"The reason I am here, there is actually no special reason."

After Abiatha sat down, she dragged the long tone as if to tell some useful news, but in the end it was just to tease him.Hua Yueling looked at her speechlessly, saying nothing.

"With a special task, I can't do anything about it. As for meeting you and chasing you over, I think you can definitely understand this, this is intentional."

"I know. If you haven't met here, you might not be so suspicious, but since meeting you here, no matter what you think about it, it can't be a coincidence."

"Hey, right? I think so too. So I didn't want to appear here, but unfortunately you are too stupid. If I don't come out, I will be in trouble."

"But you still didn't say what your purpose was. Don't tell me that it was to help me. I would not believe these words."

"I know, for sure, even I wouldn't believe that."

Hua Yueling looked at her suspiciously, and to be honest, the more she said this, the more people couldn't believe her.It's just that Hua Yueling has nothing to say at the moment, and there is very little information about the other party.

"So, can you explain? You met me on purpose?"

"That's for sure. But it surprised me to see you there at the time. I was thinking about finding another chance to meet you at a later date. I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon. It must be done."

"In other words, you know what happened before?"

"What happened before?" Abiasha's face was unclear, as if she didn't know what he was talking about, but Hua Yueling didn't believe her behavior, and stared at her with suspicion. she was.

"I know, I know some, and why you are here, why you are here, I know some of these."

"Then what are you doing?"

"It's interesting, isn't it?" Abiasha's answer is very simple, it's good to simply let Hua Yueling not know how to answer.If you want to say it, this can also be counted as a reason, although it may not be the case in many people's eyes, but Hua Yueling thinks so.

"Is this interesting? Just for this reason?"

"There are other reasons, I also have to go to the height of this tower."

"That's why you came out and decided to act with me." Hua Yueling probably knew some information, but at present, the information is basically of no use to him.

"Then there's more, where did you get to know me?"

"These are all a voice told me, she said let me help you."

"A voice, what kind of voice?"

Hua Yueling asked a little strangely. If you want to say that in this illusion world, except for the illusion part, the only possibility is Sister Aroline.But at this level she would help herself, Hua Yueling didn't believe it.

Abiasha learned how that person spoke. When Hua Yueling heard that tone, there would be no other people except Sister Aroline. It was really strange, it was Sister Aroline who did it. , Why would she do this.

"What are you going to do up there?"

"Well, I want to fill this magic book with the magic power here. It needs magic power, a lot of magic power."


Hua Yueling stared at her, judging from the light from her eyes, she was not deceiving, what she said was true.

There are still many things that are not clear, but Hua Yueling is not ready to ask further, now it seems that Abiasha is on her side, at least the magic book in her hand is what she needs most.The rest will wait until later. Let's go up now. I don't know how many floors are left in this tall tower.

Does Abiasha really exist, or is it just an illusion like other things in the illusion space?Although Hua Yueling used her illusion skills to try to understand it, the results obtained were not satisfactory.

"It really doesn't work with my own skills. But let's forget it, it is enough to be able to understand this, and the next step is to act."

Hua Yueling put all other thoughts behind her head for the time being, and didn't let herself think about it so much. Anyway, there are so many layers in this high tower. Wouldn't it be better to think about these when you rest.

"There has been a lot of talk, and then we should also act."

Hua Yueling stood up and looked up along the stairs. There was basically no change in the stairway of each floor, and each floor looked almost the same.I don't know if the above is still the case.

"Let's go."

Two people stepped on the stairs and walked up step by step. Abiatha walked in front and Hua Yueling followed her closely.Abiasha also understood Huayueling's thoughts, so in order to make him believe in himself, she took the initiative to go ahead and did a good job.

When I came to the upper level, I opened the door. There were still enemies waiting for them on this level.However, the enemy is similar to the upper level, but the number is a bit more.

"The number of enemies is a bit more, but it's nothing."

Hua Yueling said in a rather indifferent tone, and rushed up, while Abiatha used a long-range attack at the door to help him.Originally, Hua Yueling couldn't say that it was difficult to fight alone, and after adding it to her, it became easier to fight.

When two people face these enemies, it is just like playing, and there is no need to worry about anything.Hua Yueling came to the front of the enemies, no matter what they did, she waved her two-handed sword and attacked it.

From the very beginning, the situation was under Hua Yueling's suppression state. It didn't take long for all the enemies to be cleared and Hua Yueling and the others won.

"The magic in the magic book is already a lot more, thank you. I can't do it alone without your help."

"No thanks, at least our two goals now are the same."

Hua Yueling didn't say much, and the two of them continued to walk up.Go up the stairs all the way up, but this time there is a different scene in front of me. They should be in the very center of the tower, different from before, with different doors on all four sides.

"Is there a choice to be made here?"

Looking around, every room door glanced, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart.It's really troublesome, but regardless of these, if there is no wrong path, just choose one at random.

But the trouble is that if there is an error or you have to go to several other places to find things before you can move on, it is not what Hua Yueling hoped.

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