The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1370 Difficult Resistance

The situation was more troublesome than expected, and I didn't know if it was missed or came from another direction. After Abiatha opened the window, he discovered that there was a monster running rampant in the road below.

"No, there are even monsters here!"


Hua Yueling asked, and hurried to her side, lowered her head and looked down, and she saw that the monster was rushing from the left side, and it seemed that it was targeting those people on the right.If it were to let it rush over, it would be a heavy loss, Hua Yueling also knew that he had to stop it, otherwise those people would be in danger.

Originally, it was messy enough for them to escape, and it was messy, but if they were rushed in to disrupt the situation, it would only be more troublesome.

"Get out of here, I'll get rid of it first!"

"No problem, this monster is not weak."

"No problem, just leave it to me!"

Abiasha gave him aside, Hua Yueling jumped down from the open window, and almost silently went behind the monster.Before the monster had reacted, the hidden dragon blade had penetrated its body.

Hua Yueling's sneak attack can be said to be clean and tidy, without disturbing anyone, and the monster was easily killed by him.

Abiatha originally wanted to stop Hua Yueling and ask him if he had a weapon, but before she could say it, Hua Yueling had already jumped down, and it was too late to stop it.


Seeing that Hua Yueling had solved a monster that seemed very difficult to her so easily, she now had a new understanding of Hua Yueling, but she never thought that Hua Yueling had such strength. .

"Much better than I thought."

Abiasha thought this in her heart, followed Hua Yueling and jumped down to his side.

"There is no way to go over there, let's go over here, as soon as possible, I don't know where this monster came from."

"Just go and see, let's go."

Hua Yueling ran to the other side first. Abiatha followed him closely and went to the exit of the alley with him. Hua Yueling poked her head out to observe and saw that there was a monster on the right side. Is rushing here.However, there were soldiers and adventurers chasing after them. Neither the soldiers nor the adventurers looked in good condition. They were injured and the armor they were wearing was a little damaged, which was enough to see the tragic situation of the battle.

"Let's stop these monsters. Are you okay?"

Hua Yueling turned to look at Abiasha, and asked with some worry.Abiasha's strength is not particularly clear to him, and there are not many monsters rushing over at the moment, and the strength is not too strong, but after all, it is this kind of rampage situation. It does not mean that blocking can be blocked.

"No problem, although I can't match you, but I am not that weak."

Abiatha took off the longbow on her shoulders as she said, it was just before she jumped down.He drew the arrow on his back and aimed at a monster closer to them and shot it out.

The arrows flew out, and they arrived in front of the monster in a blink of an eye.However, that monster was not so easy to be hit. I saw it lowered its head and directly used the hard "armor" to block the arrow.

"This monster is quite wise."

Abiatha said with some surprise, she really didn't expect that, at first, she thought that even if her attack could not have much effect, she would at least bring some threats to the other party, but it seemed that she was thinking too much.

"You support from the back, and I go to the front to block them!"

Hua Yueling spoke to her loudly, and then the figure flashed forward. He wanted to use a two-handed sword. This kind of weapon is the easiest to use at this time, but after another thought, the people here can It's not all people you know, so it's better not to expose too much in front of them.

In that case, use the hidden dragon blade, although the hidden dragon blade is shorter, the damage is still sufficient.

There were as many as eight monsters rushing over, and there seemed to be some behind those people, and they should have rushed in afterwards.It is not easy for so many monsters to stop only by him and Abiasha.

Unless the attention of these monsters is drawn by Hua Yueling, otherwise he can only do his best.

Flashing to the body of the monster closest to him, Hua Yueling waved the hidden dragon blade and pierced it towards the fragile part of the monster.The monster turned his head and ran into him, but he was still faster.

"No, in this case... I'm not here to fight it against the injury."

After avoiding the attack, Hua Yueling went to the side of the monster, waving the hidden dragon blade again. This time the monster could not react in time and was hit by his attack.

The hidden dragon blade was deeply submerged in the monster's body, and accompanied by the screams of the monster, Hua Yueling pulled out the hidden dragon blade and rushed beside a monster under the net.

The monster behind was screaming, the sharpness of the hidden dragon blade was not a joke, even if it was just such an attack, the damage was not small.After it was able to act, it immediately turned around and chased Hua Yueling, but Abiatha was not watching Hua Yueling fighting. Seeing this kind of scene, he opened his bow and set arrows, aimed at the weakness of the monster and shot. Get out.

"This time I won't let you hide away!"

The previous attack was somewhat embarrassing and made her feel a little bad. This time she won't make the same mistake again.She thought so, and the arrows flew in and pierced the monster's body.

The power contained in the arrow stopped it from sprinting, preventing it from chasing Hua Yueling, allowing Hua Yueling to concentrate on dealing with other monsters.

The hidden dragon blade pierced into the body of another monster, and was hidden by the opponent once before. How could Hua Yueling make the same mistake.So first, there was a trick that tricked the monster into a stupid attack, and then he flashed to the other side, causing it to harm it effortlessly.

All this seems to be a long time to speak, but it is just a matter of moments. With Hua Yueling's figure flickering, these monsters did not cause any harm to him. He easily attracted attention and caused it. Not a small injury.

"That's enough."

At this time, the soldiers and adventurers chasing after them also chased up. With their help, Huayueling and Abiatha easily beheaded these monsters.

"Thank you for your help, otherwise it will be rushed by them and things will be unthinkable!"

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