After going down the mountain and returning to the village, nothing happened and everything was as usual.This is very good, very good for Hua Yueling, he doesn't need to think more, at least it seems that there is no problem with Ai La.

Everything that happened to her may be a little weird, but it doesn't mean anything. Ordinary people can't say that there is no chance to encounter these things, everything is possible.

Ai La was sent home, Hua Yueling originally wanted to send her back, but Ai La refused him halfway, saying that there is nothing wrong with her alone and don't bother him.

Hua Yueling is naturally still a little worried, after all, the state of Ella cannot be said to be so good.So he asked her in particular, and Ella still refused him.

If this is the case, let's forget it. People have repeatedly said that they don't need him to accompany him several times, so there is no need to insist on not.On the contrary, it is annoying.

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling said goodbye to Alla, and then watched her back slowly walk into the distance.

After walking through a few houses, Ai Laxiao pressed her hand on the wall and walked slowly step by step. She walked slowly.The body hasn't recovered, and the state is not particularly good, but even if there is no one to accompany him, he can walk home just by pressing the wall, and that's it.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared at the corner that Hua Yueling stopped looking over there, turning around and walking back.

Is the matter on Ella's side settled?Hua Yueling himself is not particularly clear, but it is probably the case. As for what will happen afterwards, what will happen again, those will wait until later, and now he doesn't want to think about these things.

Turning around and leaving here, Hua Yueling returned to where she lived.

"It's strange that I haven't come back."

The action of the adventurer is really beyond Hua Yueling's expectations. Even if there are certain plans, it shouldn't be so. Is there any benefit to doing this?

I can't think of any benefits for the other party. Instead of disappearing so early and making people suspicious, it is better to stay and find a way to gain trust.

Hua Yueling couldn't understand why the other party wanted to do this, but he was not prepared to think about it, there was no need for that.Next, as long as he enters his room, he should be able to understand something, it is a special room.

"I can't feel the existence of that kind of power," holding the doorknob in his hand, Hua Yueling pressed her ears to listen to the voice inside.

Hua Yueling believes in her own feelings, but it doesn't mean that she believes it no matter what, she must have other thoughts.

"Go in and take a look, hoping to collect some clues."


With a sound, the door was directly knocked open, and Hua Yueling slammed into it.

The rooms are very ordinary, just the most ordinary ones. The bed is against the wall, there are tables and stools, and the furniture is relatively complete.

No one is there, just nothing, no one knows where the adventurer has gone or how he left here.Hua Yueling turned around in the room and still couldn't find the answer, which made him even more puzzled.

"It's weird."

Even more strange is that there are no clues at all.

"Is there a basement?"

Hua Yueling wasn't particularly sure of this idea. If that was the case, it seemed that the other party didn't need to stay out for so long, and he was still so anxious.

"...I think too much!"

Some thoughts suddenly appeared in her mind, and Hua Yueling immediately realized that she had made some mistakes in her thinking and deviated from the original track.

"Yes, that's right, it's not his problem, but my own problem. I have always reminded myself, but I still forget about it when I think about it."

Hua Yueling patted her head vigorously, and exclaimed.

"This place can't be considered as an ordinary world. This is the world of illusion. Everything is operated according to the ideas of the caster of illusion!"

Hua Yueling found out that it was wrong, but he had always forgotten this before, and didn't realize this deeply, otherwise he wouldn't think so much.

In fact, there is no need to think too much, just knowing a little is enough. All this is designed by the other party to defeat him, and there is no way to think according to normal thoughts.

"If you think about it this way, there is really something hidden here."

Originally, Hua Yueling thought this possibility was unlikely, but now she thinks it is very likely.He immediately searched here and rummaged the entire room.

"it is as expected."

All the quilts on the bed were pushed aside by him, knocking on the bed, finally found a clue.

"This is it."

Hua Yueling knocked on the bed board. From the sound, there was a hidden space below.

"But where is the agency?"

Although there is a hidden existence here, it doesn't mean that you can go down directly. If you want to go down, you have to find a mechanism, but after searching for Hua Yueling, he didn't find any mechanism.

"Isn't the agency here?"

The agency may be hidden outside, but Hua Yueling feels that this possibility is very low.It should be here, maybe I didn't notice it?

Thinking of this, he searched inside again, sometimes searching again, but still didn't find it.

Back to the place where the secret road was, Hua Yueling pressed one hand on it, looking for a way to open it.It seems to be more difficult to open it directly like this, there is no gap at all, and it is impossible to get the bed board up, the whole bed is one piece, similar to Tukang.


Quite strange, if you can't open it like this, it seems there is only one way to destroy it.But when it comes to destruction... it's actually nothing, but Hua Yueling still hopes to use some more normal methods instead of destroying.

"Wait, the power on this... if this power is destroyed..."

Although it is also destruction, there are still differences between the two.Hua Yueling tried to transmit her own power in, invaded the entrance of the secret passage, and drove the power out.

At that moment, there was a cracking sound, the entrance of the secret passage disappeared, and what was revealed before his eyes was a passage leading to the underground.

"Still like that."

Hua Yueling looked at the passage leading to the depths of the earth, thinking so in her heart.Like the previous encounters, it is still to let people go to the ground through the secret tunnel, and then defeat the power in it. Is there any change?It doesn't seem to be, but what is strange is that he feels that power is not obvious at all.

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