Hua Yueling explored other parts of the castle, he hadn't explored it carefully, so what he understood was not particularly clear.Not to mention where the ghost will be.

"But it should still be here, it's impossible to leave."

Some worried thinking, Hua Yueling also somewhat regretted it, if she didn't fall asleep at that time, there would be no problem.If the ghost really disappears like this, it cannot be said that there is no way to leave here, but it will definitely be a lot of trouble.

The underground of this castle seems to be protected by magic, so with Hua Yueling's current exploration skill level, there is no way to see through it. You can only know that the building below should have a large area, but it is hard to say what it looks like.

"What are we going to do?"

Abiatha asked after walking with Hua Yueling for a while, she has only followed Hua Yueling until now, and she doesn't know anything else.

"It's looking for someone, a ghost."

"Ghost?" Abiatha would not feel scared because of this. After all, he is also an adventurer, and he must have encountered some undead creatures like this.Generally speaking, it is easy to come across in the maze, especially in the tomb.

"Yes, it is the ghost in the room where we rested before. It should have some clues. I also asked it. It said that it would take me to see. There is a teleportation array, but I don’t know where it is now. ."

"That's right, why didn't you go before?"

"Aren't you still in a coma? I don't worry about leaving you here alone, so I just wanted to wait for you to wake up. As a result, I fell asleep on the table. If I didn't fall asleep, I might be able to relax. Find it."

Hua Yueling shrugged her shoulders, and now it's useless to regret it. Rather than regret it, it's better to speed up and look for it.

"Sorry, if it wasn't for me..."

"It's none of your business, I didn't fix it myself. But there is one thing I'm curious about, Abiatha, how did you get into a coma?"

"Me? I don't know very well, I just remember that it seems to have discovered that the wall is shining, and then walked over, and then there is no memory."

After thinking about it for a while, Abiasha spoke in a somewhat confused tone, not sounding like a lie.

"That's right, maybe something special happened to you."

"Did you find me and save me?"

"Well. I went inside to find you but found that you disappeared, so I searched there, but I couldn't find it. When I returned, I found that the wall was a bit wrong, and it was shining. I thought it might be with you. It’s important to disappear, so I attacked the wall and got inside."

Hua Yueling also talked about what happened afterwards, and Abiasha nodded as she listened. She didn't seem to be so surprised that this happened.

"But I didn't expect to come to such a place."

"Speaking of which do you know where this is?"

Hua Yueling asked that he didn't know anything about this kind of place, but Abiasha was a person from that world, so it should be understood.

"I don't know, after all, I just saw the ruins here. I don't know the name of this place yet, so there is no way to judge."

"Yes, I didn't ask about this, just thinking about how to go back."

The two people chatted and didn't know where they were going, but the sound of the fighting was indeed far away, and it was estimated that they had gone a long distance.

"Well, it's not here, it's weird."

Hua Yueling was unable to detect the location of the ghost. The area of ​​the building was huge. After all, it was also a royal city. Apart from being destroyed, everything else was still intact.It is definitely unrealistic to find such a big place. Even Hua Yueling and the others would take a long time, and they still have to act separately.

"Otherwise, let's go back, maybe it's there waiting for us."

The most likely place I can think of is the room where I first met. Although I didn't meet it when I came out, it doesn't mean it won't go back later.Glancing at the broken arms on both sides of the road, the road ahead was blocked by collapsed rocks.

The buildings on both sides are in ruins, and it is not easy to enter them and explore them.It is still very troublesome to find the teleportation formation in such ruins, if there is no familiar person.

After making the decision, the two returned immediately, Hua Yueling took the lead, and Abiatha followed behind him.Hua Yueling is not familiar with the illusion here, and Abiatha is not even as good as him.After all, he just woke up, which is understandable.

"Have you come back yet?"

Going back to the room and entering it, there was still no one there, the room was empty, and the expected situation did not happen.

"It seems that I think too much, but I still have to look for it in the end."

Seeing that the person she was looking for was not here, Hua Yueling said disappointedly.

"It's okay to spend more time. Let's just explore here, maybe we can find something before we find the other party."

Abiasha comforted Huayueling, Huayueling smiled at her, and then turned and left the place.There are ruined buildings everywhere, and the entire castle is almost intact. Even the original roads are blocked. Hua Yueling and the others have to "cross the mountains and over the mountains" and pile up from the stones. Walked on the "mountain".

After going around the outside and not finding it, Hua Yueling and the others started looking for a way into the castle.Although the room they had been to before was also inside the castle, but only that one connected to the outside, and it was very difficult to walk inside from there, unless the pile of rocks beside it could be removed.

The adventurers have disappeared, but the undead still exist, hiding in the darkness, ready to attack, ready to attack.It seemed to have driven the adventurers away, after all, if it weren't for that, it would be impossible to have so many undead left here.

Perhaps it was the relationship controlled by the ghosts, even if the skeleton warriors had discovered them, they had no plan to stop them, which made Hua Yueling a little surprised.If this is the case, it means that the ghost probably understands their actions, but it doesn't mean to appear, and is still hiding. Is it hide-and-seek with them?

This thought came to mind, Hua Yueling stared at those skeletons, but unfortunately those skeletons did not have eyes, and Hua Yueling did not understand undead magic, and could not get information from these skeletons.Otherwise, it might be easier.

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