The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1431 Big Wooden Door

After Hua Yueling and Abiatha bid farewell to Kamaya, they walked all the way down the stairs.The torches on the walls on both sides followed the sound of footsteps along the way. The downward path was still like that, bright, and the road was quite spacious.

The distance is occupied by the light of the flame, but there are also some places that the light of the flame cannot take into account, and those places are still a little unclear.

But Hua Yueling and the others didn't care about this. After all, they didn't really care about that kind of place. After all, they were all unimportant places, just some corners.And if you look closely, you can actually see what is in those places.

There was nothing worth noting about the whole downward path, so Hua Yueling and the others didn't say anything, and walked down quickly.

At the end of the road was a closed door. Hua Yueling went forward and wanted to open the door, but found that the door was tightly closed. Just pushing it up like this had no effect and was unable to push it. open.

"The door is closed tightly."

Hua Yueling said differently, pushing hard again, but it still didn't work.He then gave up, took a step back and reconsidered the strange-looking door in front of him.

It seems to be just a big wooden door, except for the weird carving on it, there is nothing worth noting, but I don’t know why, the big wooden door seems to be firmly fixed, there is no way to push it open. .

"Is there something like a mechanism that can't be opened without using a mechanism?"

Hua Yueling kept this suspicion and looked at the big wooden door in front of her, but there was no switch in her eyes.

"When I came down, Kamaya didn't say that there would be a gate here?"

Staring at the door in front of him strangely, if there is no way to open it, the only way is to go back and ask Kamaya directly.Although I have to go back, it is better than waiting here, and waiting here is just a waste of time.

"Abiasha, have you found any mechanism?"

Hua Yueling didn't notice it herself, so she placed her hope on Abiasha, but Abiasha's answer still disappointed him.Abiatha did not find any organs that could be used either. The passage was empty and there was nothing.

"Then go back, there is no other way."

As he said so, he remembered using the exploration skills and explored the vicinity, but still nothing was found.This made him feel very strange, even if there was no way to explore some places, but he had explored all the places that could be explored, and there was no trace of the existence of institutions anywhere.

Shaking his head to dispel this thought, Hua Yueling took the initiative to walk back.Back at the entrance, the entrance door was still open, but Kamaya was no longer here.

After walking out, Hua Yueling went into the aisle outside, but did not find Kamaya.

"Is it in his room?"

Outside the room, Hua Yueling knocked on the door, but received no response, which meant that Kamaya was not inside.

"Hey? That's weird, where did he go?"

Hua Yueling scratched his head and decided to set out to explore the underground world, but it turned out to be like this in the end. After a while, it will take some time to find Kamaya. He doesn't want to waste this time, but he has no choice. .

There is no way to open the door without finding Kamaya, so Hua Yueling must find the other party.But where the other party is now is still a problem. After searching for Hua Yueling on the first floor, she didn't find the other party's figure, as if she had disappeared out of thin air like this.

"What's the matter, is it still on the upper level?"

Huayueling thought that Kamaya would wait for them below, but now it seems that he thinks too much. Kamaya did not do this, did not stay below, but ran upstairs.This is weird. Is there anything wrong with the other party?

But since they couldn't find it on the first floor, they could only go upstairs. Hua Yueling took Abiasha, and the two of them came all the way upstairs, basically unimpeded along the way.Soon they reached the place where they met Kamaya before.

"Camaya, we had a hard time looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come back again."

Hua Yueling couldn't help saying this after finding the other party, and at the same time walked to the other side.

"Hey, why did you two come out so soon?"

Standing in front of the statue, Kamaya turned around when he heard the footsteps. When he saw Hua Yueling and Abia, he showed a surprised expression and asked them.

"Camaya, there are some things you haven't told us about in the underground world. When we got down, we encountered a closed gate, and there was no way for the two of us to get in."

Hua Yueling shrugged, helplessly speaking out the problems she had encountered.

"The closed door?"

Kamaya was also surprised after hearing it, and it seemed that he didn't even know it, which made Huayueling frowned.

"Don't you know? It's impossible. It's just a big wooden door that you can see right down the steps. I tried to push it open, but I couldn't move it. No switch was found nearby."

Kamaya looked something wrong, and Hua Yueling asked quickly.

"No, the lower ones should be open. Generally speaking, you only need to close the upper entrance. It doesn't matter inside. I remember that it should be open before. I didn't close that. A door. Please wait a minute, I'll go over with the two of you to have a look."

Kamaya finished saying that, turned around and lowered his head and muttered, not knowing what he was muttering, then turned around and walked outside first.

Hua Yueling glanced at Abiasha, and the two followed his figure all the way back to the entrance of the underground world.

The three of them went in together and went all the way down the stairs to the big wooden door.

"That's it, I push it, but I can't push it. Is there a mechanism?"

"Yes, there is indeed a mechanism to control this, but it is not here."

"Where is it, can you open it?" Hua Yueling asked quickly. He was particularly anxious to take action, but Kamaya's answer was beyond his expectations.I saw Kamaya shook his head and said "No."

"It's not that I don't want to open it to the two of you, but the mechanism here is actually inside the underground meter, not outside."

"Wait, what did you say?!"

Hua Yueling was really surprised by his answer, the switch was actually inside, how could it be turned on!

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