There is no adventurer's guild, which is troublesome, and the idea of ​​making money has failed. What should I do?Can I only go directly to the city?

Not having money is not just having no clothes to change, but also having no place to live.He didn't know anyone here, and he didn't have any money on him, and he couldn't go to the hotel. It was pitiful enough to think about it.

"Hey, it's getting harder and harder. It was okay before, but now it makes things so complicated, I don't know what to do."

Sighing helplessly, Hua Yueling raised her head and looked at the sky. The sky in this illusion world is different from the sky in the real world.Birds can be seen flying in the blue sky, their calls can be heard, and white clouds float in the distance.

He hadn't seen such a clear blue sky before, maybe he had seen it only in the photos.

"What's the matter? Tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will help you."

"At best, we just met. Why do you want to help me?"

"Why can't I help you just now?"

"It's not a good habit to use questions to answer questions. But what you said is not a problem, indeed, even if you just met, there is no problem, but..."

"Go ahead, what can I do for help?"

Hua Yueling hesitated, and observed the other's face. The other's face didn't seem to have any expression, and his face was very calm.It's hard to tell what she was thinking, but she didn't seem to be malicious.

"There are indeed places that need your help."

Followed her to the hotel, but Hua Yueling did not follow her to her room, but waited for her outside.

"Okay, let's go, isn't it just a set of clothes? You said it would be solved early."

"Speaking of which we haven't introduced each other yet, can you ask your name?"

"It's better to introduce yourself before asking someone's name. I don't know what your name is yet."

"Yes, my name is Huayueling, so I can be considered an adventurer."

"Probably? And your name is a bit strange, it's a type I haven't heard of. Where are you from? Not here, right."

"Is my name strange? Maybe, people I've met seem to say that, but my name is very common with us, but I don't think your names are easy to remember."

"Really, it may be so."

The girl nodded.

"Hua Yueling, that's how it is called, right?"


"Abiasha, this is my name."


"Yes, that's it, what do you think, it's still a good name." The girl seemed to ask smugly.

"Ah, it's pretty good, it sounds like a great name."

Naturally, Hua Yueling would not discourage her, nodded and said in agreement.

After the two introduced each other, Abiatha took Hua Yueling to buy a set of clothes, which was not expensive, but it was enough.After buying the clothes, Hua Yueling wanted to find a hidden place to change her clothes, but Abiasha stopped her.

"Just go to my room and change it."


Hua Yueling was completely shocked by what she said, and even called herself to go...To be honest, he had thoughts like this before, but he was immediately thrown out of his mind, and he didn't expect the other party to take the initiative to mention it.It's incredible.

"Some are not good. I'll just find a place."

"Just be out there, you really want to be famous, don't you?"

The girl sneered, took his hand and ran to the hotel.

"Don't refuse, it's just to change your clothes, or do you have other ideas?"

"Okay, okay, let me trouble you."

The girl dared to say anything with a mouth, Hua Yueling said with her hands hurriedly.Following the girl back to the hotel, Hua Yueling went to her room and changed all her clothes.

Neither the top nor the pants underneath him belonged to him. They had never seen it before, and I don't know when they changed it.

"Throw these out in a while. The other thing is the girl."

He doesn't know what the girl is thinking, but he can ask for a while, he can't just leave like this after others have helped him so much. It's definitely not good to do so.

After tidying up, holding the changed clothes, Hua Yueling walked out of the room.When I went outside, I saw the girl waiting for herself with her back against the wall.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay, and it didn't take long. How does it feel to change your clothes? Isn't that good?

"Oh, that's alright."

"I want to throw this away. Just throw it in the bucket inside. It's not easy to find a place to throw things in other places."

"Forget it, don't throw this tattered clothes inside, it will affect the mood of others. As for where to throw it, let's talk about it later, don't worry."

"That's OK, it depends on your mood."

Abiasha shrugged her shoulders, and did not persuade Hua Yueling again.Hua Yueling stood at the door, walked slightly towards her, and stopped with her shoulders against the wall after getting closer.

Hua Yueling stared at her, exploring the colors and words hidden in her eyes.But although Abiasha looks a little careless, but when you really get along, you will find that she is actually quite a calm person.

"Is there anything I need?"

"You are leaving, in a hurry?"

"There is nothing urgent, but I have to get some money, otherwise I can't find a place to live."

"Let me help you, go open another room, and you will stay here."

"Then it's too much trouble for you. You bought my clothes for help, and I'm asking you to help..."

"Stop talking about it, you just say you can't help it?" Abiasha blinked and asked in a compelling tone.

"Ha...then trouble you, I will pay you back if I have money later." After sighing, Hua Yueling looked at her, and then said.

"Let's talk about that afterwards, it's useless for you not to say such things for a penny now."

Glancing at him, Abiasha looked a little strange, but Hua Yueling didn't care.It's pretty good if people are willing to help themselves, and they still care about what they do.

"Anyway, thank you for your help."

"No thanks, it's not a big deal. I just thought you were funny, so I wanted to check it out. It's nothing if I help you."

Abiasha shook her head and said.

"Okay, let me open a room for you. If you want to rest, go back and rest."

"It feels okay, I don't particularly need to rest."

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