"Wait, these clothes..."

When Hua Yueling picked up the clothes, she noticed something was wrong. These clothes were not ordinary clothes, with traces of magic remaining on them, which meant that these things seemed to have a certain effect.

"Well, although the magic power is not strong, it is not weak when so many clothes are gathered. What are these magic powers used for?"

Staring at the clothes in his hands, I looked up and down and didn't see anything.But there is another place that puzzles him, that is, he hasn't noticed this before. These clothes are magical, and he didn't notice it whether he probed or opened the cabinet door and looked at it.

Only when the clothes were held in his hands was he noticed, which was quite strange.

"Did it undergo special treatment? If only you can know what it is for."

But for the time being, Hua Yueling didn't have much interest either. What he wanted to know most now was how he could get out, nothing else was important.Randomly threw those clothes onto the bed until they were all thrown out, revealing the true contents of the cabinet.

"Well, there is still nothing."

It was a bit of a loss to think about it, but it was only a momentary matter, and Hua Yueling then noticed something was wrong.There is magic power circulating in this cabinet, which he is not familiar with, but instinctively feels that there should be something to control the switch.

"The place with the most magical power is that place. Is it good to attack or what to do?"

Hua Yueling watched there, closed his eyes, and used the knowledge of illusion to crack it.As he thought, the place was actually hidden by illusion, and there was a hidden passage behind the cabinet.

"Well, just open here."

Pulling down the switch that appeared on the side, with the sound, the hidden door in the cabinet was slowly opened, and the passage behind it emerged.

"There should be nothing wrong with walking from here."

But when Hua Yueling left, there was something weird about it, that is, where did the person who attacked him before left.The most likely thing is to enter the door. After all, if you leave from the secret door, it is difficult to hide him in terms of time and movement, and the other party really hides it.

"In this case, did he adopt other methods?"

Hua Yueling guessed, but until now, he himself didn't know what the other methods were.It's really weird, but the clothes that have magical powers are weird. Maybe they use the magical powers in those clothes.

If you want to say, there is a lot of magic in those clothes. If you have that kind of magic, even if you use that teleportation, there should be no problem.

Thinking about these issues, he bent down and entered the secret passage. In fact, the passage should be connected to a nearby room, but he didn't know why he came into a passage similar to a mine.Going all the way, I came to the end, which is also a hidden place.

"This is a mechanism."

Pulling down the mechanism, with the sound of the mechanism door being opened, Hua Yueling looked up, and then jumped out from the upper exit.

After I came out, I realized that I was in another room. This room was slightly different from the room I was in before, but the difference was not particularly big.

"You should be able to get out here."

He walked quickly to the door and opened the door. As he expected, there was no such situation here. The door was opened easily and he could go from here to the outside.

He opened the door and walked out. After closing the door again, Hua Yueling looked up and blinked in surprise.It turned out to be the tall tower in front of him, and he hadn't walked for long in the passage, but he went straight to tell him in this way. Sure enough, the passage was a different place, otherwise it would not be possible to reach here directly.

"It looks like it was more like hiding something before. The real purpose is to lead me to this place."

Hua Yueling sighed and muttered to herself.Looking around, there is no one nearby, and it looks very peaceful, but he can feel the magic power leaked from the high tower. The magic power is not strong, but it is a bit strange.

"The time... seems to be okay. Let's go and see it first. At least there is a route for the time being, if only it can save time."

This is just a delusion in my heart. It is not easy to say when it is, but it seems that there should be some time before dawn.During this period of time, let's explore it. It's up to him to go as far as he can.

Stepping forward, Hua Yueling walked all the way to the entrance of the tower, but when he was about to go up the stairs, he suddenly felt cold all over and stopped in an instant.

"No, something is wrong!"

A strong aura attacked from the side, Hua Yueling didn't dare to go forward anymore, and drew back.


Almost at the moment he dodged, two figures appeared on both sides at some unknown time. The two figures stabbed at him with a spear in their hands.

"so close."

Huayueling breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost deceived just now. These two enemies should be formed by the magic power leaked from the tower.Their strength is pretty good, but if they are successfully attacked, it will not only be an unpleasant thing for him, but more importantly, they may be injured.

"Really, the sneak attack did a good job, similar to the one before."

They don't know how they suddenly appeared. Although they were formed by magic, Hua Yueling hadn't noticed any changes before that.

The two monsters are similar to that kind of earth puppet-like monsters. They look very strong. They hold a spear in their hands. The spear is made of the same material as their bodies.

"Well, let's solve you first."

A two-handed sword appeared in Hua Yueling's hands. He avoided the attack of the two monsters and drew to their side.The two-handed sword swept across, and with a sound, the clay puppet directly blocked Hua Yueling's attack with a spear.

The other one approached quickly, and the spear stabled at him.

Hua Yueling was a little surprised, the reaction speed of these monsters was quite fast, and her own attacks were not too slow, but they were still reacted and blocked by them, which was really incredible.

"It seems that you have to reassess your strength."

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