Hua Yueling stood up, feeling that he had been resting for a long time, but the ghost had not come back until now. Although he had made such preparations, the length of time the ghost took was somewhat beyond his expectations.

"It's slower than I thought."

Hua Yueling was pacing in place, raising her head to look into the room from time to time.He has already taken a nap, and he feels almost recovered, but waiting like this is not what he wants.He doesn't like to wait, especially in situations where he can't do anything, just wait.

"Go in and take a look."

Abiasha may be too tired next to her, and there is no sign of waking up now, and since this is the case, there is no need to disturb her.Hua Yueling lightly walked past her and came to the door. There was basically no change in the scene from before he fell asleep.

Entering inside, Hua Yueling looked for the ghost, but there was no way to do it even with the exploration skills.It seems that the ghost is really not here now, otherwise it would have come out long ago, and it is impossible to have no response for so long.

Hua Yueling had already prepared for this a long time ago, so after the investigation, he didn't continue to waste time inside, but turned around and sat down again.

"Since there is still time, let's continue to rest for a while."

Hua Yueling thought so, anyway, it's pretty safe here, there is no danger, you can rest as you please.

He lay down again and looked at Abiasha who was sleeping very deep and soundly. He closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep at any time.Not long after lying down like this, Hua Yueling fell asleep, and he slept very quickly and comfortably.

Feeling someone shaking her shoulders, Huayueling woke up and turned around, seeing Abiasha's face that was already relatively familiar.She was looking at herself anxiously.

"What's wrong...?"

Hua Yueling asked in a daze, looking at Abiasha's expression, it seemed that something bad had happened, but Hua Yueling couldn't think of anything for the time being.

"The ghost is gone!"

"No? Isn't it something?"

"But it hasn't appeared until now, it hasn't appeared since a small hour!"

Abiasha looked much more anxious than him, Hua Yueling looked at her a little strangely, shook her head and didn't care too much.

"It’s okay. Didn’t it say that when it left before, it should take more time. Don’t worry, let’s wait and see, anyway, the skeleton is already dead, and it is logically impossible to bring it again. What kind of trouble."


Abiasha still had no way to calm down, still clutching Hua Yueling's shoulders in a state where people could feel her eagerness.

"Don't worry, don't worry, wait and see, we have been waiting for such a long time. Besides, it is not that simple to deal with that kind of thing. Don't be too anxious."

"You are so calm."

Abiatha sighed, but calmed down and sat back in his seat.After sitting down, she leaned her back against the wall, and she felt weak.

"Then I will lie down for a while, and hope it will come back next time I wake up."

"Well, it should be. We waited for a long time. It should be almost the same."

Then the two stopped talking, and both lay quietly waiting in place.However, Hua Yueling was no longer so tired after sleeping twice, and his physical strength was almost restored, so he did not continue to sleep, but just lay and watched the depths of the room.

"Where did it go?"

Hua Yueling is still quite curious about this, after all, it should be in the mountain range where the pile of rocks is piled up, but it is a pity that it is not in it.This is weird. Huayueling actually didn’t find a magic circle or something in it that could be teleported away. In addition, the ghost has never come out, except for a little movement when the skeleton disappeared. There was no reaction outside.

The scope of the investigation was slightly expanded, and the energy consumed naturally increased accordingly, but Hua Yueling found that there were no ghosts on the upper level or the next level.The place it went should not be in this castle, but somewhere else, but he didn't know exactly where it was.

Hua Yueling was a little curious, but now there is no clue, so he can only give up temporarily and wait here.

I don’t know how long it has been. Just when Hua Yueling was a little drowsy, the ghost figure appeared, right beside him, suddenly appeared, but Hua Yueling was scared. A big jump.Fortunately, his reaction was fast, and he was relieved after discovering it was a ghost.

"Why did you get out of here?"

"Sorry, I scared you. I teleported back, so the position is slightly off."

The ghost explained it, but she didn't mean to conceal Hua Yueling, she directly told the fact that she was not here before, but transmitted to other places.

Hua Yueling was not surprised by this, but after all, it was regarded as people's privacy, so he didn't ask much.

"Let you wait a long time."

Seeing Abiasha wake up from a deep sleep, the ghost again apologized to them.

"It's okay, just come back. Then... shall we go now?"

"All right?" Hua Yueling asked for the ghost's opinion. The ghost had no opinion, and directly nodded and agreed.In that case, Hua Yueling didn't say anything, pulled Abiasha to her feet, and walked downstairs behind her.

After waiting for so long, Abiatha also felt a little excited when it came time to act.But her footsteps staggered a bit at first, not so stable.

However, it only took a while, and Abiatha's movements became smooth, without Hua Yueling holding her hand.

The two came to the bottom room, Hua Yueling stared at the room, and suddenly sighed.I don’t know if it’s his illusion. I always feel that things here are going to end after entering. Although the time here is not long, and most of the time is spent fighting and sleeping, but that’s it. Leaving still made him feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"But it's time to leave. I can't stay here any longer."

Hua Yueling knows that too, so if you feel uncomfortable, you still have to go.Thinking this way, he followed the ghost into the room.

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