The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1411 Collapsing Ground

After getting rid of these ghost fires floating in the air, Hua Yueling and Abiasha walked forward, and they reached the end without going too far, and there was nowhere to go any further.Using magical balls of light to illuminate the pile of rocks, there were hardly any holes left for people to pass through, and they had to change their way to the other side.

"Let's go from here, there is no way forward."

Hua Yueling turned back to Abiasha and said to her.

"No way?"

"No, I want to keep going, but these stones block the road. Even if I want to go forward, there is no way, unless I can remove these stones, but it's very difficult and costs a lot. effort."

Hua Yueling shook his head and said.

"Then there is no other way but to change the route."

Abiasha also said helplessly, the two of them could only walk back, re-choose the road at the fork, and walk to the other side.

"Have you found it, has the ghost been found?"

Not long after leaving, Abiasha asked while looking around.

"Not yet, don't worry, we have just arrived here after all. It will take some time. After all, the area is so big, it's not that you can find it easily if you want to."

Although the road has also been affected here, and rocks fall from time to time from above, it has not affected their footsteps too much.Hua Yueling moved forward while staring at the top, searching for the ghost's figure through probing skills, but the other party was not here.The sound of feet stepping on the broken stones broke the silence in the passage. Even if the two people didn't talk and tried to keep quiet, they couldn't stop the sound.

In the sound of stepping on the gravel, the two people moved forward at a faster pace, Hua Yueling and Abiasha guarded the surroundings, but it was safer than other places.There was nothing else except the ghost fire encountered at the beginning, and there was no skeleton resurrection, which was good for Hua Yueling and the others.

Exploring this dark passage, all the way to the end, there is a statue in front of the stairs, it is a statue that looks a little pitiful.In some places, I don't know if it was caused by the scars caused by the collapse of the castle. The statue was not completed, and many places were damaged. However, as they approached the past, a magical force rose on the statue.

"This statue...Abiasha, be careful. This statue is likely to move. It's better not to get close to the past too early."

Hua Yueling reminded Abiasha next to him, he was watching the statue, and a fireball was condensed in his hand.Although it was no problem to wait for the statue to come back to life before fighting, Hua Yueling didn't want to do that. He didn't have to wait until that time, unless the current attack had no effect.


The fireball bombarded the statue, and accompanied by the roar, the statue burst open suddenly, and the rising magic power also broke out directly.

"not good!"

Hua Yueling realized that the situation was not good, and this magical explosion was likely to affect nearby buildings, and if it was not done well, it might even collapse directly.If you want to pass, you can only pass the present immediately, you can't wait.

There was no time to remind Abiatha of this, Hua Yueling decisively grabbed her hand and pulled her forward.Abiatha didn't understand what was wrong, so he ran up and rushed to the stairs.

You can still see the remaining part of the statue on the ground, but due to Hua Yueling's attack and the impact of the magic explosion, the remaining part is pitiful enough.

Hua Yueling didn't have time to deal with this, and ran up all the way along the stairs, rotating to the second floor.

"Call, call, call..."

Abiasha panted quickly while trying to ask Hua Yueling why she was so anxious, but she didn't even have the opportunity to ask, Hua Yueling didn't give her such time at all.

"It should be almost done here."

After reaching the second floor, Hua Yueling also gasped for a while, then looked at Abiasha and said softly.

"Are you worried that the explosion will destroy this place?"

"Well, there is this kind of worry, after all, the impact of the explosion seems not small."

Hua Yueling nodded, it is naturally best for Abiyasha to understand her own thoughts.

"What I said, why are you running so fast and so anxious, otherwise there is no need at all. But it seems that there should be no..."

Just when she was about to say "Nothing", she heard a broken sound coming from ahead.

"No, go and have a look!"

Hua Yueling realized that the situation was not good when she heard the sound, and said so quickly.Going up the stairs and running forward, Abiatha followed him closely, and the two came into the passage, only to find that the place affected by the explosion had cracked and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

"Quickly pass from here, can't hesitate."

"But... Abiatha listened to him so urging, but didn't do what he said, but stared at the cracked ground, hesitating whether to go there."

"What's wrong, it's too late!"

Hua Yueling couldn't help but urge when seeing her still hesitating.

"But wouldn't it collapse if I stepped on it like this? Wouldn't it also fall?"

"Then find a safe place to settle down!"

Hua Yueling urged her, but seeing her still hesitating, she also knew that there was no way to persuade her, and she had to find a way by herself.He used his exploration skills to understand the situation of the ground in front of him. Affected by the magical explosion before him, the ground and fragments in front of him could collapse at any time, so it was a race against time.

Fortunately, the scope of the collapse is not that big. Even if it doesn't pass now, it shouldn't be a problem to wait until it collapses before jumping over.

"I should be able to hold on for a while. It looks pretty solid over there. Walk from there."

"Otherwise, wait and forget. If you fall like this, the injury will be serious. And even if it collapses, we can just step on the falling rock."

"...That's right, why didn't I think of this."

Hua Yueling said speechlessly, then there is no need to do what she is so anxious about, as long as she waits, there is no need to worry about the others.Even if the road collapses, it can be passed. There are many ways.


Abiatha said with a little pride, Hua Yueling nodded, just like she said, she thinks too much.

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