Ai La walked down the mountain step by step, faster than expected, but not much faster.Hua Yueling wanted to go back sooner, but now it seems that this can only be done.

Ella's physical condition is fairly good, at least there is no problem in walking, and she will no longer be affected by the strange power here, and can act on her own.This is a good improvement, and her appearance before is really worrying.

"Your necklace is really a treasure."

Hua Yueling looked at the necklace hanging on her neck and said softly.

"My mother left it to me. I always wear it."

Maybe it was because she didn't understand the true meaning of what Hua Yueling said, Ai La replied.Hua Yueling looked at her, her lips moved, but she didn't say anything, it's better not to say, there is no need for her to understand this now.

The power of the necklace, Ai La, hasn't been able to actively use it, otherwise, it won't be like this now, and she will not be chased by the monster to lose the necklace.

Slowly as the magic power continued to merge into her body, her state was slowly recovering. Although there was no way to compare it with when she came, it has already improved a lot.

Hua Yueling walked with her through the damaged flower field all the way. When she passed by, Alah still stood still, looking sadly at the damaged flower field.Hua Yueling could read her sadness from her expression, but he could not comfort her.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, but that he can't do it. He also thought about protecting this place when the monsters destroyed it, but he couldn't do it.I can't stop the huge monster from destroying this place, I can only watch it do it all, but I can't do anything.

This is very sad, and Hua Yueling herself is not comfortable.

Hua Yueling stood by her side and watched this tragically destroyed flower field with her. She didn't know what to say, but actually there was nothing to say.

"This place was destroyed by monsters. It's a huge monster. I can hardly stop it."

Hua Yueling didn't justify herself, he didn't have that need, just wanted the girl to know what happened.As for what Ella would think, it was beyond his control.

"Thank you anyway, I don't know what it would be like without you here."

Ella is very considerate and did not blame him, but thanked him instead.Hua Yueling glanced at her and said nothing.Following her, they moved forward normally along the way, crossing the peaks and walking back, and they came to a valley again.

Hua Yueling was still more cautious, but it seemed that it didn't need to be that way, basically there was no danger on the way back, and there was no monster blocking their way back.

"It's pretty safe."

Thinking like this in her heart, but Hua Yueling still didn't dare to relax her guard.And part of his gaze was on Ella. He originally thought that something might happen to Ella, but without the kind of thing he imagined, Ella looked all intact, and there was nothing to be wary of.

Ella is definitely not an ordinary character, according to the development of the plot, but everything seems to be normal so far, and no abnormalities can be seen.

Even so, Hua Yueling didn't dare to have the slightest slackness, but here was the enemy's base camp.

"But speaking of this necklace..."

Hua Yueling secretly glanced at the pendant hanging on Ai La's chest, frowning slightly.Observing Ella, seeing that she didn't pay attention to her actions, she quickly retracted her gaze.

Avoid being discovered by Ai La, now Ai La is in a good state, but who knows after that, Hua Yueling is still more worried about this.

Ella is not a simple person. Although he had always thought Ella was an ordinary girl before, he had to change his opinion after a series of things.At present, I can't see much, but the pendant made Huayueling doubtful.

"Maybe my idea is wrong, but it's better to be careful."

The power that the pendant has is somewhat the same as the power Hua Yueling is looking for, but the degree of similarity is not that high.So Hua Yueling didn’t notice it at first, but when he was walking, suddenly a very similar feeling appeared in his mind, which made him suspicious and focused on understanding. a bit.

"The degree of similarity is not great, but there are indeed similarities."

This is not necessarily a coincidence, Hua Yueling feels that it is more likely to be using this method to tell herself a certain possibility.

Up to now, I haven't found the way forward, maybe it has something to do with this necklace?However, Hua Yueling only thought about it for the time being, and it is better to remain silent before there is any definite evidence.

Especially now Hua Yueling still has one goal, that is, the room where his companion lives. If he hasn't appeared after returning, then he has to check it out.

Hua Yueling had made such a plan a long time ago, and then was ready to act. It is impossible for him to stay here for too long.He wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible, break this illusion, and return home.

I believe no one would like to live in a world of illusion, even if this world may make you like it more than the real world.

After all, illusion is illusion, and it is impossible to treat it as reality. In this regard, Hua Yueling is actually very clear.So it is absolutely impossible for him to regard this as reality.

Ella didn't say anything on the way, and didn't know if she was thinking about something, but it was OK to see her state, at least it was much better than she thought.

The two climbed up the mountain, came to the top of the mountain, and looked down.The village is now different from when they left. The number of people has increased. Everyone has awake from the noon break and started the afternoon action one by one.

They stood on the top of the mountain for a while, and then walked down the mountain.Same as before, it is still Ai La in front, Hua Yueling following behind.

They were also seen by some villagers. Those villagers looked at them in surprise, obviously not expecting them to act together.And I didn't expect them to come to this side of the mountain.

However, Hua Yueling and the others did not have the eyes of the villagers at the time. They simply regarded them as invisible. They just walked down the mountain a little bit. Their pace is still very slow, maybe they can be regarded as sightseeing. It's just nothing good.

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