"It seems that there is no flaw. In this case, can we only use brute force to crack its defense?"

After observing for a while, Hua Yueling came to the conclusion that the defense on the monster's body gave people the feeling that it was very strong, and could not find an effective point of attack.

This made him a little uncomfortable, and the attack of the two-handed sword still seemed insufficient to break the opponent's defense.Naturally, it will be much easier to use the hidden dragon blade.

"It looks like it's really impossible, so you can only use the hidden dragon blade to fight."

Hua Yueling thought so, ready to attack again.But this time the attack method is a little different.

The two-handed sword slashed sharply, and his power was concentrated on the sword, and he cut it down mercilessly.

The monster abruptly accepted his attack, which was not bad. With this attack, it abruptly prevented the trend of the monster from advancing and blocked it.At the same time, Hua Yueling's power was not wasted, the power condensed on the two-handed sword burst out of the monster's body, causing considerable damage.

"Yes, that's right."

Hua Yueling thought very satisfied, and then took advantage of the victory to pursue it.Taking advantage of the chance that the monster was stopped abruptly, he repeatedly launched an offensive against it, no matter which part of the attack the damage was almost the same, so Hua Yueling aimed at one part and kept hitting it.

Relying on the cohesive power, it caused considerable damage to the monster, the outer shell was gradually destroyed, and the fragments fell to the ground.

"The effect is pretty good."

However, after such an attack lasted for a while, he had to give up temporarily and retreat. After the monster overcame the attack, it increased its strength and rolled over.

The two-handed sword slashed head-on, and the offensives of the two sides collided head-on, and Hua Yueling was not ready, but fell into a disadvantage.There was no strong attack from the opponent, but he was bounced back, staggering back two steps.

"No, it seems it's too late. The power for brewing is not enough now. You have to keep a distance."

You can't make the monster really roll, and the power needed to stop it at that time is not a joke.

However, even if it is not completely rolled up, but only a rolling trend, it is still not easy to block.

At least Hua Yueling couldn't be sure that she could do it without being prepared.

After retreating a few steps, Hua Yueling found that the distance was still not enough, and he needed enough strength to stop the opponent.For this reason, he had to retreat, and after pulling a sufficient distance, Hua Yueling squeezed the two-handed big sword, gathered strength on it, and took a step.


The attacks of the two sides intersected head-on and made a strong sound. Hua Yueling gritted his teeth and stood in place, refusing to step back, holding the two-handed sword tightly, fighting against each other.

The scroll of the monster gradually stopped, but Hua Yueling found that the place he had attacked before was no longer visible. It should have been pressed underneath or moved to the back when he was scrolling.

"It's dangerous to use the hidden dragon blade..."

Hua Yueling was looking for the head of the monster, but because the whole body of the monster was rolled up, it was difficult to find it.

"Fight, as long as the response is enough, there should be no problem!"

It is very difficult to create enough Shanghai for the opponent if it is only with a two-handed sword, but it is more dangerous to use the hidden dragon blade. After all, it is in a relatively close place. If the opponent suddenly rolls up, it will be difficult for him to even react.

Hua Yueling approached the monster, and when he reached the monster's body, the hidden dragon blade "swished" out. The shell of the monster was very strong, but it could not be resisted by the hidden dragon blade's stabbing.

The hidden dragon blade pierced the shell of the monster, and the shell that was thought to be indefensible was easily pierced. The monster let out a scream, unable to maintain the posture of the wheel, scattered to the sides and smashed down. .


The shadow concealed herself, Hua Yueling knew that the situation was not good, and if she didn't avoid it, she would be smashed underneath, which was definitely not a good experience.

With force on his toes, he jumped back. Several consecutive jumps flew a distance, but this was still not enough.The monster's body is a bit too large, and after unfolding, it occupies a large area.

"If this doesn't work..."

The dwarf shield smashed heavily on the ground, and Hua Yueling squatted down, using the dwarf shield to protect herself.

The monster's body smashed down, his side should be the tail part, which fell heavily on Hua Yueling.Fortunately, Hua Yueling reacted quickly enough, and the dwarf shield blocked the monster's tail for him.

The smash was not light, even if there was no head-on collision, Hua Yueling still felt that the hand holding the handle was shocked. It was impossible to take out the Dwarf Shield unless it was put away directly.

It's also dangerous if you put it away directly. If you don't dodge it in time, it's likely to be smashed by the tail, which is not a fun thing.

Hua Yueling hurriedly thought about ways. There were not many ways. If the Dwarf Shield was taken out and wanted to be intact, he could only escape at the fastest speed, but it was also very difficult to do so, it was difficult to guarantee the speed of escape. It must be faster than the tail slams down.

The other way is to simply let the dwarf shield support it here, try to support it for a while, and he will attack the monster's body while taking advantage of the time.

Both methods would work, but Hua Yueling didn't know which one was better.

"Give it a try, for the purpose of killing the enemy!"

After a short period of thought, Hua Yueling made a decision. It was more appropriate to kill the monster than a cautious action or a more radical action.If you want to do that, it is better to use the dwarf shield to support it.

It's easy to say what to do afterwards.

"Try to see if it works."

After releasing his hand, the Dwarf Shield immediately fell down. This was normal. Without his power to support it, the Dwarf Shield could not hold the weight of the monster's tail.

In just a second or two, the Dwarf Shield was about to be overwhelmed to the ground, and he would be really dangerous by then.However, at this time, it is very difficult to grasp the dwarf shield to support it. After all, the power has been suppressed, and the power required to support it is unimaginable.

There was no way, and Hua Yueling couldn't choose again. Once let go, there would be no choice.Hua Yueling acted immediately, found a gap from the side, and then jumped onto the monster's body from this gap.

The underside of the monster's body is actually not protected by a hard shell. It is a very weak place. If you attack here, it will definitely be effective.

"Going up is the best choice."

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