The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1388 Illusory Realm?

Walking along the road towards the direction of the tower, Hua Yueling gradually recovered her momentum.He was quite nervous at first, but when he realized that he didn't seem to be so nervous and there was nothing wrong with it, he eased a lot.

No longer treat everyone around him as his enemy, and guard everyone around him.To be honest, it was a bit silly to do that. Hua Yueling had such thoughts at first, but now such thoughts are even stronger.

"Huh, I still think too much."

After passing by other people, Hua Yueling found that she didn't seem to be close to the tower much, she seemed to be still far away, looking at the past, she didn't know how far she would go.

"Is that tower really in this city? It doesn't seem to be similar."

Hua Yueling was walking and thinking like this suddenly. Although it felt like he was in the city, it might actually not be the case.This is not impossible.

"No, right? I have observed it from outside. The tower must be in this city. I just didn't expect it to be so far away. It's the same as observing the city from a distance."

Finding a reason for himself that sounded good, he temporarily left this trouble behind.Accelerated a little bit and walked forward. Hua Yueling watched as she walked. The pace from here to there is not so obvious. If you want to find it, you can find it. You need to judge and experiment. .

"It should be closer."

Some parts of the street are dark, and some places are bright.The place where Hua Yueling is now belongs to that kind of compromise.

There are very few people in this kind of place, so basically you can't see anyone. This is also good. Hua Yueling doesn't want to be discovered by others during the process of going to the tower.No one in the city will know him, but he doesn't know what will happen, so it's better to be careful.

After a quick glance, he quickened his pace a bit, and just walked along this maze-like road, stopping from time to time to look around, looking for the way forward.

"Isn't this done on purpose?"

Hua Yueling stopped, raised his head and looked at the tall tower standing in the distance, sighing and questioning.I don't know who he is asking. In fact, he may be asking himself, but he has no answer himself.

There was obviously something wrong with the situation near this high tower. Hua Yueling hadn't noticed it before coming over, but he noticed something wrong after he got nearby.

The city there would be like this, winding around like a maze.It looks like there are people living here, but the people living here are pitiful enough, and it takes a lot of time to go out every day.

But this kind of thing... Hua Yueling felt that there must be something wrong, and she needed to know more about the situation.Relying on the exploration skills to go all the way, but it cannot be said that there will be no problems with the road. If it is not possible, you can only go to the roof and pass from above, but then the risk is higher.

Although this is in the illusion world created by others, there is still a minimum agreement between the two parties.The other party just got him into the illusion world, and then used the settings in the illusion world to fight him. Maybe Hua Yueling was not particularly clear before, but after getting here, after taking actions, he roughly understood this.

If this is the case, then he has to abide by this agreement, because of this he needs to be careful.

"The distance to explore is not far enough."

Hua Yueling tried to explore the distance, but the limit distance that could be explored existed, and he could not reach the place where the tower was.This is actually a bit troublesome. Even if you follow a path to explore, there is no way to determine whether the path is really leading to the tower, or it is just another dead end.

In fact, it would be easy to jump over the roof, but Hua Yueling was also ringing the alarm bell in her heart. It seemed that bad things would happen if she jumped up.The style of construction of these houses is quite ordinary, but these houses themselves are definitely not ordinary.

What kind of people are in the house, Hua Yueling is also very curious, but these houses are all protected, so it doesn't matter just using exploration skills.

"Go faster, I hope I can get there today. The way back needs to be confirmed."

Hua Yueling still made a map by himself, but it was not drawn with a pen. The area here is too large and there are many roads. It is estimated that even he himself will not know where it is by then, and it has no effect.

Hua Yueling printed the map in his mind, which is not only more convenient to use, but also easier to make judgments.

"Well, it looks like it should be here, let's go and take a look."

He chose a road and walked all the way there. Hua Yueling walked while observing the neighborhood. The more he walked inside, the more the architectural style changed.He originally thought that the architectural styles here are all the same, but when he got inside, he realized that he was wrong. The architectural styles were actually different, but he had to go deeper to discover this.

Since you can't see it outside, you can't understand it at all.

It is really very difficult to reach him to sue him, but the more he goes like this, the more confident Hua Yueling is. Doesn't this mean that the tower is really important.Not to mention what this importance is, anyway, it is more confident for him.

Walking forward along the road, while continuing to explore the deeper terrain, Hua Yueling now has no way to determine whether the path she is walking is correct, but there is no way to stop, only to continue. go ahead.Not until the end is found.,

Going around here, don't look at so many houses here, and they look decent, but they don't give people a sense of life, just like props placed here.The only function is to surround it into a maze, but even so, Hua Yueling still dare not jump on it. Whenever he comes up with this idea, he will have a bad premonition to prevent him from doing so. He still believes in his own premonitions, and will definitely not deceive himself.

What's more, these houses have been treated specially. From this point of view, they should not be ordinary places.Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to see through it.

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