Coming to the lowest level along the way, Hua Yueling used the exploration skills to find the place where the ghost was. They found the ghost in the past.

The ghost was in a relatively small room, and when he saw them coming, he nodded at them.

"You killed it?"

The ghost should have heard the sound from upstairs.But after all, it was such a big noise that it was impossible to hear it, so Hua Yueling nodded.

"But it's still not certain. In the end, it used a very powerful attack and directly destroyed the room. He was smashed by falling rocks from the top of the damaged roof. Although I thought about it later, but in the end there was no response. I think it should be dead."

After listening to his words, the ghost showed a somewhat surprised expression, and then lowered his head as if he was thinking about something.

"Can you wait, I want to go and see."

"Yes, let's go with you."

"Trouble you." The ghost usually asked Huayueling and Abiatha to return to the floor where the skeleton's body was.

"Right here, the skeleton should be underneath."

The ghost floated over there, and Hua Yueling followed with a little worry, but there was no way he could only follow the bottom of the hill.

"Are you okay in the past alone?"

Hua Yueling asked worriedly.If the skeleton hadn't died, it would still be dangerous for it to go in alone, but the ghost himself didn't worry much, and just continued to float forward.

Watching its back with worry from behind, until its figure disappeared in the hill, Hua Yueling still watched there nervously.There is no way to relax.

Abiatha was right beside him, watching there with him, and waiting a little anxiously.

The ghost floated out, and the expression on his face was a bit complicated, which contained both joy and loss and sadness.But overall it is not in a good mood.

This is understandable. After all, this skeleton should have a very close relationship with it, but Hua Yueling and the others don't know what the relationship is.

"I'm lost." After the ghost calmed down, he bowed to Hua Yueling and the others, and then said, "Please come with me, two of you. The ancient teleportation formation is hidden at the lowest end here, and I will take two past."

"sorry to bother you."

Hua Yueling and Abiasha also hurriedly thanked it, but the ghost didn't say anything and just turned around and left here.It can be seen that it is still not in a good mood, it is not even as fast as when it moved, and it does not have to move its eyes to look at the room.No matter how you look at it, it's quite absent-minded.

"If there is anything else that you care about, let's deal with it first. Our side is not so anxious."

Hua Yueling looked at Abiatha next to her and asked her thoughts. Abiatha did not oppose his ideas, but did not react too much.

"No, how can I continue to delay the two of you, I originally forced the two to help, but now..."

"Don’t think so much. We also need to rest. After all, we have just fought such a powerful opponent. If we don’t take a good rest, then we can’t take good action. Let’s rest here for a while. Do what you need to do first. Finish, don't affect your mood."

"……Thank you."

The ghost bowed to them, thanked them again, and then turned around and returned.Hua Yueling and Abiasha looked at each other, both of them showed a slight smile, and went back outside the gate to find a place to sit.

Hua Yueling and the others sat down to rest, while the ghost took advantage of the present time to take action. Hua Yueling and the others didn’t know what it was going to do, they saw its figure drifting among the piles of rocks. It disappeared in there.

The two people stared at the pile of rocks, and none of them spoke.What will the ghost do?They were all curious about it, but no one could answer their questions, nor did the ghost himself.

After a while, a burst of light enveloped the pile of stones, and no movement was seen from the ghost, and the stones suddenly shook.After a short period of time, the stones piled up on the top fell down, and it seemed that the skeleton that was inside had disappeared.

But I still didn't see the ghost coming out, it was still inside, or it went to other places, anyway, I couldn't see her for a while.

Hua Yueling and Abiasha leaned back, both of them closed their eyes and started to rest.Hua Yueling feels quite tired, but Abiasha's fatigue level is not worse than him. After all, after all he has gone through such a battle, it is impossible for him to feel that nothing has happened. The physical strength is a bit exhausted, but fortunately Just take a rest and you can recover.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?"

Hua Yueling turned her head, but did not open her eyes.

"Fortunately, I'm a little tired. I have never experienced such a battle before. Facing such a terrible enemy is simply unimaginable before."

"We still won."

Hua Yueling said again.

"Yes, I won."

Abiatha sighed lightly, feeling somewhat unrealistic, but it turned out to be like this. They defeated that guy. It was a terrible enemy.Skeleton's attack didn't find her very much, but even the only few range attacks made her feel terrified. That kind of attack was really terrifying, and it would be solved directly if it was careless.

In addition, Hua Yueling was taken care of by the skeletons, the kind of attack that swept across with a two-handed sword, she didn't even know how to avoid it.Fortunately, during the battle, the skeleton's attention was basically all on Hua Yueling's body, and he didn't pay much attention to her, otherwise her condition would only be worse than it is now.

However, the final result was good anyway, at least they didn't waste their efforts. In other words, they won the monster of that level, which is also worthy of joy.

Waving his hands and shouted happily, the pressure on his heart was somewhat weakened.

"Next is to go back." Hua Yueling said so "but how to go back has not been studied clearly, at least that teleportation array may be useful."

"Don't you know it then."

"Yes, wait and see, it won't take long."

I opened my eyes and looked forward. The empty room was filled with rubbish and piled up into a hill, and there were a lot of dust and rubble around the hill. One room was messed up and there was nothing at all. Place the foot.

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