"Maybe we still need to disturb. I want to wait until she wakes up. I am worried that she has been in a coma like this. I still want to watch her wake up. Anyway, it's useless to be anxious. Let's wait patiently. "

Hua Yueling said embarrassedly.But the ghost didn't say anything about it, and agreed, then turned around and left.She stretched out her hand to stop it, but Hua Yueling opened her mouth and said nothing, just as she watched the other's figure disappear from the door, she turned around and didn't know where she went.

"Who is it?"

The voice of the ghost sounded different from the voice of ordinary human beings, so Hua Yueling knew very little about it.But since it is here, it must be a person who has a lot to do with here, but the other party obviously has no mood to discuss these things with him.

"Forget it, now it's better not to make people angry."

Hua Yueling gave up his plan to stop the other party, and after looking at Abiasha's appearance, he yawned and stretched.

"Let's find a place to lie down for a while."

The bed is definitely not good, it is occupied by Abiasha, unless he goes to another room, but then he is still a little worried.Fortunately, there are chairs and cabinets not far away. Although they are dirty, they can at least sit down and rest for a while, but they are not comfortable.

"Take a rest."

Feeling a little tired, he went to clean the soil on the chair and the cabinet, then sat down, lay on the table, closed his eyes and took a nap.

At this moment, he was able to sort out what happened while quietly, feeling that everything seemed to be set, not to say that this happened because he called Abiasha in the past.

"Abiatha disappeared suddenly. I couldn't beat that wall before, but when I left, there was a change. Abiatha was able to go inside because of this change? It's possible."

The most puzzled thing he thinks about here is how Abiatha was in a coma.And he was so resolute in a coma that he didn't seem to wake up. If he didn't wake up all the time, he couldn't stay here and wait for her.

But Hua Yueling was also prepared, if Abiasha really couldn't wake up, then he must act.Maybe she won't wake up until he solves the problem here, which is also a possibility.

I noticed someone coming at the door, but Hua Yueling didn't move. Basically, there was no need to guess who that person was.He wanted to see what the other party was doing when they came back, but the other party just stayed at the door for a while and didn't know if he looked at them, and then left.

"Is there something?"

Hua Yueling thought so, but since the other party didn't say anything to them, it shouldn't be very important.

Before she knew it, Hua Yueling fell asleep on the table without noticing it.Just fell asleep, and slept soundly.

In the evening, Hua Yueling didn't want to get up, but was awakened by some figure.


Rubbing her eyes in a daze, Hua Yueling sat up, turned her head and looked at the position of the bed, and saw that Abiasha was also awake.But the sound didn't come from her, nor was it in this room, but in the destroyed old castle outside.

"What happened?"

Hua Yueling quickly got up and walked to the door.I don't know if it has something to do with that ghost. Hua Yueling absolutely doesn't want the other party to have an accident right now. The other party is their hope of leaving here.

"Where is this and what happened to me?"

After Abiatha got up, she was still a little confused, clutching her head and shook her head slightly as if she had a headache.Hua Yueling looked back at her and confirmed her condition.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"Fortunately, it's just a little uncomfortable."

"It's fine if there is nothing wrong, so you stay here first. It seems that something has happened outside, I have to go and take a look."

"I'll go with you, I'm fine."

Hearing what he said, Abiasha immediately got up and after him, Hua Yueling watched her face, her face was somewhat pale, but it didn't seem to be a big problem.

"Is it all right? If it's all right, let's go. I'm worried that there might be fighting outside."

"It doesn't matter if you fight, I can hold it."

"Don't force yourself. If you can't, just wait here. I'm fine alone."

Hua Yueling was still a little worried and said, after all, Abiasha just woke up from a coma, compared to not recovering so quickly.And in fact her strength is weaker than imagined.

"I can do it!"

Abiasha said in a firm tone that Huayueling couldn't refuse any more when he saw this. After all, everyone said it to this level, and he couldn't justify it if he didn't agree.Besides, if people want to go out, they can go out at any time, there is no need to let themselves agree.

No ghost was seen outside, Hua Yueling felt a little bad, he quickened his pace and moved in the direction of the noisy voice.The sound of the battle seemed to sound from the front entrance of the castle. Hua Yueling passed by and saw several characters dressed like adventurers fighting the undead.

Those adventurers naturally have some strength, but the number of undead is relatively large, so for a while, they did not have the upper hand. You come and go with you.Although a lot of undead have been wiped out, they are still appearing continuously.

The undead are like skeletons, and there is no other stronger existence.

"It looks like it's not here, is it hiding somewhere?"

Hua Yueling looked outside, there should be only these adventurers who came here, no other people, otherwise there would not be just a few of them fighting at the door.But Hua Yueling is not in the mood to pay attention to them now, he has to find the ghost.

"I hope they won't bother me."

With such thoughts, he glanced at the few people last, and Hua Yueling turned and left.Holding Abiatha's hand, the two walked to a place where those few people could not see, taking advantage of them being entangled by skeleton warriors and skeleton archers, and doing what they should do.

"Shall we not help?"

"No, those people can solve the problem on their own, and we'd better not take it casually now."

Hua Yueling also didn't give a specific explanation. Anyway, it seemed that the number of skeletons was not enough to bring the life of those adventurers, and the number was not so high.

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