The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1399 Unbelievable Path

"Which one to choose?"

Abiatha went to every door of the room, but he hadn't opened the door yet, just stuck to the door outside to listen to the sound inside.But what disappointed her was that she couldn't hear anything, and it was quiet behind the door.

"I don't know, just choose any one."

Hua Yueling looked at it and reached the door of the room directly opposite the stairs, carefully holding the doorknob and pushing the door open.The scene behind the door was different from what they had imagined, and no enemy was seen.

"It looks safe and there is no other figure. Let's start here and explore."

Hua Yueling whispered to Abiasha who followed behind, and the two of them walked forward along this narrow passage.This passage does not know where it leads, but Hua Yueling knows that there is something wrong with this road.

"Not here."


"Have you not noticed yet?"

Without letting her say anything, Hua Yueling increased her voice and interrupted her question.

"Although we have walked for a short time, we have also walked a long distance. It stands to reason that we should have left the tower long ago."

"That's it." Abiasha said vaguely, she hadn't figured it out yet.

"What's the matter with you, it's a little weird after you get here."

Hua Yueling found something strange about her and couldn't help asking.

"I, I don't know, but I feel a little confused."

Abiasha whispered, Hua Yueling looked at her strangely, and then glanced around the place where he was. He didn't feel the kind of thing Abiasha said, but it was strange and certain.

"Is this another illusion space?"

Hua Yueling lowered her head to think, and used illusion skills to find a way to understand the place where she was more clearly.

The path that is being taken now seems to be another space connected to other places, not just the space in the high tower.

Specifically, why Hua Yueling also explored it, and found that this was another illusion space, it was just a much smaller space, and the core of illusion also existed here.

"It's here."

Muttering softly, Hua Yueling walked ahead and stopped after walking a few steps.Abiasha, who was following him, looked at him strangely, and looked at him left and right but did not see anything notable, so he felt even more unclear about him when he stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong, is there something here?"

Abiasha herself couldn't see anything, but she believed that Hua Yueling didn't just stop casually, she must have found something to do so.

"Yes, there is something here."

Hua Yueling pointed to the right side of her body, then turned around.When he arrived in front of the thick wall, he did not see any movement, the wall in front of him turned into a phantom, and then disappeared.

"Hey, there is a road hidden here!"

Abiasha said so surprised.Hua Yueling glanced at her, did not say anything, took the initiative to walk into the hidden space.

"this is……"

After entering, Abiasha wanted to say something, but when she saw something hanging in the distance, she closed her mouth immediately, her face became ugly, she turned a lot paler, and she stepped back for several steps. .

"Ah, the key here was at that time, but the guy who made this thing was really horrible and funny, using this method to make this thing."

Huayue Ling said vaguely.Abiasha didn't understand what he was talking about, but she was in a state of fright now, so she didn't listen carefully and didn't ask any questions in this regard.

It turned out that there was a corpse of a person who seemed to have been dead for a long time hanging in the distance. Although it was not that I hadn't seen it, such scenes were obviously more rare.Besides, the corpse was also treated badly, which made her even more disturbed.

Hua Yueling could understand her mood. In fact, he didn't feel well when he saw that scene, but he was more calm and didn't panic because of it.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

Hua Yueling comforted her in a low voice, and then walked over there by herself.

"Want to go?"

Abiasha couldn't help asking when seeing Hua Yueling walking there.She wanted to leave from here right away, but Hua Yueling didn't expect that Hua Yueling would continue to go there, which made her feel a little at a loss and hesitated whether to follow or stay here.

"Don't worry, if you are scared, just stay here. I'll go over and see the situation."

Hua Yueling actually knew what was going on for a long time, but it was difficult to explain to her, so she didn't say anything, just walked over by herself.However, Abiasha didn't know if she thought of anything. After Hua Yueling said so, she took the initiative to chase after her and walked over there with Hua Yueling.

"no problem?"

"Well, it's okay, isn't you still there?"

Abiasha replied confidently, but the words were still somewhat trembling.It can be heard that she doesn't want to go so much. It's uncomfortable to see that scene in the distance, let alone close.

Hua Yueling looked at her. Since it said so, there is no need for him to stop it. If you want to go over, it's okay.

All that was just an illusion, although Hua Yueling did not say it, he felt that it was not the time to say it.

When she reached the front, Hua Yueling raised her head and stared at the corpse, while Abiasha shifted her gaze to other places without paying attention to the corpse.I don't even want to take a look at it.

Hua Yueling glanced at her and could understand her mood, but in that case, she didn't actually need to follow her.

"If you don't want to see it, go back. I have some things here, and I will settle them soon."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you wait a while."

Abiasha shook her head lightly and said that Hua Yueling was not surprised that she would say that. After all, she was actively trying to follow it. It was a bit shameful to run back without doing anything.

But this kind of thinking is more like a joke, and it represents her courage to follow her anyway.

"Okay, but please get away a little bit."

Although Abiatha didn't know what he was going to do, she still listened to his words and gave him room to watch his every move.

When there was no one beside her, Hua Yueling closed her eyes and didn't see any movement from him. The entire space began to fluctuate, and Abiasha's mouth opened wide.

The change in the space in front of her made her feel incredible, she didn't even know what Hua Yueling did, and what was going on in front of her.But when she came back to her senses, she was no longer what she used to be.

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