When the two people chatted late, they were quite happy talking.Both Abiatha and Hua Yueling have gained a lot.

After such a chat, Hua Yueling knew more about her.This is also a good thing. The two sides understand each other and the relationship between each other will be better.

Hua Yueling thinks she is a pretty good person, no matter how it is said.She is a very energetic and helpful person. Even chatting is humorous. People like to chat with her very much and will not feel that chatting with her is a torture.

However, the chatting time was too long, Hua Yueling looked up at the time, and it was night in a blink of an eye, which was really unexpected.

"It's all so late, and I should have a rest. Sorry, I dragged you to talk so much. But I haven't been able to meet a few friends like you, so..."

"It's okay, I'm very happy to be able to chat with you. And I learned a lot from chatting with you, which is pretty good."

Hua Yueling quickly waved her hands and said.


Abiatha said with some surprise, she was a little worried about whether it would trouble him too much, but now she is much happier listening to him.

"Well, it's good. I just want to chat with others. It's also good that we two know each other better."

Hua Yueling said with a smile.

Standing up and jumping up, Abiasha looked quite agitated, and she couldn't help smiling when she saw Hua Yueling like this.It’s nice to see a girl’s smile like this. It’s not a waste of time to spend time chatting with her.

In fact, what he said is not all true. After all, he didn't like to chat with others before, because he was not a person of that character.But chatting with Abiasha is really fun. Abiasha seems to have a special power in her body, so that people who chat with her can like her and like to talk freely with her. This is a very powerful force.

Hua Yueling had never had such power, as if he had never liked chatting with others.

After venting his joyful mood, Abiasha smiled embarrassedly at Huayueling, knowing that his reaction was a bit overdone.After speaking to Qian, Hua Yueling naturally wouldn't say anything about her. This was a manifestation of her inner mood, so how could she criticize her for this.

After saying goodbye to him, Abiasha went out of the room, and Hua Yueling watched her back, until her figure disappeared before her eyes, then turned and returned to the room.

"Hey, I didn't expect to chat with her for so long. Huh... It's really a bit unexpected."

He raised his arms high, straightened his chest and yawned a long yawn. Hua Yueling lay directly on the bed, really tired, and could not lie down after sitting for so long.In fact, he wanted to lie down at that time, but because Abiatha was always there, he kept reminding himself that he couldn’t lie down, he couldn’t lie down and so on. Forgot about it.

Later, the two people talked better and better, and the relationship warmed up as a result. Huayueling's movements became a little presumptuous, and when she lay down, Abiatha naturally wouldn't say anything.

Now that she went back to her room, she had to rest for a while and regain her strength to deal with the action in the middle of the night.

"I hope nothing else will happen later."

Hua Yueling hoped so much, turned over and prepared to rest for a while.There is still something to do in the middle of the night, and now there is still some time for him to rest, so let's rest. If there is no rest, there is no way to act.

After closing her eyes, Hua Yueling fell asleep without knowing it.

In his sleep, he had a dream, a vague dream, as if he saw something, but it was not particularly clear, and everything passed without knowing it.

It flashed in front of his eyes like a revolving lantern, and the speed was so fast that he didn't even know what was happening, so it passed.

When I opened my eyes, the scenery outside the window was dark, and it should be late at night.

"Well, what time is it, won't you oversleep?"

Hua Yueling thought worriedly, raised her head and looked at it. Fortunately, although the time was later than expected, it was not a problem.

"No way, we must act as soon as possible, um, let's get down from the window."

When he reached the window, he looked outside through the window. There was nothing outside and no one was there, so he stretched out his hand and pushed the window open.

"It's just right, it's pretty quiet here, don't worry about being discovered."

Hua Yueling jumped down from the window, and then carefully closed the window again at the outside edge.The weather is pretty good, although there is a slight breeze, but the wind is not strong, so even if you don't pay attention to the windows, you don't have to worry about making noise.

When he got to the bottom, he looked around and confirmed that there was no one on either side, then he chose one side and ran over.

At the entrance of the passage, standing there and watching, there are still a lot of people on the street, and you can see soldiers patrolling in the distance.Perhaps due to the fact that monsters have frequently made big moves recently, the city is heavily guarded.

"You have to be careful, otherwise you might be found out."

Hua Yueling carefully confirmed the surrounding situation, and he marked any danger, but it was in her mind.

"Let's wait and see, I can't go out yet."

Hiding in the dark, Hua Yueling listened to the footsteps, waiting for those people to leave.They can only go out after they leave, otherwise it would be too dangerous to go out now.

Naturally, Hua Yueling didn't want to be discovered, this kind of action was very secretive, and the high tower still didn't know what kind of place it was, and it would take time to explore it.

There are still people coming and going on the street, not because of the high level of alertness.It's just that the number of people is still less, but one of the reasons is that the place they live in is still a bit remote, and it is not a market area after all, so it is conceivable that it is not so lively.

Taking advantage of the soldiers patrolling to other places, Hua Yueling walked out of the dark, and then quickly moved from the spot to the opposite alley to hide in the small alley.

"The tower is over there."

Hua Yueling observed the direction of the tower while acting, and then as long as the target is that direction, there is no problem.But there will be some trouble along the way. Fortunately, he doesn't need to care too much. For no reason, no one will treat him as a strange person, so at least for the time being he doesn't need to be too nervous.

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