The treasure box monster is still attacking Huayueling continuously, but its attacks basically never hit Huayueling.Hua Yueling kept dodging, seeing through the attack of the treasure box monster, dodged, and then a wave of attacks.

With such a response method, Hua Yueling had the upper hand, and soon the treasure box monster was defeated by him.

The dead treasure box monster disappeared in front of his eyes, and then a thing fell on the ground, Hua Yueling went forward to pick up the thing and took it in his hand, and found that it was another key.

"This key..."

Hua Yueling stared at the key in her hand, and it seemed that there was nowhere to use the key.But after all, I haven't finished exploring and playing here. You can check it out in a while. This key should be used here.

With this thought in mind, he turned back and walked back, and arrived at the crossroad within a few steps. The left and right sides and the other side were just mirror images of each other.On the right is a locked iron gate, on the left is a short road, and at the end of the road is turning forward.

"Open the door and take a look."

Hua Yueling thought about it and walked over, opened the door with the key, and then entered the room.The room was surprisingly empty, there was nothing, it was so clean, it didn't seem to be useful, it seemed to be just a useless room.

"Well... if there is nothing, let's go to the left to see if there is some mechanism. But things here should be almost the same, I guess there will be no more."

Basically all the places that can be explored have been explored. Hua Yueling herself feels that there should be nothing more, but she still has to explore the left channel before talking.As for whether it is exactly as he thought, everything will be revealed after reading it.

If the buildings on both sides are really symmetrical, then the road on the left will not reach the end in a long time, and a new mechanism may be found.That switch may be able to turn on a certain mechanism in the room that was just turned on, or it may be the mechanism in the room in front of the hall.

Hua Yueling is not quite sure yet, it should be like this when thinking according to the idea of ​​stacking.The road is quite smooth, although it is also a dirt road, it can be seen that it has been smoothed after some time, and it is comfortable to walk on it, and the arms are windy.

The walls on both sides are pits and bumps, some are deeper and some are shallower, and from time to time some soil or clods of soil will fall down and smashed on the ground.

The ground is still a bit dirty, mainly because the fallen soil has not been cleaned up, so it makes it uncomfortable to look at each other together.But it's pretty good for such a place,

Hua Yueling didn't pay much attention to this either. Anyway, he just passed by here and would leave in a while. The main thing was that there was really nothing notable on the wall.

Some minerals can be found, but he is not here to mine. It seems that the minerals here are all of the relatively ordinary kind, and iron ore is the most.Iron ore is very useful in normal times, but it is basically useless for Hua Yueling.

There are many ways to collect iron ore, there is no need to waste time here.

There was almost no footsteps, and Hua Yueling was dissatisfied with leaving, but basically there was no sound. He quietly came to the corner, poking his head out to observe deeper.

The depth of the passage is similar to the outside, and the road is actually the same, but it still seems difficult to see what is at the deepest inside.The road turned to the left near him, which caused him to turn to the right at the end of the road so that he could not look deeper.

The road is pretty good, as long as it keeps going.But in the end it is very likely that there will still be organs, so be careful.

Going along the winding road, came to the corner, Hua Yueling looked inside again, this time there is not that long road inside, as long as there is a switch at the end, it should be fine to turn on the switch Up.

However, what is the purpose of this switch, and how I should move on next is still a problem.

Hua Yueling sighed and felt that it would be difficult to make good judgments about her subsequent actions, but it's useless to think so much at this time, so let's take one step at a time.

"But you really need to be careful about the traps here. I started the trap after opening the mechanism before. I don't know if it will still be like this here."

In order to confirm the situation, Hua Yueling actually observed the passage inside.Both the ground and the walls were within his observation range, as was the top end, but there was no device for starting organs to be seen, which meant that the outside should still be less dangerous.

"It's probably the same as the other side. Where is the trap? It's dangerous if you get too close."

It was hidden behind before, but if one side has already set off the trap, the other side will definitely be guarded a little. In this way, it would be meaningless to be behind by the county police, and it would be difficult to achieve the desired goal.

Hua Yueling thought so, and he also felt that his thoughts should not be wrong.But these are all conjectures, and the real situation has to wait until the switch is actually turned on.

"Before this, use the dwarf shield to defend it."

Needless to say, the defensive ability of the Dwarf Shield is naturally limited. The trap attack ability here is also limited. If the Dwarf Shield is used for defense, it is difficult to bring him much threat.

After thinking about a solution, Hua Yueling took out the dwarf shield and held it in front of him. In front of the mechanism, he held the lever with one hand and did not pull it down with much effort. There was a sound from a distance, representing A certain mechanism was opened.

At the same time, there was a slight noise on both sides of the wall. After hearing this noise, Hua Yueling immediately looked to the right side without the protection of the dwarf shield, and saw a small hole exposed on the wall. Going up is no different from the previous trap.

"Stay back!"

Thinking in his heart, he also acted immediately, with a force under his feet, his body leaped back and fell to the ground, using the dwarf shield to protect himself.

The trap started quickly, and a lot of fine silver needles shot out, all hitting the dwarf shield that was in front of Hua Yueling.With a series of crisp sounds, those fine silver needles failed to break through the dwarven shield, and fell to the ground after the impact, which did not cause much trouble to Hua Yueling.

"Huh, that's it."

Just about to get up, the thin silver needle flew out again, his body trembled, and he quickly hid back.

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