The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1396 Magic Absorption

The number of people hasn't decreased compared to the previous level, but it doesn't seem to have increased either, but the strength has indeed increased, and Hua Yueling can feel the oppression they bring to herself.

"Such an enemy... is it only on the third level? If this is the case, you really have to be prepared for a while, and you can't let the magic power flow up."

The key is that he is only at the third level now. If he really increases his strength one by one, even he can't stand it.And after so many battles, he didn't feel that he had such good physical strength.


Enemies resembling a small captain roared and charged up, and various weapons such as axes, spears, long swords, and shields struck him at him.There are also archers and magicians in the distance who are in charge of control, and the feeling of fighting is indeed different from before.

"But that's the only thing."

Hua Yueling snorted coldly, and did not back down because of it. On the contrary, he felt that this kind of battle was more challenging.

Waving the two-handed sword, he stepped aside to avoid the long-range attack in advance, and slashed up.The weapon collided with the opponent's weapon, making a violent sound of gold and iron, and the enemy he avoided turned and chased him.

The squad leader with the axe in his hand was beaten back by Hua Yueling. Hua Yueling chased him and slashed with his two-handed sword again, regardless of the actions of the enemies behind him.What they love is not within Hua Yueling's consideration.

Anyway, they are not faster than speed.

He was in a hurry to block the axe on top of his head, but it was still very difficult for him to block Hua Yueling’s attack. The two-handed sword slammed up heavily, and there was almost no time to react. The axe in his hand was pressed down aggressively. , The bones of the arm also made an overwhelming sound, and were directly smashed.

"Solve one!"

The two-handed sword slashed directly on the opponent's body, and the team leader's body disappeared and turned into magical power to float around.Hua Yueling originally thought that even if its body turned into magic power, it would go upwards, but she didn't expect it to float directly to other people on this level.

"Well, in this case, even if one solves one, there is not much difference between not solving it."

Hua Yueling sighed and immediately understood the setting mechanism here.It was too easy to fight on the upper level, so I didn't realize this. This level is different.

If one enemy is not solved, it will turn into magic power to strengthen the other enemies, which means that after a long time of fighting for a long time, there is actually no progress at all. In the end, it is still the same.It's just that the number of enemies faced has decreased, and the strength remains the same.

"Should I find a way to solve the floating magic power and absorb it? Or should I disperse it?"

At present, he doesn't have a good way to absorb magic. He can't think of any way to absorb magic. Although he has learned some related knowledge, these are all high-level skills.Let alone use it.

As for other methods, it would be better if there are weapons that can destroy magic power or absorb magic power.

"I don't have that kind of weapon either."

Hua Yueling opened the distance with the enemy. After determining the new ability, he temporarily decided not to fight and to leave.Have to figure out a way to solve those magical powers.

"Well, can't you get out."

When I arrived at the entrance, I found that the door that had been opened was closed at some time, and it was impossible to get out from here, so I had to wander around at this level.Fortunately, the strength of these enemies is not that strong, even if there are more numbers, it is actually quite easy to avoid them.

Dodging and thinking about ways to absorb magic power, Hua Yueling didn't have any props with similar functions in his hands. It would be nice if there were similar ones.It's a pity that he doesn't have the skills in this area, and what to do after the magic is resolved is quite difficult.

"Really, there is no other way? Can we only fight with them and defeat them one by one like this."

Hua Yueling has no good ideas anymore, it feels too difficult, it is better to fight instead of thinking like this.

"Let me first see if there are any useful weapons."

I searched my inventory again, but there was nothing I needed in the inventory, and there was nothing better than a few weapons.

"Then fight."

Before that, Hua Yueling searched around again and observed the room he was in. The room was quite empty, and there was nothing useful.

In order to confirm whether there is a solution here, Hua Yueling used exploration skills to search again, but only this layer could be searched, other layers could not be explored, and it should have been isolated by magic.

"Magic, magic..."

Magic power can be detected on this level, but there is nothing notable about the appearance of very little magic power.The other thing to say is that the magic power of those team leaders is very obvious and can be clearly detected.

"But it's useless to detect these."

After dodge the enemy's attack, Hua Yueling stepped back and pulled a distance.However, the long-range attack continued, making her unable to stay.

"Magic crystal or something, I think there should be one."

In Hua Yueling's memory, he should have a magic item similar to that, but it was not in the inventory.

"Is it in the space bag?"

He also has a space bag, but the things in it are quite messy, you have to look at it.

"Let's find out."

After searching for the things in the space bag, Hua Yueling dodged while searching, let alone, he really found what he was looking for.It was hidden deep in the space bag, he should have placed it in it casually.

"That's it. Try this. If you do it well, you should be able to absorb the magic."

Recalling the knowledge of magic learned from Teacher Zelucy, it is easier to absorb magic and use magic crystals, but it is not that easy.

"Then give it a try."

Passing the enemy who was chasing over, Hua Yueling rushed to the side of the two remotely attacking people in the distance. When they found that Hua Yueling was approaching, they left to hide.

Compared with the speed, Hua Yueling was faster than them, and immediately caught up. Although they used attacks to delay Hua Yueling, it basically had no effect on Hua Yueling.Only using the hidden dragon blade to block their attack, the speed showed no signs of slowing down, and he came to the archer's side in the blink of an eye, and the hidden dragon blade had already pierced out before he could react.

"Just this one!"

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