The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1344: The Monster Blocking The Way

"Intentionally, it's all intentional!"

Hua Yueling mobilized her strength to protect her spirit and dispelled the attack, which made him feel a lot more comfortable.Being attacked before made him feel as if his brain had been stabbed by a needle, but now he has recovered and is much better.

"You can't sit still, you must find the thing hidden here as soon as possible!"

Hua Yueling stared at the monster rolling in front, and stepped back subconsciously.In the face of such a monster, it is difficult for people to have the thought of confronting it, which is really terrifying.

Rolling over like a wheel, it is not clear what the monster looks like Hua Yueling, and it is not the time to observe this now.He quickly backed away, pulling away from the opponent.

"You have to use other methods. It's definitely not possible to just rush up like this."

This kind of enemy subconsciously denies the idea of ​​frontal combat, and it doesn't seem to work.Huayueling thought about a way and backed away.

The sound of water and rolling sounded constantly, and the monster rolled and quickly approached.Hua Yueling's current situation is very dangerous, there is no place to hide, and after going out, she will be surrounded by monsters outside.

"No wonder there is a slope, it turned out to be a preparation for this!"

Hua Yueling understood why the road she had descended had to be a slope instead of anything else, and now she understood this enemy or mechanism.

"Well, that's..."

The rolling monster seemed to be sprayed with water. It was not from the water on the ground, but the monster itself made it and sprayed it in all directions.The purpose is not yet clear, but it is certain that if this continues, the water level on the ground will get higher and higher, and it is very likely that it will be submerged in the end.

Hua Yueling was aware of this, which made him feel that he should kill the monster faster instead of dodge like this.Fortunately, the speed of the water flowing out is not very fast, and the floating and growth of the water surface can hardly be felt.

But even so, Hua Yueling was still particularly worried, and couldn't relax her mind.

Uneasy, he held the two-handed sword, hesitatingly stood still and did not retreat, staring at the moving figure of the monster.

"I have to kill it!"

Hua Yueling told herself in her heart, reminding herself what to do.

The current situation is what he should do. This is a difficult problem, and it is obviously unrealistic to face the enemy head-on.What should I do?He doesn't have any good methods for remote attacks, but fortunately, there is no way.

He took out a bow, which was the same weapon he had asked Jelucy before.Sister Aroline actually had a better weapon in her hand, but he didn't give it to him, nor did he ask for it.

In addition to this bow, he also obtained a lot of useful arrows from Sister Aroline, not ordinary arrows, but arrows with special properties after enchanting.

"Try it, maybe you can succeed."

It's also an idea to attack with mental power, but this idea is even more unreliable. Facing this monster, Hua Yueling really doesn't have much confidence to do this.

How to attack him is naturally clear, but it is not easy to say whether the attack is useful.

Hua Yueling didn't dare to try this method. He always felt that it would be dangerous if he did that. This was a feeling, but Hua Yueling believed in his feeling very much.Staring at the monster, Hua Yueling noticed that its speed is getting faster and faster. If it advances at the current speed, it will not take long to reach the place where he is currently.

Bending the bow and arching the arrow, with a "swish", a long arrow flashing with electric light flew out, and Hua Yueling also retreated immediately, backing to the entrance of the gate, to the extreme edge.

The monster didn't mean to dodge anymore. The long arrow hit it, and while the electric light flickered, accompanied by the screams of the monster, the entire water surface flashed electric light.

Hua Yueling took a step back and jumped onto the platform behind him, unaffected by the lightning.

The monster came to a standstill, the movement stopped, and it was injured by the electric light.

Hua Yueling wasn't sure what was going on yet, but he also knew that it was a good opportunity now, so he bent his bow and shot arrows again.But just after the attack, he immediately turned his head and glanced behind him, only to see that the monsters that had already returned to his place were now getting up and moving towards him again.

"No, you can't stay here for long."

Among them, the monster has stood up and opened its mouth, and is about to attack again.

Hua Yueling took a few steps back on time, and immediately moved forward after avoiding the attack of the monster. The electric light in the water dissipated, and her calm posture was restored.Hua Yueling took out another magic arrow.

Arrows flew out and pierced into the monster's body. The monster did not respond, and gradually began to roll forward again, seemingly unchanged.

"The speed seems to be slower."

After careful observation, Hua Yueling still found some changes. Originally, the speed of the monster's rolling was very fast, and it was still accelerating, but now the speed of the monster is much slower.

"That's good, at least it works."

Hua Yueling shot arrows continuously and approached the monsters. The arrows shot could effectively slow down the movement speed of the monsters, which was also quite effective for him.

Effectively preventing the advance of the monster, Hua Yueling took the opportunity to rush to the front of the monster, and then put away the bow and arrows, and waved his two-handed sword and slashed up.

The monster has a strong defense, and there is no response when it slashes with a two-handed sword.This time, it was like hacking on steel, without causing any damage to the monster.

The monster continued to roll forward, almost directly hitting Hua Yueling's body, and Hua Yueling also retreated quickly, which avoided the possibility of being knocked down and crushed.

"No way?"

Hua Yueling was observing the monster, looking for its weakness.However, it is clear that even if there are weaknesses, they are not exposed, at least not on the body that was exposed when rolling. There are hard shells everywhere, so you can't start.

"This kind of defense is produced in response to this situation and in conjunction with its attack method."

Hua Yueling has basically determined what is going on. The monster's surgical defense is very tough, and it is not easy to break this defense.The arrows are still on its body, regardless of Hua Yueling's archery skills are not very good, but the effect is quite good.

"Well, it seems that it is more difficult to attack it with a two-handed sword."

Muttering softly, Hua Yueling took another two steps back, he was still observing the monster.

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