The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1412 Jump over the collapse


With the help of Hua Yueling, the cracks in the ground increased and eventually collapsed. Hua Yueling and Abiasha quickly backed up and went to the stairs to avoid the smoke and dust coming towards their faces.Even on the stairs, there was no way to avoid them completely. They could only continue to retreat, almost halfway through. The smoke and dust in front of them was much less, and they could be considered to be able to stay here and wait.

Looking forward, the smoke and dust were still lingering in the air and did not disperse. They should have to wait a while, Hua Yueling and the others are not in a hurry.Taking advantage of the free time now, Hua Yueling tried to use exploration skills to explore deeper, but he found that the deeper areas seemed to be protected by some kind of power, so there was no way to go deeper only relying on exploration skills.

"But in this case, even if it's a while, I guess there will be no way."

Hua Yueling sighed, thinking so.Abiasha looked at him strangely next to him, wondering why he sighed suddenly, is there something unhappy?

"What's wrong? What's upsetting?"

"No, no, it's just a bit ridiculous to think that we are in this situation."

Hua Yueling shrugged and said.

"Moreover, the tower over there encountered this kind of thing before exploring it, who knows what else to experience after returning."

"Don't think about it so much now, the more you think about it, the more uncomfortable it is. It's better to think about how to get back from here first."

Abiasha's thinking is different from his, he is a type who doesn't like to think too far.But in fact, Hua Yueling was the same, but it was troublesome along the way, he couldn't help it even if he didn't want to think about it, that kind of thinking just lingered in his mind.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the scene in the passage resurfaced in their eyes. The ground broke almost three meters, and the impact of the explosion was not small.All the rocks in the destroyed place fell to the ground and piled up together, but they were still quite high from the ground, and it was not easy to jump up there.

"How about it, did you jump over, from below."

Hua Yueling pointed to the piles of rocks below. The height of the piles was not particularly high. It was quite high from the second floor. Abiasha looked up and down, her expression distressed.

"It's not easy to say."

Unwilling to answer whether she could answer, Abiasha said in a low voice.

"It's hard to say..."

Hua Yueling stared at the opposite side, the distance of two meters should be about the same, but... Hua Yueling was not sure if she could easily jump over.Mainly there are still some cracks, and he feels that he may not be able to step on it.

It would be great if you could think of a way to pad a bridge. It would be easier to think about it than to jump directly on the bridge.

"If you let you jump over here, can you do it?"

"Jump over?" Abiatha repeated in surprise, it seemed that this request was still a bit too difficult for her.

"No way?"

"No, no, it's too difficult. If it's a little closer, it's okay, it's too far."

"Then think of other ways, let's not go down to find if there is anything that can be used, and think of a way to build a bridge."

"It doesn't have to be a bridge, if you have furniture or something that can be cushioned underneath you can jump on it."

"You have to find something no matter what."

Hua Yueling said so, jumping from the gap, Abiasha hesitated, looked at the stairs behind him, and jumped down with Hua Yueling.

After falling on the ground, it was easier than expected, and they began to search in the rooms on both sides.Some of the rooms were in ruins, blocked by rocks and inaccessible, so they had to give up and go elsewhere.


Hua Yueling was the first to find what she was looking for, and after leaving the room, she waved her arms to greet Abiatha.

"Let's move out one by one, shouldn't this be a problem?"

Confirmed in advance, Abiasha nodded and said there was no problem.Hua Yueling pointed to the chair and table she found.

"This cabinet can also be used, I will move this."

In fact, Abiasha felt that just one cabinet was enough, but Hua Yueling said that she had asked her to help, and she was a little bit sorry for Hua Yueling to move things alone, so she moved two according to his intentions. Get out the chair.

The things I moved out were piled on top of the pile of rocks, which was a little unstable, but it was not a big problem for Hua Yueling.

"There should be no problem then, can you go up?"

"let me try."

Abiasha said so, and carefully stood on the cabinet with the support of Hua Yueling.In order to make the cabinet stand steadily, so as not to step on it and sway randomly, Hua Yueling also ordered several stones underneath. After Abiasha stepped on it, he confirmed that there was no problem, and stared at the upper edge. Place.

Struggling to jump, his hands clung to the edge of the ground above, and Abiatha jumped directly onto the top with one hand.Although not perfect at this time, she did a good job. At least she didn't fall directly. She jumped to the top, clapped her hands, and turned to look down.

"Just get away a little bit."

Abiasha listened to Hua Yueling's and gave him aside, and stood by herself.But before she stopped, she noticed the cracks on the ground again, and hurriedly walked a few steps further inside, and she was relieved when there were no cracks.

"Pay attention to these, there may also be cracks here."

"Don't worry, there will be no problem."

Hua Yueling made her feel relieved, but she jumped up hard on her hands.After arriving at the top, he also speeded up his pace and walked a few steps away from the cracked place.

"It's OK."

Hua Yueling said so and tried to use the exploration skills.But everything is the same as before. The exploration skills are useless here, and there is no way to find anything.

"No way, it seems that I can only rely on my own actions to detect, and I can't count on the skills."

Frowning her brow thinking this way, Hua Yueling could only temporarily turn off her exploration skills, and raised her head to look forward.I don't know what is special here, Hua Yueling hasn't noticed it for the time being, but even her own exploration skills have no effect, and it is quite powerful.

"Let's keep going."

Walking over to Abiasha's side, Hua Yueling whispered to her.Abiasha nodded, and the two were cautiously moving forward.

Hua Yueling held the Hidden Dragon Blade tightly in her hand, and Abiasha pulled out the dagger hanging from her waist.

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