"Go in from here, you should be able to find it."

Abiasha found a place earlier than Hua Yueling. The passage was hidden among the rocks, so it would be really difficult to find it if it weren't for a closer look.

"Is this kind of passage again?"

Hua Yueling looked at the entrance and asked a little hesitantly.No matter how you look at it, the entrance is a bit too small, it feels too difficult to get in from here, and I don't know how it is inside.

Trying to observe with exploration skills, it turned out that this place was protected by some kind of magic enchantment, so he didn't notice it at all at the beginning.

"No matter what, I'd better try, or I will go in first, and if there is no problem, I will tell you."

Abiasha offered to go down and acted immediately.

"Can you? If it doesn't work, I'll go down, and I don't know the danger below."

"Don't worry, I'm almost going down, so I can get inside."

Hua Yueling squatted down, barely able to see the situation inside through the entrance, and could see a passage that snaked to the inside.However, this channel is certainly not formed naturally, but built by others later.

Yueling didn't know how much time and energy it would take to build such a passage, but it must be quite a lot.But why would anyone want to build such a passage in such a place?Is it because there are other people here besides the ghost, or it is the ghost built by itself.

When Hua Yueling thought about it, Abiasha had already gotten into the tunnel, and she was almost lying in the tunnel, moving in little by little. As she continued to drill in, her whole body Gradually disappeared from the entrance and entered the passage.

Hua Yueling waited outside, looking inside the passage, she could still see some of Abiatha's figure, but soon she couldn't even see such a figure again.Abiatha disappeared in the passage.

While waiting outside, he looked around, where he was now in a relatively hidden place.There are walls on both sides to block them. Although the walls are destroyed and turned into broken arms, they can still block here.The sun was blocked behind the wall and fell a little further through the top.

"This channel seems to be quite deep."

Standing up and looking into the distance, there is a side building of the castle in front of it, like a tall spire, but it is not sure because of the collapse.

While waiting, Hua Yueling stomped lightly, and some anxious emotions surfaced on her face.Looking up, the white clouds in the blue sky drifted past the water like a boat.

Some unseen monsters can also be seen flying, flapping their wings, and making sharp calls.

After turning around in place, Hua Yueling looked into the depth of the passage again, but Abiatha has not yet returned. It seems that the passage is quite deep.For some reason, some skeletons gathered under the piled rocky mountain. These skeletons didn't mean to attack. They just surrounded it, which seemed to mean not letting him leave here.


Hua Yueling watched this scene suspiciously, and didn't understand why, but for the time being, he didn't have the intention to go down, so he didn't care about these things, just do what they love.

I didn't pay attention to them, as long as they didn't attack him, Hua Yueling's attention was still in the channel.Simply sit down.

There seemed to be many monsters near this destroyed castle. Hua Yueling could hear the sounds of monsters in the distance, and could also see the monsters outside.Outside is a huge city, the city is also in ruins like the castle, no one will live in such a place, so there is no one inhabited, and there is no popularity.

There was a sound in the passage, Hua Yueling quickly turned her head and controlled the magic to enter, and she saw Abiasha crawling out of it very hard.When he saw him, he stopped and got stuck in the passage.

"There is a road inside, come in from here!"

Abiasha waved his hand to greet him to enter, Hua Yueling turned to look at the skeleton group under the stone mountain, nodded, and then went in like her.

Sitting on the edge of the passage, with her feet stretched out, her hands pushed hard on the ground, and Hua Yueling burrowed into it bit by bit.He feels like a bug in the soil, burrowing in the soil constantly, blazing a trail on his own.

Abiasha below moved down again after he moved. Hua Yueling followed her. The two of them were very slow, but fortunately they were still moving forward.

It's difficult to speak in this kind of place, and small stones and the like will fall from time to time.The further Hua Yueling went down, the more he felt that this passage was definitely not formed naturally, but was built deliberately, otherwise such a passage would not be so suitable for them to get down.

Hua Yueling squeezed down hard, this feeling was really uncomfortable.He felt that his clothes were about to be worn out by the stone, and it was painful to rub the skin against the stone. Although he could not see it, he felt that his body had to be rubbed red.

Just like this, Hua Yueling didn't know how long it had passed. Anyway, it felt like a long time had passed, but fortunately, he could hear Abiasha's voice calling him.

"Don't worry, it's a little bit down!"

Abiasha's lively voice came up, but it was a bit uncomfortable to hear her voice in the passage, Hua Yueling gritted her teeth, pressed her hands, and slid down.

"Huh... so uncomfortable, I really want to leave this place as soon as possible."

Hua Yueling thought so, and held on for a while, suddenly relaxed under her feet, there was no longer anything imprisoned, and there was no way to move freely.Hua Yueling quickly accelerated and broke free from the passage.


After taking a long breath, Hua Yueling shook her body vigorously, her body was a little dirty, her clothes were rubbed everywhere, and some places were broken.

"I'm finally here. If there is a normal path, I won't go here even if it is difficult to walk."

"It's okay, at least you can come in, how about it, do you want to sit for a while?"

"You don't seem to be a big deal, you are used to it?"

Abiasha patted the stone next to him and asked him to go over. Hua Yueling sat next to her, leaning against the wall behind her and asked.

"Almost, but I feel okay, not so uncomfortable."

"Is that because I am too fat? I think it would be better if I were thinner."

"Are you still fat? Your figure is pretty good, right?"

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