The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1371 Precarious Defense

"This is what we should do. How is the situation now, are the monsters still attacking?"

"Yes, and the number of monsters is increasing, and it is difficult for us to hold on. Since the monsters here have been killed, then we have to go back as soon as possible, sorry. In addition, can you two also help, please? Both of them are very strong and they will definitely be able to help us!"

"This is exactly what we are going to say, please lead the way."

"Thank you!"

The leading soldier thanked them, and then hurried back.The adventurers who followed them also turned and left without saying a word.

Glancing at Abiasha, the girl was somewhat vague, not sure what was going on.Hua Yueling approached her and called her.

"Would you like to go together? It's a very dangerous place over there, you may not be able to come back if you go."

"Aren't you still there, it's safe to be with you."

She had seen Hua Yueling's strength, and believed that he could protect herself with his strength.And as an adventurer, he is also in some cities, even if there is no one to protect it, it is fine.

"Anyway, don't forget to be careful. It's dangerous in such chaotic places."

After the two people finished talking, they immediately set off to catch up with those in front of them. Those soldiers and adventurers were very fast, very anxious, and the time was almost gone after a while.However, Hua Yueling and the others were not slow, but they caught up after a while.

"The situation seems to be really not very good. I don't know how many monsters there are. The sound of fighting can still be heard here. It's lively enough."

Hua Yueling looked at the distance, the road they were walking was not the main road, but a side road.But this is also very strange. Since it is not the main road, why the monsters will come here instead of coming in from the main road. It would not be right to say that it is the merits of the soldiers. After they came in, they have not been able to catch up. On the monster.

At the entrance of the town, an extremely spectacular scene appeared before their eyes.Hua Yueling and Abiasha couldn't help but stop when they saw this scene.

"This this……"

Looking at this scene in disbelief, Hua Yueling had also imagined that scene before he came. How many monsters could ravage a town guarded by soldiers and adventurers near a town. It seems true now. It is very exaggerated.

"With so many monsters, there is no way to fight this battle!"

Abiasha's reaction was bigger than him, but she still remembered where she was, so although she was surprised, she didn't really make a loud noise.

Hua Yueling heard her exclamation and shook her head with a wry smile, even he didn't expect it to be like this.The monster Wuyang Wuyang from far to near is like a wave crashing on the town, roughly counting at least hundreds of different monsters.

"It's weird to say that it is impossible not to be found in such a plain area. How can such a large-scale monster appear so many monsters without knowing it, and it has not been discovered yet, it is simply not It's possible!"

"It's not easy to say, but maybe someone's strategy at the time may be uncertain. It's not the time to talk about this. Shouldn't we go and help? It looks like the situation is already precarious."

"It's not that I don't want to go. It's just that it's no use even if we make a move. Adding the two of us is no different from not adding it. You can't even turn a wave."

"so what should I do now?"

"Anyway, you should pay attention. Just hide away and help out. Don't go close. At this time, it's easy to get to a place too close, especially if you use a bow and arrow."

"I see, what about you?" Abiasha looked at him gratefully, and then quickly asked.

"I must go up and help, but you can rest assured that I won't have any problems."

"Really? So many monsters..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I know it in my heart. Regardless of the large number of monsters, it is not a problem for me. Even if I can't resist them, I can escape."

Hua Yueling comforted the other party, and then ran forward quickly.

"Okay, I won't tell you any more, I have to go over and help, so you can support it at the back. Remember to hide, don't be too easy to find places, in that case, if the monsters really rush in, yes It's quite dangerous for you."

"I know."

After the two separated, Hua Yueling arrived at the front line, and then went into battle to help soldiers and adventurers fight the surging monsters.It is relatively easy to deal with these monsters with Hua Yueling's strength, although these monsters still have some strength, but there are others nearby to help hold them, and he can attack unscrupulously.

In a blink of an eye, several monsters were killed, and the soldiers and adventurers who were entangled by the monsters also relaxed.But it was just a few, and then there were monsters rushing up, continuously impacting the line of defense they formed.

Killing a monster will cause more monsters to flood in, and there is no way to stop their attack.Hua Yueling also thought of a lot of ways, but none of them were particularly good. The number gap between the two sides was really too big, and whether they had a particularly strong force on their side, which caused the scene to be deadlocked.

It would be great if there were really good people in the town, but unfortunately there weren't there. The most powerful ones were probably about the same as him, and he might not even be strong.There is a huge difference in numbers, and they can only temporarily block a wave, depending on their toughness, but if this continues, it will still be easily dissipated by the impact.

"I can't go on like this."

Hua Yueling thought like this in her heart as she kept moving around to destroy the monsters that came up.But he couldn't do more for the time being. It was already good to be able to do this, at least it would give them some breathing space.

The scene just now was even more terrifying. Those soldiers and adventurers were about to be crushed.Some places have been breached, and the monsters rushed into the town.It's strange to say that these monsters seem to have been deliberately manipulated.

Hua Yueling was not guessing, but so sure.Because after breaking through the defense, these monsters didn't even attack other human beings beside them, but rushed straight in. It seemed that the purpose was very clear.To say that no one is controlling, Hua Yueling is a thousand and ten thousand people who do not believe it.

"But what kind of person would it be?"

I thought of the few people I had detected in the village where the battle had taken place before. They were with the monsters.

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