The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1424 Instant Reaction

Entering the small room, Hua Yueling saw the magic circle on the ground at first glance.It was a magic circle he had never seen before, and it looked very special, and it should be the magic circle only here.

Abiatha also followed in at this time, stopped when she saw the magic circle, but then she continued to walk forward.The two stood side by side in front of the magic circle, both looking at the ghost, waiting for its response.

"You just have to stand up, and then I will activate the magic circle. This should be able to send you where you are when you arrive."

Why did the ghost know so much Hua Yueling did not ask, just walked forward according to its statement, and stood on the magic circle.Abiatha followed him closely and stood up with him.

After the two people stood on the magic circle, the ghost reminded them that the magic circle was about to be activated.Hua Yueling and Abiasha both nodded.After they nodded, the magic circle was activated, and a ray of light gradually enveloped them, and even the magic circle under their feet was gone, and the front was completely white, and nothing was seen.

Hua Yueling and the others disappeared from the magic circle, and the ghosts stared at the empty magic circle, watching quietly.

Both of them lost consciousness, and they didn't know what happened after the magic circle was activated, but fortunately, the situation was not so bad for them.They just lost consciousness and were not in danger.

After being teleported away for an unknown period of time, Hua Yueling woke up and found himself lying on the ground, and not far from him was the figure of Abiasha.She was lying on the ground just like herself, still not awake.

Hua Yueling sat up with her head in her hands, shook her head and looked around. She was in a relatively narrow place with lights, but the lights leaked in from outside.The door was not closed tightly, but a small gap was exposed, through which I could barely see the outside.

"This is... Is this the tall tower?"

Hua Yueling thought so with suspicion, she couldn't help standing up to walk outside.But in the process, he hesitated and glanced at Abiasha, and saw that she was still in a coma. After thinking about it, he decided not to wake her up for the time being. There was no need for it. It would be better to figure out where this is for now.

Looking through the gap, there is a circular corridor outside that is not too long. I don't know where it leads when I walk through it, but it should be a high tower if I cut it over.If it wasn't for the tower, then he really didn't know where it was.

Thinking about it in this way, Hua Yueling opened the door and looked outside. There was no camera here, and there was no one outside, which made him somewhat relieved.He was a little worried about someone here.

"It seems to be safe, and this should really be the tall tower, I guess it's on the upper level."

Hua Yueling returned to the room and woke up Abiatha who was still in a coma. After Abiatha woke up, she was somewhat surprised to see his face.

"what happened again?"

Only after I got up did I notice the change in my place, and I also remembered what happened before the coma.She then realized the changes in the environment.

"Did the transmission succeed?"

"It should be considered a success."

Hua Yueling replied with a less certain words.Abiasha not only looked at him with his head tilted, what is meant by it.

"That means it's not clear where we are. But I think it should have been back. The ghost can't lie to us."

"That's for sure, we also helped it a lot, but it is uncertain where the teleportation array will send people to, but we can't say this. But I think this should be where we are going. It feels like it’s in the tower, not elsewhere."

Hua Yueling said in a more positive tone, Abiasha also nodded, and she thought so when she saw the road outside.In fact, after seeing the road, many people will have this idea, after all, the tower they went to before is the same.

More importantly, they were teleported to that place without knowing anything, and now they were teleported back from there via the teleportation array. No matter what they think, they should be in the same place.

"Go out and have a look."

Opening the door and walking out, the two people walked along the road, but Hua Yueling always had a sense of deja vu during the walk, as if he had been here before.

"Is it my illusion?"

Hua Yueling also told Abiasha of her own thoughts and asked her what she thought, but found that Abiasha also had similar ideas.The feeling here was very familiar to her, as if she had been here before, basically the same as Hua Yueling's thoughts.

But sometimes it's normal to feel this way. Hua Yueling temporarily gave up and continued thinking after thinking about it for a while and didn't think of anything.There is no need to worry about this, there are still important things to do for him.

Some familiar here may be seen somewhere before.

With this thought in mind, Hua Yueling put the question aside, and the two of them bypassed the curve and came to the outside of a large room.


"Yeah, it feels very similar to the place back then."

Abiasha nodded, just by looking at each other with Hua Yueling, it became clear what each other thought.The door in front of them looked familiar and couldn't be familiar anymore. Although they saw it in a dark place before, it was not particularly clear, but they were still able to determine that this must be a place they had seen.

"It's that place. Is the transmission wrong? And this place..."

There is a big difference from the place they have seen, but the difference is in form.Otherwise, the two people will not have no way to confirm whether this is a place they know at first.

"Go in and take a look, I don't know what the situation is like now."

Pushing the door open, it was Hua Yueling who was still doing this, while Abiatha was watching from behind.After the door was pushed open, Hua Yueling walked in, but to his surprise, there was nothing in the room, except that there was a statue in the center, which was a statue they were not familiar with.

The statue should look like a king, wearing his noble armor, holding a long sword and a shield in his hand, it can be seen that neither the long sword nor the shield is ordinary.This is a very, very tall statue, at least three meters in height, almost reaching the roof.

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