Hua Yueling opened the door and went in, and saw a few soldiers standing in front of her. These soldiers were not at the door, but in the center of a tall tower not far away.They have various weapons in their hands, and their bodies have been strengthened by magic.

This is not the strengthening of the magician, but a more terrifying strengthening. The magic is directly poured into the body. Although the strength of such strengthening is very strong, it also causes great damage to the human body.

The reason why Hua Yueling knew all this was because she was taught by Jie Lucy.However, he wouldn't use a few more magics for strengthening, but he could still see what happened to these people.

"Well, it seems to be another hard fight. I just don't know how many floors the tower has. If every floor looks like this, I really want to go out now."

If a tall tower is calculated based on this height, it is roughly estimated that it will have more than a hundred floors. If such multiple floors have to fight, Hua Yueling feels that she must be exhausted.

When the soldiers saw Hua Yueling come in, they didn't say much, and directly greeted them and launched an attack.

Several people surrounded Huayueling, but this was nothing to Huayueling, mainly because their number was too small to pose a big threat.If there are more people, it would be nice to say, but so few people want to stop him, isn't this a joke?

They waved their two-handed swords and attacked. They couldn't even stop Huayueling's attack. When the two sides faced each other head-on, the two-handed swords could easily beat their attacks back, but it caused them trouble. Little injury.

"It wouldn't matter if they were all such enemies."

One blow repelled the incoming soldiers, but these soldiers looked tenacious. Even if they were knocked out, they did not disappear and still existed.They stopped after a few steps, but Hua Yueling wouldn't wait for them to continue attacking, and squeezed the big sword in both hands and rushed up.

The two-handed swords were spinning like a whirlwind, and the soldiers just stopped and had to use weapons to block them.Accompanied by the crisp sound, they could not stop Hua Yueling's attack, the weapon was shot and flew out, and then the two-handed sword slashed on them, except for one or two that could not be hit at a distance. Everything else was wiped out.

"That's it, there are two left."

Turning his eyes to the two remaining soldiers, they attacked from two different directions. Hua Yueling also rushed forward without evasiveness, waving his two-handed sword without any faint moves, but directly with them. Head-to-head.

The two-handed swords collided with their weapons, almost in the blink of an eye, their weapons and their bodies were beaten to the side.Hua Yueling rushed forward and attacked when they could not respond.

The enemy in front of him was easily resolved. After the enemy was eliminated, the magic power condensed into the enemy floated in the air. Before Hua Yueling had figured out what to do, those magic powers had passed through this layer directly. The top of it goes further up.

"Does this make the enemies above stronger?"

Hua Yueling felt sorry for not being able to defeat those magic powers in time, but it was useless to think about it now, and regret that he couldn't let him act again, she could only admit it.

"Huh...I'm also a little regressed, even if it is strengthened, what can I do, as long as I use my own power, they will not be my opponents."

She patted her chest to encourage herself, Hua Yueling shook her head vigorously, and eliminated the previously worried thoughts from her mind.There is no need to worry about this now, anyway, even if you increase your strength, you just need to fight at that time, no matter what, there is no difference.

Looking up, the stairs spiral up, and the height seems to be not much different from the previous stairs on the first floor.Looking left and right, there are wonderful ancient murals on the walls on both sides. These murals describe what Huayueling is about, but they do not understand, but there are monsters and they are fighting humans.

Does all this have anything to do with what he wants to explore? Hua Yueling is not sure, so he just looked at it and then continued to walk forward.There is no need to waste time here, it should be late.

"I don't know how long it will be until morning, but in fact I don't have to go back."

It’s just that I’m a little sorry for Abiasha, who helped me so much, but in the end I just left without leaving a word.Even if everything is illusory, he is a little embarrassed.

"That's all right, there is no need for that."

Hua Yueling sighed and thought, it will take a lot of time to go back, but he is now desperate to get out of the world of illusion, so he can only apologize to Abiasha.Although she is extremely real, she is still a member of this illusory world after all.

Sighing, Hua Yueling thought that it was a little uncomfortable, so she didn't worry about it, and she went up, found a place to sit down, and stared down at the ground. On the ground, what was saved was an ancient brick with a carved pattern.

The second floor of the tower is empty, silent, and without any sound, which means that there is no living thing here.There is nothing else but Hua Yueling.


He exhaled a long breath, stood up slowly, raised his head along the stairs to the top, and stared at the entrance of the third floor.

"I don't know what you will encounter above, go and see."

It's useless to hesitate or even grieve here all the time, it's useless, it's better to act.This high tower currently looks extremely mysterious, the core of the illusion enchantment is very likely here, but it is not easy to find it.

"Let me see how far you can get it."

In order to test him, he even produced such a real world, villages, small towns and cities, plus such a vast grassland, really can be said to be impeccable.If a person is drawn into such a world in his sleep, he may soon fail to distinguish the difference between the real world and the illusion world, and regard this as his real life world.

Although Hua Yueling possessed illusion skills, he couldn't create this kind of illusion world at present, not to mention him, but there are a few others.There are very few people who can do this.The stairs continued to spiral up, pushing open the door of the third floor, and the enemy welcoming him inside was obviously different from the next floor.

Not only the appearance, but also the clothes on the body and the weapons in the hands make people feel the difference.

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