Naturally, Hua Yueling would not wait in place, except that the monster's speed was too fast and didn't mean to stop, which made it difficult for him to attack the opponent, which was also a good attack opportunity.

Now that he has an opportunity, he naturally wants to seize this opportunity, but it's not that easy.

The speed of the monster has also slowed down a bit, Hua Yueling can see it.The flying dust on the ground obscured the line of sight, and the footsteps were ringing in my ears.Isolating all of this, whether it was smoke or sound, Hua Yueling simply regarded them as non-existent, and continued to sprint forward, he could barely see where the monster was.


Surprised, he almost couldn't help stopping directly, but he still didn't stop.

"It stopped?!"

Staring at the figure in the smoke and dust in disbelief, the footsteps declared that it was still coming into the ears, but the figure in front had stopped and stopped sprinting forward.

No matter how you look at it, it seems somewhat improbable. Hua Yueling still clearly remembers what happened not long ago. The monster collided at that terrible speed, especially its size is so huge that she wanted to stop. It is very difficult.

Unexpectedly, it stopped so quickly, it was incredible.

Hua Yueling didn't know for a moment whether what was in front of her was illusory or real, and her eyes were deceiving, even her own eyes.Hua Yueling couldn't believe her eyes still had ears, and her voice couldn't be synchronized with the picture.

"Which one is real?"

Hua Yueling is asking herself, he must adopt other methods to understand the most important thing, which is the real one.

They all seem to be real, whether they are seen by the eyes or heard by the ears, they are no different from the real ones, but he knows this is impossible.How could it be possible for a monster to make such a big movement when it is still.

Hua Yueling hesitated a bit, and naturally slowed down.Staring hard at the front, staring into the flying dust, he was a little at a loss.

He could feel the breath of the monster not far away, but he was still a bit unclear about the actual situation temporarily, which hindered his activities.

Hua Yueling herself is not sure what is going on. If the monster in front of her really stops, it is actually very dangerous to rush forward. In that case, she will directly contend with the monster and simply compete for strength. He is definitely not a monster's opponent, so he has to be prepared.

"If the monster really stops, it must be fully prepared, otherwise it will be caught off guard when it is really attacked."

Hua Yueling is self-aware, and if he simply competes for strength, he is definitely not a monster's opponent. After all, the huge size of the monster is there, it is not a joke.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate at all, and continued to rush forward, rushing in front of the monster.


Not surprisingly, but also somewhat unexpectedly, the monster did not take the initiative to attack, which made Hua Yueling hesitate for a moment.But then he came back to his senses, shook his head vigorously, his figure flashed away from the spot quickly.


A huge roar sounded, and the ground vibrated violently. The monster did not know when to launch an offensive. The huge body was raised high, and his feet slammed on the ground.

"Huh, it's so risky."

Hua Yueling patted her chest, secretly relieved, just now he really wanted to attack, but the sense of crisis that emerged in his mind made him withdraw this idea, and instead dodge to the side.

That is, the moment of dodge, the attack of the monster has arrived, Hua Yueling dodged the attack, and rolled to the side.The monster's attack came back without success, and the monster was also very surprised, never expected that Hua Yueling would react so quickly.

The monster still has some wisdom. It was originally thinking that when Hua Yueling attacked, he would directly attack him. How could it not be able to defeat him by virtue of its own strength, but the facts were really not what it thought.

After the figure of Hua Yueling dodged, she got up and rushed forward quickly, and in a flash she reached the monster's side, waving the hidden dragon blade and attacking.At present, the monster obviously has no way to dodge. Its feet have just fallen to the ground. Even if it wants to dodge, the power contained in its body and the shock force it receives have prevented it from moving.

This is a good opportunity for Hua Yueling, although he has also noticed the discordant place, and magic is gathering.

"No, it's not right!"

The change of the land under her feet was the second, mainly because Hua Yueling had noticed the incredible place on the monster.

"How did that happen?!"

"Could it be that……"

The incredible place made Hua Yueling think about it, but he was in a dangerous situation right now.At some point, there were beautiful flowers blooming nearby. These flowers were the existence that he hadn't noticed before.

"These are not ordinary flowers."

Hua Yueling can say this for sure, he didn't even dare to approach the past, but it was very difficult because he found that the flowers were moving towards him, which meant that they were approaching him.

"Are these also monsters?"

Being able to feel the flow of magic power from the flowers in these activities, and then think of what she had thought before, Hua Yueling is almost certain that these flowers must have been summoned by the monsters.

"It is very possible that even if they are mixed together, the monster and the necklace are still two different subjects, so they can continue to use magic after making an attack."

Hua Yueling thought of this, then if it was the case, just killing the monsters didn't seem to have much effect.Even if the monster is killed, the necklace can still search for other creatures to fuse, but in the end the result is the same, but it makes him more tired.

"Is there any good way? The best way seems to be to grab the necklace directly, but it is very difficult."

Killing the monster itself is particularly difficult, otherwise Hua Yueling would not have made any progress until now.But it is undoubtedly harder to snatch the necklace back from the monster.

While the figure flickered, Hua Yueling was not prepared to entangle these flower monsters, it was not so necessary, and there was no benefit other than wasting time and energy.Instead of entangled with them, it is better to go directly to the monster, after all, as long as you solve it, the flower monsters will naturally disappear.

In fact, the situation is still different. Hua Yueling has almost a guess in her heart. It is obviously not enough to defeat the monster. More needs to be done. The necklace is the most important thing.

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