Hua Yueling stood there hesitantly, and stopped after walking two steps.Observing from a distance, he narrowed his eyes to find out what is worth noting on the other person.

It seems like this is an ordinary human being, but how could there be such a person in such a place.It's not so much that he is so special, it's better to say that he was deliberately made so that people can't see his appearance clearly, and it has nothing to do with him.

"This person... shouldn't be the adventurer, right?"

Hua Yueling hasn't seen that person for so long after entering here, maybe he has disappeared.After all, it was just a character in the world of illusion. It was not a simple matter to want him to disappear, not as complicated as imagined.

"Still no response? Have to wait for me to pass?"

Seeing that the other party didn't react at all, Hua Yueling took a few steps forward, he didn't dare to go too close, if the other party suddenly attacked, it would be troublesome.But the situation is not very good now, the other party seems to have no reaction at all, and he is not willing to act before he passes.

"If that's the case, it seems that you can only attack him."

It was a bit of a struggle to attack Hua Yueling without showing hostility, so he didn't make a decision for the time being, but continued to move in the direction where the opponent was, and see how the opponent would react.

But this has no effect. It seems that it is useless as long as it is not close to the past. Just this level of temptation will not have any effect at all, and the other party will ignore it.


Hua Yueling glanced around, and the scenery of this place is still very good, but the feeling of being out of the world is a bit too strong.Obviously this should be a separate space, not a place connected to other places.

"How did I get here?"

Hua Yueling thought suspiciously, he only remembered that he walked into the dark passage, and then there was no other reaction, and then came here when he reacted.

"where is this place?"

Regardless of the people on the other side, Hua Yueling closed her eyes and felt that this place was a strange place.The breath of illusion can be clearly felt, very rich, it is the power he is familiar with, not his own power, but he has already dealt with the master of this power.

"It was the same last time. To get others into this rather boring maze, the road was a bit too long, and it was a waste of time."

Hua Yueling was also a little impatient. Not long ago, she had experienced the same thing once before entering here, and it is still the same now.There are changes, but the essence is the same.

It takes time to explore such a place, and it is worthwhile to be happy that I have spent time exploring it.But the current situation is very uncomfortable, I don't know what to do.

The person in the center of the venue didn't seem to be a person at all. No matter what Hua Yueling did, he didn't have any reaction. When Hua Yueling did not exist.Hua Yueling couldn't determine what kind of situation the other party was in, whether it was really out of a coma, or that it was temporarily unable to respond, or it was an ambush.

At present, the two sides are in a relatively subtle atmosphere. Neither of them has the intention to take the initiative, and they are all waiting for the other's actions.But the other party did not act as they had hoped, and seemed to be waiting for something.

"If this goes on, the situation should be delayed. It seems that if I don't move, it won't move. Is it just me?"

Hua Yueling is still hesitating, if he can, he certainly doesn't want to take the initiative to pass, but now it seems that there is no other way.If you don't pass, the other party won't react, and it's not good for you to stay in a stalemate.

Seeing that if he didn't make any movements, the other party would maintain this posture, Hua Yueling became somewhat irritated, and suddenly walked towards Qian.He rushed to the figure without interruption along the way, and when the distance was not far away, the figure was considered to have moved.

Slowly miraculously, his body seemed to be covered in dust. With his movements, the vines that bound his body slowly receded, and some were directly broken into two pieces.The dust slid down, fell to the ground or flew in the sky.

The figure of that person stood up slowly, and his eyes gradually opened.It wasn't until this time that Hua Yueling was able to see the other party's appearance clearly. He didn't seem to be the person he had seen. The person in front of him had a face that made him feel strange, and he didn't know who the other party was.

"Is it a new enemy again?"

Hua Yueling stopped, not going forward temporarily.Now there is still a distance between the two sides, this distance is still a little closer, but it is just right.

Huayueling doesn't have to worry at such a long distance, he is confident that he can react immediately after the opponent moves.He has such confidence.

The figure gradually got up, and everything that restrained him fell to the ground with her body. After the person got up, he moved his body, and then thought of Hua Yueling and looked over.

The opponent's eyes intersect with Hua Yueling's, but there is no meaning to speak.


Raising his eyebrows, a strange feeling sucked into my heart, and a more powerful force suddenly emerged and moved quickly.

"This kind of power, it seems that the power that is moving here now should be the key point of this illusion, but it seems that it is very difficult to break it like this, and it is estimated that there will be a battle."

Seeing the man's movements, Hua Yueling clenched his two-handed sword, ready to fight at any time.

In the circular environment like an arena, the climbing vines on the surrounding walls became active, crawling towards the middle, and soon surrounded Huayueling and the others, and Shizhou Zhi left a lot of A little space.If you can only fight in this space, it will be very troublesome. Fighting in a small space is not impossible, but it is very difficult.

Moreover, he is currently in the opponent's territory. Who knows if those vines will rise up and make trouble during the battle, this is something worth noting.

Hua Yueling is very cautious, so he has no intention to act until now, he is not ready to act until the other party does not act.

The dust on the body was all gone, and the man was moving like a rusty iron body. His movements were slow and wrinkled, and it seemed that he hadn't moved for a long time.

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