"Because the door here is actually used to prevent some conditions, so the switch is set inside. You also know that the adult can pass through the wall and is a ghost, so this mechanism is specially designed for her. of."

"Then what if she is not there?"

Hua Yueling hurriedly asked, this is an important problem, if there is no solution, they can only wait here, wait until the ghost comes back.Although Hua Yueling wanted to see him, it was not what he wanted to see him in this way.

It's not good to waste too much time here, he still hopes to go back sooner.After all, I have spent so much time in the illusion world. Although I know that it will not be long in the real world, I still want to go back as soon as possible.

"What should I do, none of the three of us can get in, right?"

Hua Yueling looked at Kamaya when she said this. Since Kamaya had said that before, it meant that he couldn't get in either.And if he can't get in, they really can't do anything, unless there is another way to get in, but it depends on Kamaya.

"I think about it, please stay calm, there is definitely a way."

Kamaya was also a little anxious for a while, constantly spinning around in a circle, it seemed that he was also very distressed, and could not think of a particularly good way for the time being.Wandering back and forth in the same place, he kept thinking about possible ways, but no good idea emerged.

It's easiest to get in and turn on the switch, but as he said before, he can't get in.

"I remember there should be a way to go down."

Kamaya said this, and started walking around here, his eyes fell on the walls on both sides, but he quickly closed it back.It seems that there are other ways to get in here.

"Are there any other passages here?"

"I don't know very well, but there should be a way to go in, but it should be hidden. I heard about it not long ago, but I don't remember exactly where it is."

Hua Yueling also told him not to worry, just think slowly.Kamaya was holding his head with both hands, and it seemed to have a headache. Hua Yueling and Abiatha couldn't help much, so they could only watch them by the side.

After walking around here for a while, Kamaya seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly ran up the stairs, Hua Yueling and Abiasha also followed closely.After exiting the entrance, he ran out of the room, then to the outside passage, and ran deep along the passage.

Hua Yueling and Abiasha followed him closely, and the three of them were chasing each other not far apart.When it was about to end, Kamaya suddenly stopped, turned and pushed the door next to him and walked in.

Then I entered a room with magic lights emitting light. The light in this room was relatively dark, which was also due to the fact that the magic lights were not very bright.If the magic lamp can be brighter, it won't be so dark here.

But what Huayueling and the others are focusing on now is not this, but Kamaya's actions.After he came in, he was rummaging through boxes and cabinets everywhere, looking like they were looking for something, Hua Yueling and Abiasha were very puzzled, and the two of them couldn't figure out what he was looking for.

But Kamaya looked very anxious, looked in the room, and finally moved the cabinet at the corner of the wall, and saw a hidden copper wire emerged.

"This is it!"

Kamaya pointed to the revealed passage and said.

"Go in from here?"

Hua Yueling and Abiasha came forward and asked.I saw Kamaya nodded, saying that's it.

"Just go in directly?"

"Well, you can go to the underground world from here, but here is to a room inside. It's better to be careful after you two enter, don't move, understand the situation around and then act, this road is somewhat dangerous. "

"We will remember. By the way, where the switch is, don't need to be very precise, as long as it is a rough location."

"The location of the switch...it should be not long after the wooden door entered. I have forgotten it too, but if you can't find it nearby, you can look for it inside the house, maybe you can find something."

"Investigate the inside of the house, yes, I'll take this down, then we will set off."

"Please be careful, two of you."

Kamaya said this to make room for them, Hua Yueling and Abiasha went down this secret passage until they reached the lowest point, and found that they should have come into a room.It's just that it's dark and there is no light.

"I thought there would be magic lights and the like, but I didn't think about it when I built it."

After looking around, Hua Yueling found the magic lamp hanging on the wall, but remembering what Kamaya had said, he took Abiasha's hand and signaled her not to act in a hurry.

"Wait and see, there seems to be a monster in it. I don't know how many enemies there are outside, so I'd better understand the situation."

In fact, even action is nothing, as long as it doesn't make too much noise, Hua Yueling cautiously moved to the door, listening to the outside sound with her ears on the door.

"Well, it seems that some monsters are there. When you go out for a while, watch it a little bit and go to a safe place."

"Don't worry, although I am not as strong as you, I can't reach the point where I can't deal with monsters."

"Sorry, I'm a little used to saying this, and I don't mean to look down on you."

Abiasha nodded, smiled at him and said that she didn't care, which made Hua Yueling relieved.He was really afraid of making the other party unhappy because he said this to the other party. Now it seems okay, Abiasha didn't take it very seriously.

After finding the magic lamp, I ignited it with magic power, and the whole room was illuminated by the light of Orchid in an instant.The layout of the room is probably clear, but there is nothing worth noting, even if you want to, that kind of magic props will not be placed here anyway, so they don't have to bother to come here.

He opened the door and ran out. Abiatha followed him out. The two of them went outside. The sound of footsteps attracted the attention of nearby monsters. When they approached, they turned around and found Hua Yueling and the others smashed over one by one. .

"Be careful!"

Reminded Abiatha, Huayueling rushed up with one of the strongest looking ones, swept up the magic with his two-handed swords.

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