The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1364 Destroyed Village

Hua Yueling was afraid of being discovered, and didn't want to conflict with the other party for the time being, so after just observing it, she immediately hid on her side.In terms of your own strength, if you want to hide, it should be difficult to find the opponent.

As he thought, the few people passed the place where he was hiding and walked forward.

These people don't know what they are here for, whether it has something to do with the tragic incident in this village.But it seems that they have just come here, and they don't look like they have gone through battle.

"It's better not to go out, who knows if they will treat me as an enemy."

Hua Yueling was not sure, Suo was still hiding, and only after the other party left, did she leave the hiding place.

"Everything has changed again. The world of pixels used to be the real world, but this should be the last."

This time, if you find the key point to crack the illusion, you should really crack the illusion.But Huayueling only probed for a while, and didn't find that spot.

"Well, since these people have appeared, let's follow them first, maybe you can get some clues."

These people certainly did not appear for no reason. Perhaps they appeared to guide themselves.Otherwise, I don't know what to do or where to go.

As for this village, Hua Yueling did not find anything noteworthy after exploring it.

"It shouldn't be in this village, it would be too simple."

This village is not the one he visited before. It should be a new place. I don't know if these are connected, but there should be none. You can probably tell from the place where this village is located.

I don't know if there is anything worth noting in this village. Hua Yueling didn't have time to stay here for a long time, so she could only search briefly with her exploration skills, and found nothing.

"It seems to be just an ordinary village. It's better not to let these people go, and maybe you can find something with them."

Hua Yueling hid behind the wall, poking out her head to observe the actions of those people. Soon after she walked out of the village, the monsters who followed them separated from them and returned to the village again.

"Why are they separated like this? They... are they worried about being excluded by going elsewhere?"

It is amazing to be able to command such a monster to tell the truth, there should not be too many people who can do this, at least Hua Yueling herself has never seen such a person.

The most important thing is that these monsters don't seem to have been summoned. If they are summoned, they should be sent back directly instead of acting separately.

"It's weird, but it's better to ignore them first."

The upper body retracted, Hua Yueling hurriedly walked to the other side, in order not to be discovered by those monsters.But it was with those who were gradually moving away or with these monsters. He didn't want to conflict with them, so it was best to avoid it if he could avoid it.

"It's not easy to track them. It should be a plain outside, and there is no place to hide. Unless I wait until they are far away, and then I will surround them in the distance."

Hua Yueling turned around and took a look. The monsters that had returned to the destroyed village disappeared at this time, and they didn't know where they were.But these are not related to Hua Yueling after all, and he doesn't need to pay attention to these for the time being.

The humans in front of them are indeed a bit important, they should take themselves to their destinations, but this time it is not so easy to complete the task and leave the world of illusion.

Hua Yueling remembered what happened not long ago, thinking that it took a lot of effort before she broke away from that place and destroyed the illusion barrier there.By then, I came here again. After I came here, Huayueling clearly noticed a different place. The illusion enchantment here can be said to be stronger, and the protection of key points is also more concealed.

In this place, he also deliberately investigated the situation in the distance, but found nothing at all.It was different from before. No matter where it was before, at least some conditions could be detected, but now there is nothing, which makes him feel a little troublesome.

The situation is getting a little troublesome. This is certain. The key is what he should do. There is no good way yet.

"You can only go one step at a time."

Looking at the figures in the distance, Hua Yueling thought in her heart that the strength of those people seemed to be pretty good, although they might not be as good as him, they were pretty good.

"But where are they going? Why are they here?"

Such questions circulated in his mind, and he couldn't find the answer for a while.He could only shook his head and ran after him.

It is located a little far away, so you don't have to worry too much about being discovered. Although there is no place to hide here, but with Hua Yueling's strength only for a moment, they can easily avoid their sight.

Those people didn't know that they were still following the individual behind them, and they walked out of the vast grassland onto a narrower road.Along this road, after walking for about an hour, Hua Yueling looked at an ancient city from a distance.

From a distance, you can see the tall tower with a round and sharp roof in the city. That tower is much higher than the entire city, almost three times the height of the city.

The tiles on the roof of the tower are blue glazed and look very beautiful.

"Where is that place?"

When she first saw that tower, Hua Yueling felt that some strange emotions were rising in her heart. That tower was definitely not simple, maybe it was where she was going.There is such a special tower in such a city, no matter how you think about it, it is a little weird.

"Huh, go there and have a look after entering the city."

Although Hua Yueling now said that she had a lot of free time, she was eager to be in the illusion space, so there should be no changes in the external space, but she did not worry too much about the passage of time.

What's more, the matter here is not to be solved in a hurry. It takes some time to understand the situation. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be successful. If you don't understand anything, how can you succeed.

It seems that the journey is still very far away. It is only a long way to see the tower and the city. It should take a lot of time to get there.The target of those who lead the way in front seems to be that city.

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