
In the heavy sound, Hua Yueling didn't even stop, and the beaten back stepped back. His expression changed and he immediately put away the dwarf shield.Then he jumped into the air with one force before his feet were still standing.

This time, his reaction was fast enough, his two-handed sword attack was fierce enough, not only the magic power shot out, but also brought a terrible wind, that was the aura from its attack.

After Huayueling jumped up, she jumped over the two-handed sword. The two-handed sword swept through the air under the control of the skeleton, but Huayueling's dodge was fast enough.Although the two-handed sword posed a great threat to Hua Yueling, it was not able to hurt him, so he dodged it.

"Huh... it's really dangerous to fight this kind of enemy."

Hua Yueling thought about this, and rushed to the skeleton. If he thought about it this way, instead of waiting for the opponent to attack, he might as well take the initiative to contact the opponent.At a close enough distance, the opponent's attack has no effect, and there is no way to use a two-handed sword to attack, so don't worry too much.

The idea is like this, but whether it works or not has to be said otherwise.Hua Yueling mainly tried it. It would be good if he could, but if it didn't work, he would be able to back up in time to avoid the attack of the skeleton.

When he got close, Hua Yueling attacked the past with a two-handed sword, and slashed heavily on the skeleton's legs with his two-handed sword.The cut was not light, but there was still no bone that could destroy the skeleton. The skeleton didn't even move. After all, it has such a huge body. How could it be possible that such an attack could cause enough damage.

Skeleton raised his foot and stepped on Hua Yueling, but this action was relatively slow, so Hua Yueling had plenty of time to dodge.He dodged aside, avoiding the skeleton's attack, and then swung his two-handed sword and chopped it down, slashing heavily on the skeleton's feet.

The skeleton's bones are very hard, and Hua Yueling's two consecutive attacks failed to cause much damage to it.However, Hua Yueling had already been mentally prepared, so she didn't worry much about this.

Attacking once or twice has no effect, so attack a few more times. Anyway, as long as the number of attacks is enough, the skeleton will definitely fall.

The skeleton bent down and grabbed his other hand without a weapon.Huayueling dodged her body and attacked again.Abiatha in the distance also uses long-range attacks to help him harass the skeletons, but the effect is not very good, and the attack power of the skeletons can only be said to be average.

If they don't change their weapons, they probably won't have any deterrent power. Fortunately, they all changed their weapons, so they can bring some attacks that scare them.The bombardment of weapons with light power on its body actually caused much more damage than ordinary attacks.

The pitch black aura on the skeleton has weakened a bit, and the bones have been damaged a bit, but these are still relatively small.

"Come again!"

In this way, the two sides are attacking you and me. Although Hua Yueling will be taken by some of the Skeleton's attack methods, but more of them still avoid, but even so, he has suffered a lot of injuries.

"Huh, huh... Although the movements are slow, they are really strong in combat, not so easy."

Hua Yueling had expected this a long time ago, but thinking that it was different from a real battle, Hua Yueling felt a bit too uncomfortable.This kind of battle is really too entangled. Fortunately, for the time being, the attack of the skeleton is only a few tricks. As long as you are prepared, it is basically impossible to be hit again.

Fighting with the skeleton in this way, Hua Yueling had already escaped from the situation when it fell into the wind at the beginning. Although it cannot be said to have the upper hand, at least it has not been directly suppressed by the skeleton.Thinking about it, it was really dangerous just now. When the skeleton attacked for the first time, it was far away from it, so that it could exert its weapon performance.

Now it's pretty good. At close range, the skeleton's attack power has dropped a lot, making him a lot easier.

Hua Yueling constantly used various methods to attack, and the two-handed sword kept bombarding the skeleton's body.Either its calf or its feet, but his attack did not cause enough damage to the skeleton.The skeleton is obviously just a skeleton, but it is quite resistant.

"It's amazing, nothing happened yet."

After some attacks, Hua Yueling stepped back a bit, thinking a little surprised.His attack has exhausted his full power, and the weapon he uses is a bright weapon that is more advantageous to this kind of enemy, but even so it has not been able to cause effective damage, although the skeleton's legs and feet have been damaged. , But still different from what he imagined.

"Isn't there even such an attack can be directly destroyed, do you have to use a stronger attack?"

Abiatha in the distance was also attacking, but Abiatha was hiding near the door. At first, she saw the scene when Hua Yueling was attacked. If she was attacked by a skeleton, she would not I feel that I can do better than Hua Yueling.If she was stared at and attacked by the skeleton, she herself didn't know what to do to escape.

The skeleton's weapon slammed down to the ground forcefully, and it hit the place where Hua Yueling was, but Hua Yueling had been prepared for a long time.He made a judgment as soon as the skeleton attacked from the top of his head, and then quickly stepped away from the spot, went straight under the skeleton of the skeleton, and came to the other side. The skeleton's attack naturally failed.

However, the aftermath caused by the smashing of the two-handed sword on the ground still had some impact. Hua Yueling originally wanted to attack immediately, but the action was still a little slower and could not attack.

"We can only wait for the next time."

Hua Yueling is extremely cautious when fighting with the opponent. Only after the opponent makes an attack will find a chance to attack the opponent. Otherwise, if his attack is before the opponent, it is quite dangerous for him. of.

Skeleton backed away and opened the distance between him, but how could Hua Yueling let him get what he wanted, and immediately caught up.The other hand of the skeleton in the sky was waving, and without seeing any special movements, the magic power was condensed to form more than a dozen dark magic light balls, which tracked and attacked Huayueling one by one. , Hua Yueling kept dodging, the pace of tracking was slowed down.

"No, you can't let it pull the distance, otherwise it should be dangerous again!"

This kind of enemy is a bit too difficult to deal with, and Hua Yueling has no choice but to put herself in a favorable position as much as possible.

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