After avoiding the figure, Hua Yueling immediately approached from another direction. The monster still didn't avoid it, but stood still. Its attack had just come out, so there was no way to move.

This was a good opportunity for Hua Yueling, as he quickly approached the past, aimed at the target and stabbed out.

It was the magic shield that protected the monster's body. The hidden dragon blade pierced the shield easily. The shield shattered like glass, and then scattered, like a mirror flower.

"Just hit it again!"

Hua Yueling thought so, but the facts were not what he wanted.

Although the magic shield could not stop his offensive, it also delayed some time. Although it was only a little bit, it might be almost non-existent in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of these powerful people, these times are very very important.

The monster jumped a little further away, and the magic power gathered in the sky.

Looking up, I saw that the sky above the flower field was completely covered by magic, and the magic was like a large cloth covering it, blocking the sunlight.

Magic power is gathering, and a strong magical atmosphere lingers in this space.

Hua Yueling's body was trembling, and he noticed something wrong.If you really let the other party release the magic completely, let alone what will happen to you, this flower field will really be over, and the degree of power and damage it can cause...

"No, it must be stopped!"

Has not acted yet, the magical power does not want money to bombard him, surround him in a semicircle from the front.Naturally, Hua Yueling couldn't waste too much time here, otherwise how could she stop the other party's actions.He knows he knows, but it is more difficult to do so.

These magics almost blocked his way forward, and he couldn't stop it. After a short pause, magic in other directions would surround him, and it would only be more troublesome.

Huayueling flashed and moved, although those magics surrounded him from all directions and attacked him, but obviously there was no way to easily hit him.Although there is no way to attack the enemy, the monsters can't do anything with him. They can only watch him dodge the magic power that he condenses with eyes.

But this is not the end, it is just the beginning. After acquiring the necklace, the strength of the monster has greatly increased, and it has become much stronger, but it is not the strength that can be easily defeated by Hua Yueling before.

Seeing that the attack had no effect, the monster simply adopted other methods, and saw that the magic power no longer tracked it, but instead condensed to form a larger force.

"not good!"

Hua Yueling also realized that the situation was not good. If he really waited until the other party gathered magic power, then the situation would be quite troublesome.The power of a magic explosion is not so easy to avoid.

"It must be forced to terminate this behavior before then!"

Such thoughts emerged in her heart, and at the same time Hua Yueling quickly approached the past again.Regardless of these, the monster raised its claws and grabbed it, and slammed onto the ground, bringing up a lot of dust, filling the space and blocking everyone's view.

A claw mark was caught on the ground, but Hua Yueling was still missing and was not hit.

Hua Yueling approached the monster's side, before arriving, the terrible wind came over.He jumped up subconsciously, and saw the monster's tail swept over, the huge body turned, and the tail swept across the ground, bringing up a lot of dust.

"about there!"

Seeing that the monster still wanted to dodge, how could Hua Yueling make it get what she wanted, and immediately chased up, the hidden dragon blade stabbed out like lightning.

Hidden Dragon Blade chased the monster and stabbed out. The monster had just turned around, and there was no way to react again.But it has other ways. The magic power gathers in an instant, and the speed of the magic power in the sky slows down.

The magic shield formed by this magic power blocked Hua Yueling's attack, but the monster didn't know that the hidden dragon blade was quite beneficial to this magic shield.Even though the hidden dragon blade doesn't seem to be so conspicuous, the power of this weapon is quite terrifying.

The hidden dragon blade stabbed on the magic shield, and the magic shield could hardly form a defense. It was easily pierced by the hidden dragon blade and dissipated in the air.After that, Hua Yueling used his hand again, and the hidden dragon blade jabbed forward!

The monster couldn't react anymore, and could only wait for Hua Yueling's attack to fall on him.Naturally, Hua Yueling would not be merciful.

Stabbing into the monster's body, accompanied by a scream, no blood flowed out, but there was an extra wound on the monster's body, a long and slender wound, and it was very scary.

The monster moved to a farther place, but just as it fell, its body trembled violently, and immediately after Hua Yueling hadn't reacted, she saw it rushing towards him with an indomitable momentum.

This monster's body is extremely large, and you can feel the pressure just by looking at it, let alone running hard and bumping into it in one breath.That kind of aura is something that ordinary people can't resist, even Hua Yueling feels very difficult when facing the enemy's attack method like this.

The impact of the monster made him very stressed, but he still tried his best to block this pressure, looking for opportunities while moving facing the enemy.

The distance between the two sides is not too far, if this distance is a little collision, it will be short-handed.In just a few seconds, the monster was about to rush in front of him.

Such an attack could not be blocked by him, even with a dwarf shield.Hua Yueling is still very clear about this. If he really adopts a solid defense strategy, he will lose.

Hua Yueling knew exactly what the situation was like, that kind of aura couldn't be stopped unless he had enough power.

The figure flashed to the side, Hua Yueling took the exact same method as before, or avoided first, this was the safest method.If you don't open it more, it's going to die.

At the moment of the moment, she dodged aside, Hua Yueling felt a strong wind blow by, almost able to blow herself away.But he stayed where he was, watching the monster rush into the distance.

It is difficult to control the speed together. The monster is like this. He is like a speeding vehicle, almost ignoring everything.This speed is terrible, Hua Yueling watched it continue to rush to the top of the mountain, without the intention of stopping.

"It's all right now, even if you want to stop, there is no way."

Hua Yueling murmured and hurried to catch up.

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