The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1417 Fierce Battle

"Abiasha, you also choose a weapon to use and see which one to use."

Hua Yueling asked Abiasha to look for it to see if there was any weapon suitable for her.In fact, there are still many weapons, whether they are bows and arrows or knives and daggers.

He still hopes that Abiasha can choose a suitable weapon, so that it will be easier to fight afterwards.

After Abiatha made some choices, she finally took out a bow, arrow and dagger that looked similar to Hua Yueling's hand.Both of these weapons are bright weapons, and they are quite effective against undead creatures like skeletons.

After the weapon was taken out, the ghost retreated subconsciously. This kind of weapon was also very terrifying to it, and it didn't even dare to approach Hua Yueling and the others.

"Thank you for the weapon, let us come to the next battle, we will meet it up."

Hua Yueling tried the weapon, the two-handed sword shone with golden light, and it felt pretty good to use.There is still some difference between the handle and his handle, but the difference is not so big, it can be used.

Abiasha also tried it. At first, she was still a little uncomfortable. It should be that the bow required more strength than the one she used before.But after trying a few times, it's much better, just get used to it.

"There is no problem?"

After Hua Yueling tried for a while, she felt that it was almost done, so she asked her.Abiasha nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

"Then let's set off." Huayueling took a step out and turned to look at the ghost not far away. "You can find a safe place for a while, and we will find you later."

"The lowest floor, the lowest room,"

"Okay, right, the bottom room, I remember it. We will go over when we finish solving the problem here."

"Be careful, it's very strong, it's not one or two that died in its hands."

"Don't worry, we will be careful. If we can't fight, we will run away, hope we can escape."

"If you run away, come to the lower level, I can take you out, don't force it."

After the ghost said these words, he turned and left reluctantly. It didn't turn around and floated far before turning around to look at them.Huayueling and Abiatha have already moved on along the road, as long as they are going up one floor along the stairs, it won't be long before the skeleton is located.

After going upstairs, Hua Yueling and the others found that the road was still quite quiet, without any enemy's obstruction, allowing them to pass easily.However, they did not relax their vigilance because of this. Instead, they became more cautious. The two of them walked forward cautiously. When they reached the end of the road, they turned a corner, and not far away was a closed door.

Speaking of it, it's a very high level, but there are not many traces of damage here, which makes people feel very strange.

"You have to open the door yourself, but this is dangerous. Abiasha, you stand behind and protect me a little bit. I'll open the door."

"give it to you."

Abiasha also knew that handing over to Hua Yueling was the best choice, so she didn't say anything, and took two steps back, giving way to some distance.Hua Yueling stepped forward, pressed her hands on the door, and pushed it inside.

In the heavy sound, the door was pushed open little by little, but the situation that Hua Yueling expected to be attacked did not happen.The skeletons inside are quite moral, and they don't seem to be able to do anything until they enter.

Looking inside, he saw a huge skeleton, almost three or four times his height, standing up almost to the height of the top floor, and it was slowly walking over.

"Abiasha, come in quickly!"

Hua Yueling reminded Abiasha who was waiting behind her, and at the same time she rushed in and stepped aside.Staring at the huge skeleton, Hua Yueling waited, waiting for the other person to come over.

The bones of the huge skull's mouth opened and closed, and it seemed to want to say something, but maybe it was because of the skull, so it couldn't speak at all.

Only the sound of bitter head collision and its footsteps can be heard.The huge two-handed sword was carried in its hands, rubbing the ground and moving towards this side.

Hua Yueling watched the opponent's movements. Skeleton hadn't made any hostile movements yet, but it looked dangerous.

"Abiasha, be farther away, don't stand with me, otherwise you may be affected!"

With a reminder to Abiatha, Hua Yueling also clenched the two-handed sword with light power.This two-handed sword is more difficult to control than the one he is familiar with. After all, it is a longer sword, and it will take some time to master it completely.

But the battle is not a problem, although it is likely to be affected, but the problem should still be minor.

Hua Yueling ran to the right, while Abiasha ran to the left, and the two ran in different directions.Skeleton chased them, but almost always chased Hua Yueling.Did not care about Abiatha who ran to the other side.

This fits Hua Yueling's mind, so he feels very happy.That's good, he thought so, and didn't rush to attack, but waited to see how the skeleton attacked.

There is still a distance between the two sides. At least Huayueling can't attack at such a distance, but the skeleton is different. His two-handed swords slammed up and swept straight away, accompanied by pitch blackness. The light, that burst of light attacked faster than the two-handed sword.

The range of the attack was so great that it was unrealistic to just dodge in this way, Hua Yueling also frowned embarrassed.If you jump up this time, then the next attack will be difficult to dodge.

"Run forward?"

Hua Yueling observed it. Although there was a gap in front of him, the speed of the skeleton attack was too fast, even if it was too late to rush over.So the best way is to block the first wave of offensive, and then dodge the two-handed sword behind.

"let me try!"

The dwarf shield was erected on the side, and the magic power formed a thin film on it to protect the dwarf shield.In this case, the damage that the magic attack can cause is relatively small, and there should be no problem in this case.

Hua Yueling thought so, and was also observing. He must react very quickly. After all, the magic attack is a physical attack, and he has to dodge. If he used the Dwarf Shield to defend against physical attacks like this, he was looking for death, and he didn't think his power could be compared to such a huge skeleton.

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