The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1365 Awkward Situation

Following those people far away, Hua Yueling was also watching them.It seems that they are just an ordinary team of adventurers, there is nothing suspicious.

If he hadn't encountered them before acting with a group of monsters, Hua Yueling would think so, but after discovering that, he knew it was definitely not that simple.These people are definitely not as simple as ordinary adventurers. As for their true identities, Hua Yueling did not dare to speculate before they had close contact.

But what is certain is that they should not be good people. If they are good people, they won't do what they did before.

The purpose of these people is not yet clear. Hua Yueling is not particularly interested. What he wants to know most now is how to get out of this damned illusion space.I can't take it anymore.

There are two huge green grass fields on both sides. The end can not be seen at a glance. The wind blows, and the green grass on the ground sways with the wind.Basically, there is no one to see on the grass, and there is basically no sound except the sound of wind. It is a very quiet place.

It's a bit unreasonable to be quiet, but Hua Yueling is also very accustomed to acting in this environment, and many places he's been to are like this, especially quiet.

The four people walking in front are all wearing different equipment and all seem to have different fighting styles.Dalu observed that there should be two warriors, a magician and an archer.The four-person team of adventurers is actually quite small.

But sometimes it's the same. It's not that everyone can gather a very large team of adventurers casually. A team of four people like this is still quite common.

They looked pretty good. One of the two armored warriors walking in the front was carrying a shield behind his back and a long sword slung around his waist.The other person was carrying a huge axe behind his back, and the axe was almost as high as the others.

The axe's blade was still quite clean, no trace of blood was seen, and the long sword slung around the man's waist could not be seen because of the scabbard.

The magician is carrying a magic wand on his back, the archer is carrying a longbow on his shoulders, and the arrows are also carried on his back.

The pace of the four of them is not fast, it can be said that they are relatively slow.Hua Yueling wanted to leave this place and reach the city quickly, but he couldn't speed up and rush up by himself when they were not fast.

If you really do that, it will easily cause trouble. Although those people have not found him yet, if he really appears in front of those people, what kind of thoughts those people will have, it's hard to say.

Hua Yueling walked slowly like this, looking at the distant city, and roughly estimated how long it would take to reach that city at the current speed.

"At least half a day, if you can speed up the writing speed, it won't take that long."

But this is not his decision, even if he wants to speed up, there is no way, people will not listen to him.

About an hour later, Hua Yueling discovered a small town, which seemed to be quite prosperous, and the death of humans was quite lively.After arriving in this town, the few people diverted into the town, and did not continue to follow the road to the city.

"Hey, didn't they come from that city?"

Hua Yueling thought with some surprise. This made him hesitate. He wanted to keep going, but since they weren't going to the city, they were his goal.

"I'll follow along and take a look, this small town..."

Although Hua Yueling still feels that the tall tower in the distance is even more strange now, it may be what he is looking for, but he still decides to follow these people temporarily.

This also resulted in him not being able to follow them as slowly as he did now, and he had to speed up to catch up with them, otherwise when he arrived in the town, those people would not know where they were and how he would find them.

Fortunately, those people didn't notice his existence from beginning to end, until they entered the town. This gave Hua Yueling a chance, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.In this way, she speeded up and chased after him. Hua Yueling chased all the way to the outside of the town and entered the village along the road. Those few people had long since disappeared.

"It's still a little bit late, but fortunately I still remember the breath on them, otherwise I would really lose it."

Hua Yueling thought fortunately. Fortunately, before their figure was lost, he deliberately used exploration skills to determine the aura of those people, so that as long as they were not too far away, they could be discovered.This situation is the right time for this ability to play.

After entering the town, Hua Yueling looked around and used his exploration skills to confirm where the people were now.However, no one found out that they had just entered the town, but they did not know what they were doing.

The town is very lively, there are many people, and humans have died, but how many of these people who come and go are locals.They are all merchants and adventurers. I think it's because of the great city nearby.

Hua Yueling also attracted attention after entering the town, mainly because his tattered clothes attracted people's attention.And there are so many wounds on his body, his hands and face are dirty.

"Forgot about this, I am not the same now, I have to be like this, really!"

Thinking of this, he knew that he had to clean up, otherwise he might not be able to get in the city.

The first thing to do now is to find a clean suit, but he doesn't have any currency here, so it is very difficult to buy clothes.

"Well, let me see if I have any money with me first."

Hua Yueling sighed, feeling uneasy about her actions in the future. She hadn't noticed before. Now that she has noticed, she can't just walk around wearing such a dress stupidly.This is definitely not okay, but if you don't have money, you can't do anything here unless you steal a set of clothes, but he doesn't want to do it.

"Sure enough, there is no money. In this case, you have to find a way to earn some money. There should be places like adventurers' guilds. Go and find out if there are any tasks. Just get some money. I'll talk about the others later. Right."

At the moment this situation is also helpless, no matter which time I have never encountered such a situation.

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