling turned to look, and the wooden door at the entrance was actively closed, blocking his way out.


Frowning, he turned around and reached out to try to open the door. It was obvious that since the other party had closed the door, it was impossible for him to open it.It is useless to force, the door cannot be opened.

"It doesn't seem to be of much use, right? The fences on both sides can be turned out directly... Is it just a look?"

Before the words fell, the fence was shrouded in light blue translucent light, forming a blue wall, which stopped at about seven or eight meters, and then spread to the center of the village.

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