It was another round of shooting. After this round of shooting, Hua Yueling quickly backed away. After a certain distance, he originally wanted to leave like this, but shortly afterwards, the needle shot again.To be safe, he set up the dwarf shield again to block the wave.

"Okay, take advantage of the gap and leave quickly!"

When Hua Yueling waited for the gap, she turned around and left here. After going around the bend, she thought about leaving, but halfway through, she heard a slight noise.He looked slightly stunned, and it sounded like something was outside.

Hiding sideways, Hua Yueling waited for a while, leaning her head against the wall, listening.

"Well... it sounds unclear, but it doesn't seem that someone is there. Is there still a mechanism here?"

Hua Yueling thought so, poking out her head cautiously.

A small hole appeared on the walls on both sides at intervals, almost one meter in the wall.

Walking out of the corner, Hua Yueling stood here and observed.The small holes in the wall will shoot out a series of fine needles every once in a while. These needles are the same as those seen before, and their lethality is the same.

"It depends on the timing." Hua Yueling took two steps forward, and entered some small holes from the nearest exit. "Time is still tight, as long as you are careful enough."

Hua Yueling squeezed the dwarf shield and rushed forward.

"But it doesn't matter if you don't wait, there is a dwarf shield anyway, as long as you block it."

"Clang clang!"

Amidst a series of noises, Hua Yueling passed directly through the trap on the wall, and the Dwarf Shield easily helped him block those fine needles.There is simply no way to pose any threat to him, and he doesn't need to worry about it, just keep going forward along the way, and don't have to think about anything else.

After rushing through this dangerous area, he returned to the entrance, turned his head and took a look behind him, the mechanism was still running continuously.

"It's okay, fortunately I have a Dwarf Shield in my hand, otherwise it would be troublesome to figure it out."

Hua Yueling thought very fortunately, the effect of the dwarf shield is still quite large.Very good defensively, very helpful for his own adventure.

Putting away the dwarf shield, Hua Yueling walked towards the room not far away. The door was opened by him with a key, and he pushed the door and walked in. There was an extra platform about one meter high in the originally empty room. There is a notch in the center of the platform.


The moment he saw the platform and the notch, Hua Yueling blinked, not knowing what to say.

"This notch... I didn't get anything else here. It should be in that room. If you have a goal this time, it should be easier to find, so go back and look for it."

Hua Yueling was also a little tired after such a series of actions. The main thing was that there were too many things, and it was endless, which was quite annoying.

"I hope to solve these problems as soon as possible. I don't want to stay here anymore."

Hua Yueling spoke tiredly, turned and left the room.After reaching the room similar to the storage room, Hua Yueling found a broken gem in a quite hidden place after searching for it.

"It seems to be the same, it should be this right."

After finding this gem, Hua Yueling took a closer look and felt that this should be correct.After that, I turned this place upside down, and found nothing else.

"Then use this."

Back in the room where the table was, Hua Yueling tried to put the broken gem in his hand, as he thought, what was missing in this recess was indeed such a piece.

"Well... the sound is not far away, it should be in the middle room."

The open door extends inward, and there is a stone door on the left and right sides of the room that is opened. The only opening mechanism is the stone door on the left.After the heavy sound, Hua Yueling walked in. The hidden room was also neat and tidy, there was nothing else but a lever on the wall facing the door.

"It's the mechanism again, and it's so complicated. It's fine to open it directly if there is something. You have to open it one by one."

Hua Yueling was made a little angry, but no matter what she should do, she still had to do it. It was impossible not to turn on the mechanism because of this.However, after entering, he deliberately scanned the room. After confirming that there was no danger, he went to pull down the lever.

Along with the heavy sound, something was slowly moving away not far away.There should be a place where the hidden door was removed, but when she heard such a noise, Hua Yueling also turned and looked outside silently.

The two switches do the same thing, so why do you have to use two switches, just use one?I really don't understand why the design of such a series of things has no effect except to make people uncomfortable.

After walking out of the room, he immediately noticed the change. The wall facing the entrance was slowly moving to the right, and a road was to be made soon.

Hua Yueling walked to the center of the room and looked at the passage inside, only to see a dark area inside, which was different from other places. There were no torches to illuminate the road.

Looking into the depths of the road, there is nothing to see, but from inside Hua Yueling can clearly feel the kind of breath she is looking for, and she is not far away.

"That's it. Then, as long as I go inside, there should be something that will stop me in the end, but I don't know what it is."

Hua Yueling thought for a moment that it might be the adventurer who came to the village with him, but with the strength of that adventurer, he couldn't do this.To put it bluntly, he may not even be as strong as the huge monster that the treasure chest monster and the entrance of the underground secret passage touched.

The magic light ball appeared in front of his head, illuminating the road ahead, but there was still no way to illuminate farther, and for the time being, he didn't know what was in the distance.

Hua Yueling didn't care about this, and took a step forward.He stepped on the ground and fell into the dark passage inside. After he walked in, everything changed.

There was no longer a passage in front of him, but a circular space with a large area. A figure was standing in the center. The figure of that person was blurred, and it was impossible to see who was coming.


Hua Yueling stared at the other side guard, and walked forward slowly.The man did not move, and seemed to be waiting for him to pass.

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