"Can you tell me why you are following me? We didn't know each other before, right?"

Deep in the alley, after looking around and confirming that there is no one else, Hua Yueling asked the girl.He definitely didn't know this girl before, so why did she follow herself with herself as a goal? This is something worth knowing.Hua Yueling didn't believe that the other party wanted to do this for no reason. There must be a reason why she did it.

"Didn't I tell you before, you are sneaky, so I want to catch up to see if you are going to do something bad, and naturally catch up."

The girl shrugged nonchalantly and said in a somewhat casual tone.

"Because of this?"

"What else can it be because of. Oh, what I have to say is that you look at your tatters, so I thought you were going to do something bad and prepared to catch you."


"Then it is confirmed that I have not done anything bad, so you should stop following me."

Hua Yueling looked at each other helplessly, this kind of reason was really...so he didn't know what to say.Shaking his head, Hua Yueling decided that it would be better to separate from the other party as soon as possible. He is more confused about the other party's thoughts, so it is better not to entangle the other party too much.

"Hey, don't worry, in fact, I found that you are still a very special person, so I want to chat with you more!"

"Forget it, I don't want to talk to you."

Hua Yueling shook her head and directly rejected the girl.In fact, it's not that his heart is really hard, mainly because he knows that he is still in the illusion space, and in this kind of space, there are not many people who can believe.

Especially the girl who came here by herself like this is the most in need of caution.

Hua Yueling decided to separate from the other party as soon as possible, but this girl obviously didn't think so. Seeing Hua Yueling walk away, she even chased after her, but she didn't speak, just dangling beside Hua Yueling.

"What are you going to do, we don't even know."

Hua Yueling looked at the other party helplessly. He didn't want to look for trouble in such a place, but the other party seemed to be forcing him to look for trouble.

"What are you going to do, I'm very curious, so I want to follow you to see it. No problem, right?"

"The problem is big!"

Hua Yueling stomped her feet hard and couldn't help but glared at the other party, but this approach didn't work, and the other party didn't care at all.

"We have nothing to do. Why do I have to ask you to follow me when I do something? No, this is absolutely not possible. You should do what you should do. Don't follow me again!"

Righteously speaking, Hua Yueling crossed both hands on his chest, turned around and speeded up his pace to leave.But it didn't take long for him to leave, just when he thought his words had worked, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and the girl didn't have any idea of ​​concealing it, so she caught up.

"I say you……"

"Wait, wait, don't be angry, I have something to say to you. I think you are good at strength. Why do you want to secretly observe those people? Is there any hatred with them?"

"No. I'm just an ordinary person. I can have any hatred against people like them."

Hua Yueling gave her an angry look and said quickly.In fact, he was a little bit trying to cover things up, but the main thing was that Hua Yueling didn't want to entangle the other party too much. She wanted to leave now, but the girl didn't give him a chance. Really because of this fight with each other.

The other party was clinging to his back like a snakeskin plaster, unable to drive away, which made Hua Yueling nothing.Want to get rid of the other person, but there is still something to do here, and it is not easy to get rid of it.

"Okay, okay, I'm convinced, what you want to do, just tell me."

"What are you doing? I didn't want to do anything. I just think you are more interesting. And you don't want to lie to me, your strength is definitely not just as simple as an ordinary person."

The girl shook her head vigorously, and insisted.

"But I'm quite curious, how did you become like this."

Hua Yueling was silent, he didn't have to answer the other party's questions.But he didn't speak, and the girl was not angry, she just looked at him curiously.

Hua Yueling turned her head, didn't want to say anything, turned around and left.

"Can you stop following me?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Whatever I do has nothing to do with you, right?"

Hua Yueling increased her tone and asked with a frown.

"It can be said that it doesn't matter, but I'm quite curious. Don't you change your clothes? Or do you want to wear it all the time?

"You don't need to take care of my business."

Hua Yueling was already quite helpless with this girl, and what he had to say was too obvious. It stands to reason that even if she wanted to approach him, she couldn't use such obvious means.

However, if I change my mind, no matter what method is used to approach him, he will definitely feel that he has ulterior motives in this situation. If it is wrapped in such a cowhide plaster, it will let him. Let your guard down.Maybe the other party has such thoughts.

No matter what the other party thinks, Hua Yueling feels very boring.

I wanted to convince the other party, but no matter what he said, the girl didn't respond much. Anyway, she basically refused to leave and had to follow him.This made Hua Yueling no choice. He could do nothing, unless he blasted her away directly, but there was something to do.

"Forget it, I was unlucky to meet you, alright. Is there such a place as the Adventurer's Guild here?"

"Adventurer's Guild? No, what do you do in the Adventurer's Guild, you can only find it in the city."

"No." Hua Yueling blinked, she still had some hope, but now she seems to think too much.In this case, it would be a little troublesome. How would I make money without the Adventurer’s Guild?

"Will you go to the Adventurer's Guild? Do you want to take over the mission or release the mission? It looks like you are going to release the mission, but judging from your strength, it shouldn't be necessary."

"..." Hua Yueling simply ignored the other party, pretending to have heard nothing.However, the girl had a way to deal with him, and saw that she leaned close to Hua Yueling's side and looked at him with her big eyes blinking and blinking, and the fragrance of her body drifted into his nose.


After subconsciously stepping back two steps, Hua Yueling bumped her back against the wall.

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