"What's the matter, why did it disappear out of thin air?!"

Not only the figure, but even the breath disappeared, which is not right.You must know that a large area nearby was within his exploration range, but just a moment ago, the breath disappeared without a trace.

"But I can't say that there is no clue, is it entering the house here."

Hua Yueling walked over, first looked forward, and then not far ahead. Although there were a few turns, the person obviously did not go there.

"It should have disappeared here. Could it be this house?"

Hua Yueling leaned over and put it on the wall of the house to try to listen to the sound inside, but his approach did not have any special effect.Everything in that room seems to be isolated, and I don't know if there is really no sound or is isolated.

"No way, it can't go on like this, it's just a waste of time."

Hua Yueling raised her head and glanced in the distance, opened the door and walked in.At present, it seems that it is more difficult to go directly to the tower. If someone is willing to guide themselves, it is better to follow that person.

This kind of thinking cannot be said to be right or wrong, anyway, as long as it can achieve its own goals is enough.Hua Yueling's time is also limited. He has to return to the hotel before the early morning. He doesn't want his actions to be known to others.

"Well, it looks pretty ordinary. But what about that person?"

After entering the room, it was as if he had walked into another world, Hua Yueling felt obviously different, but he still didn't understand what was going on.Anyway, the two worlds here and outside seem to be constructed in different ways. They are only connected by the door. In fact, there is basically no relationship between them.

"Um... it's like this, no wonder my exploration skills are not effective, which means that all the houses here are like this."


After walking a few steps forward, Hua Yueling stagnated, and her expression changed slightly.

"that is……"

With a dagger and Wuxi's kindness behind him, Hua Yueling also reacted in an instant, quickly turned sideways to avoid the opponent's sneak attack, and grabbed the opponent's arm.The hidden dragon blade appeared in the other hand and stabbed out.


As these three words were spit out, Hua Yueling realized that the situation was not right. Why did the arm he grasped suddenly disappeared, and when he looked in front of him, he saw that the figure did not know when. Disappeared without a trace.

"what happened?"

Turning around in place, scanning every corner, the figure of the previous person is nowhere to be seen, as if he is gone.

"Did it just disappear? The sneak attack failed and then disappeared. Did it run away or something."

Try to use the detection ability to detect the location of the opponent, but since it is in a separate space, the only room that can be detected at present is only such a room.At least in this room, there is no breath of that person, and he can't be found.

"Go out and have a look."

When I reached the door, I opened the door, but the door didn't move.

"No way."

Hua Yueling's tone was aggravated by being too surprised, but a wooden door pushed up like a stone door, no matter how hard it was, it wouldn't move, as if it was fixed here.

"If that's the case, won't you be able to get out?!"

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing would happen. He once again increased his strength to open the door, but it still had no effect. The door remained motionless and the trouble was really big. I don’t know what abilities were used. This door was obviously strengthened. It seems to be to keep him inside.

"Wait, be calm and calm. If you are not calm, there is no way to think about it."

Hua Yueling forced herself to calm down, patted her head constantly, and while wandering around the room, she randomly scanned some places in the room.

"In this case, what was the door of the room when that person disappeared?"

She walked to the door and stood still and tried to open it again, but the result was the same as before. It didn't work. The door was made very, very strong, and could not be opened anyway.Regardless of ordinary opening or other methods, even the attack has no effect.

It can leave some scars on the door, but they are just scars. If you want to get out in this way, it is purely funny.I don't know how much time it will take, and it is estimated that no matter how much time it takes, it will be useless.

"If this is the case, there must be other ways to get out!"

Hua Yueling looked at the door with a firm gaze, thinking so in her heart.

Exploration skills are not very useful. It is estimated that this room has undergone special treatment, so it is impossible to use exploration skills to find a way out.It's not that Hua Yueling has never tried it, and he has actually explored it at the very beginning, but he hasn't found anything, so he can only stop it.

"On the premise that the exploration skills are not useful, let's look for them again."

Hua Yueling made up her mind, regained her spirit, and began to search in this room.Although you want to save time, you still have to search everywhere at this time, and you must search all corners again, otherwise it is difficult to say that you can find something.

The furnishings in the rooms are quite ordinary, from the cabinets against the wall, beds, tables and chairs, etc., are scattered, almost all against the wall.The room itself is not big, and with these furniture, there are fewer places to move.

Because of this, it seems that the only noteworthy place in Hua Yueling's view seems to be the cabinet and the bed.I have looked for it in the corners, but there is nothing worth noting. The tables and chairs are also empty. The drawers are empty and there is nothing.

"What about here?"

Opening the cabinet door, Hua Yueling went in and searched. There were some clothes inside, but these clothes were relatively old and seemed to be the clothes of people living here.

"Why there are still clothes? Someone will come over soon, right?"

Hua Yueling opened the cabinet and didn't touch the clothes. He was going to do it later, if there was no passage in the bed.The stone bed was turned upside down by him and no passage was found, which means that if there is a passage, it is most likely in the cabinet.

"I can only take out those clothes and have a look, hoping to gain something."

If you can't find the passage, you have to think of other ways. Hua Yueling really has no good ideas for the time being.

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